training and consulting programs for smes what we are

Training and Consulting Programs for SMEs: What We Are Learning - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Training and Consulting Programs for SMEs: What We Are Learning Evidence Dialogue on SME Development in Kenya Elizabe abeth K th Koshy hy Program Manager, SME Program Innovations for Poverty Action

  1. Training and Consulting Programs for SMEs: What We Are Learning Evidence Dialogue on SME Development in Kenya ​ Elizabe abeth K th Koshy hy ​ Program Manager, SME Program ​ Innovations for Poverty Action ​

  2. Outline In brief 1. Why management of SMEs matters 2. Evidence on Training programs 3. Evidence on Consulting programs 4. Key Takeaways 5. Open questions

  3. ​ Management Matters How Do We Measure Management? World Management Survey measures: 35+ 20,000+ 18 Standard practices Countries Firms OPERATIONS MONITORING TARGETS PEOPLE Bloom and Van Reenen (2007) – Center For Economic Performance (LSE) – World Management Survey (since 2012)

  4. ​ Management Matters Scores in Manufacturing United States 3.308 Japan 3.230 Germany 3.210 Sweden 3.188 Canada 3.142 Great Britain 3.033 France 3.015 Australia 2.997 Italy 2.978 Mexico 2.899 Poland 2.887 Singapore 2.861 New Zealand 2.851 Northern Ireland 2.839 Portugal 2.826 Republic of Ireland 2.762 Chile 2.752 Spain 2.748 Greece 2.720 China 2.712 Turkey 2.706 Argentina 2.699 Brazil 2.684 Africa India 2.611 Vietnam 2.608 Asia Colombia 2.578 Kenya 2.549 Nigeria Oceania 2.516 Nicaragua 2.397 Myanmar 2.372 Europe Zambia 2.316 Tanzania 2.254 Latin America Ghana 2.225 Ethiopia 2.221 Mozambique North America 2.027 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 Average Management Scores, Manufacturing

  5. ​ Management Matters Scores Per Country Quality of Management Worldwide 3.5 United States 3.25 Germany Sweden Japan Average management practices Canada France Australia 3 Italy United Kingdom Singapore Mexico Poland New Zealand Portugal Republic of Ireland 2.75 Spain Turkey Chile Greece Brazil China Argentina Vietnam Colombia Kenya India 2.5 Management scores by country Nigeria Nicaragua Myanmar strongly correlated with GDP Zambia Tanzania 2.25 Ghana Ethiopia per capita Mozambique 2 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 11 11.5 Ln of 10 year average GDP based on PPP per capita GDP (current int'l $ - Billions) Latin America North America Africa Europe Oceania Asia Linear (average management scores)

  6. ​ Management Matters Scores Per Country ​ A large number of poorly managed firms explain the difference in the quality of management between countries. 6

  7. Management Matters ​ At the Firm Level Why can some firms get so much more output out of the same inputs? 1. Is low managerial capital a problem for SMEs? 2. What works when it comes to improving management practices of SMEs?

  8. Traditional Training ​ Evidence on Training Classroom-based, Curriculum-heavy Improved knowledge to and runs on Regular times manage a firm

  9. Rules of Thumb Financial Training ​ Evidence on Training: Dominican Republic Simplified Traditional training training Traditional accounting principles Simple rules for financial decision making Administ Ad stered by sa same qualified local inst stru ructors rs Drexler, Alejandro, Gregory Fischer and Antoinette Schoar. 2014. "Keeping It Simple: Financial Literacy and Rules of Thumb." American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 6 (2): 1-31.

  10. Rules of Thumb: Results ​ Evidence on Training: Dominican Republic ​ Participants of the simplified program were the only ones showing improvement in both business practices and business performance outcomes. 6-12 Percentage points more Higher revenue in bad Greater impact on firms likely to separate business weeks with lower education and personal cash

  11. Entrepreneurial Mindset Training ​ Evidence on Training: Togo Mindset Traditional training training Traditional business curriculum by IFC Mindset of self-starting behavior Sa Same duration: 36 h class ss + monthly visi sits s for r 4 months Campos, Francisco, et al. "Teaching personal initiative beats traditional training in boosting small business in West Africa." Science 357.6357 (2017): 1287-1290.

  12. Entrepreneurial Mindset Training: Results ​ Evidence on Training: Togo ​ A Training focused on entrepreneurial mindset was more successful at increasing sales and profits. 30% 17% Increase in profits Increase in sales No effect on business survival

  13. Business training and Mentoring ​ Evidence on Training: Kenya Business training Business training developed by the ILO with a gender perspective Photo credit: Tugela Rid McKenzie, David and Susana Puerto. “Growing Markets through Business Training for Female Entrepreneurs." World Bank Policy Research Working Paper no. 7993 (2017).

  14. Business training and Mentoring: Results ​ Evidence on Training: Kenya ​ Business training increased sales and profits without taking from non- treated firms. 10% 18% 15% Increase in sales Increase in profits Increase in use of managerial practices *30% increase for training + mentoring

  15. Key Takeaways ​ Evidence on Training • Traditional training has limited impact on business outcomes. One size does not fit all • Benefits to reducing the complexity of the training for less educated firms • Also benefits to focusing on the soft skills and mindset needed in a manager • Differences in the quality, content, and intensity of training , as well as the characteristics of the recipient enterprises matter,

  16. Consulting Programs ​ Evidence on Consulting Dedicated consultant, diagnostic, Improved knowledge to implementation period manage a firm

  17. Consulting for MSMEs ​ Evidence on Consulting: Mexico Intensive consulting 1 year Photo credit: Paul Smith Miriam Bruhn, Dean Karlan, and Antoinette Schoar, "The Impact of Consulting Services on Small and Medium Enterprises: Evidence from a Randomized Trial in Mexico," Journal of Political Economy 126, no. 2 (April 2018): 635-687.

  18. Consulting for MSMEs: Results ​ Evidence on Consulting: Mexico ​ Subsidized managerial consulting to Mexican SMEs boosted their productivity and hiring Higher 57% Better bus busine ness en entr trep epren eneu euria ial l ces : better pr practi ctice spirit : sp accounting & confidence & Long-run increase in marketing control employment

  19. Group Consulting ​ Evidence on Consulting: Colombia Individual Group consulting consulting Ind Individua ual co cons nsul ulting: ng: 500 ho hour urs over 6 mont nths hs Gr Group up co cons nsul ulting: ng: 408 ho hour urs over 6 mont nths hs Iacovone, Leonardo, William Maloney, David McKenzie. “Improving Management with Individual and Group-Based Consulting: Results from a Randomized Experiment in Colombia.” The World Bank, 2019.

  20. Group Consulting: Results ​ Evidence on Consulting: Colombia ​ Both group and individual consulting improved their management, but group consulting also increased employment 8-10% 12% Group consulting saw larger be bene nefit t Improvement in Increase in for for cos ost management practices employment

  21. Lessons About Human Capital ​ Summary 1. Mixed results on training programs for SMEs. Need for customization—not one-size-fits-all. 2. High-quality, intensive consulting services can improve managerial capacity and firm performance.

  22. Open Questions Human Capital 1. What type of training content works and for which type of SME? 2. How do we make consulting services cost- effective ? 3. How do we develop a market for consulting services?

  23. Thank you


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