ecomove how to make cooperative systems eco friendly

eCoMove: How to make cooperative systems eco-friendly Isabel - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

eCoMove: How to make cooperative systems eco-friendly Isabel Wilmink, TNO eCoMove vision and motivation Energy eCoMove Solutions Wasted energy due to : - Inefficient deceleration - Wrong gear

  1. eCoMove: How to make cooperative systems eco-friendly Isabel Wilmink, TNO

  2. eCoMove vision and motivation Energy eCoMove Solutions Wasted energy due to : - Inefficient deceleration - Wrong gear & engine speed eCoMove benefit - Excessive speed, acceleration - Poor anticipation ecoSmartDriving - Congestion - Poorly synchronised signals ecoFreight & Logistics - Choice of inefficient route ecoTrafficManagement + Control Residual wasted energy - Lack of know-how, motivation ~ ~ ~ ~ Energy consumption of Energy consumption of ~ ~ ~ ~ “perfect eco-driver” “perfect eco-driver” Situation today The future Time

  3. Finding the answer: Focus on existing inefficiencies • Pre-trip inefficiencies – Vehicle condition – Trip planning • On-trip inefficiencies – Primary driving tasks • Accelerating/decelerating • Gear changing • Idling • Keeping speed • Unnecessary stops – Secondary driving tasks • Inefficient routing (due to unexpected events) – Non-driving tasks • Vehicle condition & (electrical) energy consumers

  4. Project objectives To develop a combination of cooperative systems and tools using V2V and V2I communication to help: • drivers sustainably eliminate unnecessary fuel consumption; • fleet managers manage their vehicles more economically and promote eco-driving through feedback & incentives; • road operators balance traffic flows in the most energy efficient way. Target is to reduce up to 20% fuel consumption and therefore CO 2 emission

  5. Research questions 1. To what extent can eCoMove solutions decrease fuel consumption / CO 2 emissions of vehicle/fleet/network with cooperative technologies ? 2. How can eCoMove sustainably change the behaviour of private and professional drivers into a more eco- friendly driving style ? 3. What impact have eCoMove solutions in a cooperative environment for the traffic system of a city/region/network (smoother flows, congestion avoidance, shorter travel distances and times)?

  6. Development flow WP3 WP3 WP4: Technical Development WP4: Technical Development WP5 WP5 WP6 WP6 WP2 WP2 Core technologies Core technologies SP2 SP2 Requirements Architecture Verification Validation In-car applications In-car applications SP3 SP3 In-truck applications In-truck applications SP4 SP4 Infrastructure applications Infrastructure applications SP5 SP5 SP6 SP6

  7. Main activities • Develop eCoMove core technologies (SP2) – V2V & V2I communication platform based on CVIS & SAFESPOT projects results – Standardised cooperative messages for energy efficiency-relevant information exchange – ecoMap (digital map database enhanced with eco-relevant attributes) – ecoModels to advise optimal driving and traffic control strategies (micro- and macroscopic levels) • Develop eCoMove applications ecoSmartDriving applications for fuel-efficient driving behaviour (SP3) – – eco Freight & Logistics applications for green freight routing and fuel consumption- optimised logistics (SP4) – ecoTrafficManagement & Control applications for energy-efficient traffic control & management measures (SP5) • Test and validate eCoMove system (SP6) – In 5 field trials and simulation environment – User acceptance and cost-benefit analysis

  8. ecoSmartDriving applications (SP3) • ecoTripPlanning (pre trip) application to enable green routing • ecoSmartDriving (on trip) comprising three applications dynamic ecoNavigation : integrating information from the traffic centre, – infrastructure, ecoMaps, ecoCooperative Horizon ecoDriving support : dynamic advice to drive with least fuel consumption based – on driving context, traffic, driving tasks and strategies, driver’ driving style, vehicle typology and fuel usage ecoInformation : information to tune other vehicle functions to minimise fuel – consumption • ecoPostTrip (post trip) driver’s record used to optimise eco-driving coaching • ecoMonitoring relevant eco floating car data distributed anonymously to the traffic control centre

  9. ecoFreight & Logistics (SP4) • in-vehicle Truck ecoNavigation, i.e. most efficient route for trucks • ecoDriver Coaching System for goods vehicle drivers: – Pre-trip : ecoDriving training system with virtual simulator where the driver experiences the eCoMove system and its use cases – On-trip : real-time eco driving advice on in-vehicle display – Post-trip : fleet management backoffice to analyse trends, give feedback to the drivers, handle incentives • cooperative ecoTour Planning taking into account previous missions – Find the best combination of vehicle, trailer, route, driver, system configuration based on Mission information, Traffic Management data, Truck & driver models and Routing system – Feedback from previous missions to adapt /optimise the planning & routing system

  10. ecoTrafficManagement & Control (SP5) • ecoAdaptive Balancing & Control strategies for traffic control, improving traffic network energy efficiency through traffic signal optimisation • ecoAdaptive Traveller Support to drivers through information on traffic state, route recommendations and speed profile data needed by on-board assistance systems • ecoMotorway Management combining energy-optimised flow management on interurban network with ramp metering and merging assistance at vehicle level

  11. Validation & Evaluation (SP6) • Conduct a study on European level on driver motivation and behavioural change • Validate that eCoMove technologies, applications and services meet the functional and non-functional requirements (e.g. data privacy and protection) • Demonstrate that the eCoMove framework supports the interaction of the applications and services to meet the expectations of all stakeholders • Show that eCoMove technologies, applications and services enable a more energy efficient land-based transport of passengers and goods

  12. eCoMove Assessment concept applications for cars, trucks and traffic management Field trials Driving simulator Individual Application assessment (Munich, Helmond, Torino) studies assessment of applications using different methods Integration of Improved Improved findings from field driver driver trials and driving Microscopic traffic performance performance simulator studies network simulation into the traffic (Munich, Helmond, simulation model for French motorways) subsequent system assessment System assessment Assessment of the eCoMove system using Assessment of the traffic simulation eCoMove system models and emission (network simulation of Munich, models. Qualitative Helmond & French motorways ) assessment of long 12 term effects

  13. Validation categories & performance indicators • Environment – fuel consumption, CO 2 emissions (in total, per trip or per vehicle per km or tkm), other emissions (CO, NO X ) • Mobility – total/individual travel times, delays, number of stops, network speed, level of service • Driver behaviour – Safety: times to collision, time headways, variations in speed, # hard braking events, speeding, distraction and workload – Compliance: following advices: on vehicle condition and on strategic, tactical and operational driving – Driver performance: gear changes, acceleration & deceleration performance, speed, idling – User acceptance: system on/off, usefulness, ease of use, satisfaction with the system

  14. eCoMove test sites Helmond 5 test sites with – Different traffic conditions Motorway A9 Badhoevedorp French – Different situations Motorways – Different scenarios 3 1 and possibilities to cover eCoMove use 2 cases Torino Munich

  15. Driving simulator studies • Implementing and testing eCoMove applications in a controlled environment • Fourstudies planned to cover different research questions (DLR, TUM, VOLVO, TNO) • Testing different feedback and training strategies to improve driver performance: – Gear changes, acceleration & deceleration, compliance rate, HMI design, distraction Driver Driver User User Environment Environment Mobility Mobility Safety Safety Compliance Compliance _ _ performance performance acceptance acceptance 15

  16. Traffic network simulation • VISSIM environments of Munich, Helmond and French motorways • eCoMove traffic management apps run in real-time mode • Changes in driver performance are modelled based on findings from field trials and driving simulator studies • Assessing direct and indirect effects: – total/individual travel times, delays, number of stops, network speed, level of service, – fuel consumption, CO 2 emissions (in total, per trip or per vehicle per km or tkm), other emissions (CO, NO X ) Driver Driver User User Environment Environment Mobility Mobility Safety Safety Compliance Compliance _ _ performance performance acceptance acceptance 16

  17. Impact assesment, CBA, Roadmap • Results from impact assessments are used in cost-benefit analysis • Remaining tasks in project: – Barriers to implementation: as encountered in the project, as expected for the near future – Roadmap: when are eCoMove applications ready for wide-scale implementation? • Final step: Integration of all results


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