the international code council

the International Code Council 2016 Year-End Presentation Stephen - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Southern Nevada Chapter of the International Code Council 2016 Year-End Presentation Stephen DiGiovanni, SNICC Chapter President Overall Another eventful year Ideas for the future. January Installation Banquet On the

  1. Southern Nevada Chapter of the International Code Council 2016 Year-End Presentation Stephen DiGiovanni, SNICC Chapter President

  2. Overall…  Another eventful year…  Ideas for the future….

  3. January  Installation Banquet  On the 8 th of January  Wonderful gathering…  Lots of great raffle prizes…  Installation of officers…  Beginning of the Silver Year Celebration….

  4. 2016 Chapter Officers  Stephen DiGiovanni, President  Majid Pakniat, 1 st VP  Sam Palmer, 2 nd VP  Kevin McOsker, Secretary/Treasurer  David Goldstein, Industry Member  Nick Moriarty, Industry Member  Alan Ellis, Immediate Past President

  5. January – Educational Seminar  The Education Committee coordinates the monthly presentations (all months except January and March)  In addition, the Education committee sets up training seminars to provide CEU’s  January we held a seminar on Reinforced Concrete Design, by Jose Mendoza of CRSI.

  6. February  Presentation by Jonathan Lehman, Kleinfelder Presentation was Soils and discussed major grading projects in the valley.

  7. March - Educode  Educode!!!  The EduCode Committee works year-round to bring us the EduCode Conference Over 1,000 attendees, many classes, and a very good profit back to the Chapter!  Thanks again to the entire EduCode team for another spectacular conference!  Note, preparations are underway for next year’s EduCode, which will be the 20 th anniversary of the event!!!

  8. April  Presentation by Mark Baldassari of Enphase Energy about energy storage, microinverters, and battery back-up.

  9. April - Pool Safety  Our Public Outreach Committee has responsibility for a wide variety of events.  April is when the valley entities highlight safety issues with toddlers in swimming pools  The Chapter donates to help local jurisdictions provide toddler swim classes

  10. April - Membership Event  The Membership Committee was formed to provide opportunities for networking apart from the Chapter Meetings.  In April the Chapter hosted attendance at a Las Vegas 51’s game

  11. May  The Presentation was by Sarah Fanning, with Hilti. She presented on Special Inspection Requirements for Firestopping.  We also had a 4-hour seminar presentation by a panel of experts on Geotechnical Issues.

  12. May - Scholarships  Also in May, the Chapter was one of many scholarship donors at the Clark County Public Education Foundation Luncheon  The Chapter has a record number of scholarship recipients this year.

  13. June  Presentation was actually a budget meeting, as the board desired to provide a fuller overview of the budget to the Chapter  The Chapter heard from Dave Pasquinelli, Chair of the Finance Oversight Committee, and a presentation from Kevin McOsker, SNICC Treasurer

  14. July  Our July meeting was a joint meeting with the local chapter of SEASoN  Our presentation was by Werner Hellmer, about the Fault Characterization Study of the Las Vegas Valley

  15. August  Our August presentation was by Ryann Juden, Assistant City Manager of North Las Vegas.  The presentation was an update of project development in the City of North Las Vegas

  16. September  The September presentation was about Construction Defect Law  Presentation was by Ervin Nelson, attorney at law. Mr. Nelson also served in the State Assembly 2014-2016.

  17. October  Presentation by UNLV Solar Decathlon Team. They are one of 14 teams world-wide invited to compete.  Their concept proposes a solution for senior housing

  18. October – Communications Committee  The Communication Committee covers external public announcements and media  In October the Chapter launched updated versions of our three websites for SNICC, EduCode and SNBO  A fourth website was created for Nevada Organization of Building Officials (NOBO)

  19. October – Public Outreach  October featured several Public Outreach events  SNICC represented at the AIA Show and represented at the UNLV Construction Career Day  Thanks again to the Public Outreach team for a job well done!

  20. October - Education  The Chapter offered another training seminar, a presentation and a tour of the new T-Mobile Arena. Presentation topics spanned many subjects, geotechnical, structural, building and fire safety design concepts.

  21. October – ABM and Code hearings We had another successful ABM and Code hearings, with over 20 chapter  members attending all or a portion of the conference The new booth backgrounds were used for the EduCode booth  Elections were successful, Jay Elbettar is Vice President, Brenda Thompson  is Director at Large, and Stephen DiGiovanni elected to Region 1 Code Hearings were also successful, a total of 11 SNICC code proposals  were approved, out of 22 total submittals

  22. November  Presentation on ethics by Yvonne Nevarez- Goodson, Executive Director of the Nevada Ethics Commission.

  23. Still Busy in December  We continued our partnership with HomeAid of Southern Nevada

  24. Also for December  New Logo rollout…  This year’s survey concluded by a 2 to 1 margin the desire to use the anniversary logo for the future.  Membership and Communications Committee collaborated on the updated logo

  25. And Now…  Last year we talked about celebrating ourselves, heading into the 25 th anniversary celebration….  This year, I want to focus on future work…  Our committees need volunteers!!! Please attend a committee meeting in the upcoming year!!!  Public Outreach, Membership, Communications, EduCode, Code, Education, High-School Technical training, and 2019 ABM  We’ve accomplished great things, but that can only continue with your help!!!

  26. Finally….


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