vacant abandoned properties vacant abandoned properties

Vacant & Abandoned Properties Vacant & Abandoned Properties - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Vacant & Abandoned Properties Vacant & Abandoned Properties 1,000 houses in 1,000 days: Community Update D e c e m b e r 7 , 2 0 1 5 Outline Where We Started Reaching 1,000 House Goal Where We Are Today What We

  1. Vacant & Abandoned Properties Vacant & Abandoned Properties 1,000 houses in 1,000 days: Community Update D e c e m b e r 7 , 2 0 1 5

  2. Outline • Where We Started • Reaching 1,000 House Goal • Where We Are Today • What We Heard • Lessons Learned and Path Forward

  3. A Growing Concern Population change, 1970 - 2010 Foreclosures, 2001 - 2007

  4. A Growing Concern Source: 1960 – 2010 Decennial Census; 2014 ACS 1-Year Estimate

  5. Abandoned properties as of Feb. 2013

  6. A Growing Concern Cost of Blight - Crime: Austin, TX study found blocks with vacant buildings had increased PD calls: - 3.2X more drug related - 2X violence related - 1.8X more theft related calls - Corrosive effect on neighboring property values - Houses < 150 feet of V&A property experienced net loss of $7,627 in value in a Philadelphia study Source: Vacant Properties: The True Costs to Communities. National Vacant Properties Campaign. 2005.

  7. Addressing the Issue 1,000 Houses/ 1,000 Days - Vacant & Abandoned properties are: houses that no one has lived in for at least 90 days AND has a housing code violation that has not been addressed for more than 30 days - Myths: • City owns all V&A properties • 1000/1000 initiative was only a - Task Force Report demolition program - Data Driven Decision Making • City owns vacant lots after - Code Enforcement demolition - Land Banks & Tax Sales • City demolished occupied - Resources & Reuse dwellings

  8. Addressing the Issue Timeline Launch V&A portal on Code Inspectors V&A Task Force city website Report published certified as Asbestos Building Code Enforc. 1,000 houses in 1,000 Code “ Super ” Inspectors field blitz days announced Hearings 2013 August February May June State Blight Elimination City ’ s Policy and Criteria for Mobile collector app Program award Modification of Demolition launched for environmental announced Orders finalized violations 2014 October April June Accela launched for 1,000 th house Day environmental violations 1000 addressed 2015 April Nov Sept

  9. Key Outcomes Deconstructed 1% Repaired 39% Demolish ed 61%

  10. Where We Are Today Inventory of Vacant and Abandoned Houses 333 1122 1035 246 Start (March 2013) New V&A Houses Houses Addressed Day 1,000

  11. Where We Are Today 1. V&A Houses : Now a manageable problem still needing attention 129 V&A properties 246 Current 80 new V&A to address Challenge V&A properties annually Properties per year through 2020 Addressing 129 V&A properties per year, at current demolition rate, would require 78 demolitions per year. In 2016 budget, $500,000 will cover an estimated 33 demolitions without collections. Cost Burden: Prevention : Efficiency: Goals Reduce Reduce V&A Reduce Public Demo Additions Demolition Costs Rate

  12. Where We Are Today Inventory of Vacant Lots 689 333 689 Vacant Lots 1122 1035 433 689 Repaired 246 Start (March 2013) New V&A Houses Houses Addressed Day 1,000

  13. Where We Are Today Interim Public Ownership Maintain, Sell 689 Total Vacant Lots for Side lots 61 and Infill Development 67 BEP held for 128 Partners (SBHF, NNN, 561 UEA) Privately Owned To be Publicly Owned

  14. Where We Are Today 2. Vacant Lots : A new challenge that requires varied approaches About 1,000 33-78 vacant lots 689 Current Challenge additional to address Vacant lots lots per year through 2020 Goals Maintain Lots in Return Lots to Interim Productive Use

  15. What We Learned ISSUE CHALLENGE RESPONSE/ADAPTATION • Created new, comprehensive list of Reliable data is elusive but Paper-based Code department, critical for program Information dispersed in several abandoned properties categories by implementation locations; case management condition code • 2 week ‘ blitz ’ by staff to survey entire city • Integrated quantitative and qualitative data into GIS mapping • Information made available on-line • Reorganized the Code Department Redundancy and General operations and skills • Certified as Asbestos Building Inspectors inefficiency in certain needed for scaled effort • Software upgrades to redefine Workflow existing processes • Shortened re-inspection Underutilized Unsafe Building Law as effective enforcement timeframe/process from years to months • Introduced Hearing Process to increase tool owner response • Utilized Continuous Enforcement Orders • Established policy and criteria for No formal process to allow repair for house with a demo order modification of Demolition Orders • Revised process to bid through BPW; Effective implementation of bid demolition orders enabled scaling of effort and coordination with utilities • Engaged collections firm Inefficient collections process

  16. What We Learned ISSUE CHALLENGE RESPONSE/ADAPTATION • Collaboration with County for focused Cooperative partnerships Information and processes are essential straddle several levels of land-transfers to City • Integration of GIS / property data government • Psuedo-land bank to hold and maintain Ownership is central Disposition of properties; no challenge land bank authorization in properties to be transferred/sold • Partnership with County on tax sale Indiana transfers • Opportunity Space site/ Process Mapping

  17. What We Heard FOCUS GROUP THEMES DESIRED OUTCOMES PROPOSED ACTIVITIES Better communication Property Acquisition FAQs on V&A/tax sale processes on code enforcement Explore new tax sale legislation with County and other city processes User friendly interface to see city owned lots Responsible Home Ownership Property Owner Responsibility FAQ ’ s Resident Information Booklet Clear Code Enforcement Process Code Enforcement FAQ ’ s Clear City Processes Materials explaining City processes Improve interim Property Maintenance DCI Consolidated Property Maintenance conditions of remaining Neighborhood Enhancement Action Team houses and vacant lots Effective Enforcement Change inspection fleet vehicles Continue enforcement of Unsafe Building Law Continuous enforcement Engage Collections Firm Improved Billing Process Address unresponsive Responsive Landlords Landlord Registration Ordinance owners and non-local Responsive Neighborhood Investors Landlord Licensing Ordinance owners Increase Access to Prevention of V&A Houses and Pilot Programs (e.g. Vacant to Value Repair Resources Vacant Lots Grant, Targeted Exterior Repair Grant) Reuse of Vacant Lots Productive Reuse Pilot Programs and Policies (e.g. Vacant Lot Competition, Targeted redevelopment efforts)

  18. Moving Forward Objectives: 1. Prevent Future V&A Houses 2. Increase Repair Rate of Remaining V&A Houses 3. Reduce Public Costs of Demolitions 4. Maintain Vacant Lots during interim 5. Move Vacant Lots into Productive Uses

  19. Moving Forward Reduce public costs Prevention Healthy Vacant Houses Houses Repair Efficiency Shift costs to Maintain V&A property City-Owned Parcels owners Infill Development DCI Prop Maint ’ Productive Reuse Pilot Programs • Vacant Side Lot • Lots Vacant Lot Competition Promote Creative Reuse • Community Gardens Productive Reuse Code Enforcement • Urban Agriculture Maintain Non-City Owned Parcels

  20. Moving Forward 1. Prevention and Increasing Repair Rate – Housing Programs GOAL OUTCOME ACTIVITY Pre and Post Purchase Counseling; Promoting homeownership Educated Buyers Homebuyer Education Principal reduction and closing costs Home Purchase Financing assistance (Comm Homebuyers Corp) Acquire, rehab, sell (e.g H4H,SBHF, Acquisition/rehab NNN, etc) New Construction Gap financing (e.g. Lincoln Park Dev) Mortgage Delinquency/Default Resolution Counseling, Hardest Hit Maintaining homeownership Resilient Homeowners Funds (HHF) Grants for specific repairs on a home Improving housing stock Home Repair (SBHIP, Ext Repair Match Grant) Landlord Registration Improving rental housing Home Repair & Maintenance Landlord Licensing Matching grant for code violations and Managing code violations Home Repair other repairs (V2V Match Grant)

  21. Moving Forward 2. Maintaining Vacant Lots and Returning to Productive Use GOAL OWNERSHIP OF ACTIVITY LOT Maintaining Lots City-owned DCI Consolidated Property Maintenance Non City-owned Continuous Enforcement of Mowing and Illegal Dumping Returning Lots to City-owned Targeted acquisition/pseudo land bank Productive Use • Disposition criteria • Development • Neighborhood Stewardship • Market Available Parcels Non City-owned Engage private sector/residents • Information sharing on gaining ownership • Working w/County on V&A sale reform • Facilitation to CDC ’ s for development • Side lot grants

  22. Moving Forward

  23. Moving Forward

  24. To learn more about the Vacant & Abandoned Property Initiative visit The Task Force Report is available at


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