the race to a complete digital lifestyle wearable

The Race to a Complete Digital Lifestyle & Wearable Technology - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Race to a Complete Digital Lifestyle & Wearable Technology By Vincent Siu BUS 550 historical trends Larger Smaller Less More current market trends current market trends Buy in addi1on Buy

  1. The Race to a Complete Digital ¡ Lifestyle & Wearable Technology By ¡Vincent ¡Siu ¡ BUS ¡550 ¡

  2. historical trends Larger Smaller Less More

  3. current market trends

  4. current market trends Buy ¡in ¡addi1on ¡ Buy ¡for ¡replacement ¡ 1 st ¡1me ¡buyer ¡ • Multi-purpose devices dominate future purchase plans • Phablets are generating a growing interest The ¡ “ appifica&on ” ¡of ¡everything ¡

  5. current wearables Watches/Bracelets/Rings/Health Glasses

  6. privacy Digital trust is negotiable 50% lack confidence in online personal data security Early adopters more confident Consumers willing to trade their data for value Address • Intrusion • Ethics • Safety considerations • Lost or stolen

  7. the future of wearables Health/Medical ¡ Fitness/Wellness ¡ Infotainment ¡ Industrial ¡ Military ¡ • Blood ¡pressure ¡ • Ac1vity ¡ • Smart ¡glasses ¡ • Heads ¡up ¡ • Heads ¡up ¡ Monitors ¡ monitors ¡ displays ¡ displays ¡ • Watches ¡ • ECG ¡Monitors ¡ • Clothing/ • Smart ¡glasses ¡ • Smart ¡clothing ¡ • TVs ¡ watches ¡ for ¡injuries ¡ • Patches ¡ • E-­‑tex1les ¡ • Gaming ¡ • Health ¡ ¡ • Glucose ¡ monitors ¡ monitoring ¡

  8. the future of wearables Currently, wearable tech is failing • Lacks added value to daily life • It is definitely the future Wearable ¡ Technologies ¡ Current ¡ Technologies ¡ Align strategies with the needs of the consumer • Identify new areas All market researchers predict considerable growth in wearables

  9. multiple choice questions 1. What device do most consumers intend on buying in the next 12 months a. Smartphone b. HDTV c. Tablet d. Laptop 2. What does “appification” mean? a. It’s a typo, I meant application b. Stand alone devices are becoming apps c. That word wasn’t in the presentation d. The application of apps 3. Why is wearable technology currently failing? a. It isn’t b. People don’t know about them c. It’s boring d. It fails to add meaningful value to our lives

  10. references 1. Accenture Digital Consumer Tech Survey 2014. “Racing Toward a Complete Digital Lifestyle: Digital Consumers Crave More.” Retrieved May, 2014 2. Danova, T (2013). “The internet of everything 2014” . Retrieved May, 2014. 3. 4. Langley, H. (2013). IntelL Wearable technology is failing because it’s not doing enough. Retrieved May 2014. 5. IHS. “Wearable Technology – Market Assessment.” Retrieved May, 2014 6. Ranck, J.“Wearable computing market: a global analysis.” Retrieved May, 2014 7. Arthur, C (2013) “Google Glass: is it a threat to our privacy?” The Gaurdian UK. Retrieved May, 2014 8. Marshall, G (2013) “Google Glass: say goodbye to your privacy” . Retrieved May, 2014.


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