the buzzards bay stormwater collaborative how will it work

The Buzzards Bay Stormwater Collaborative: How will it work? Cape Cod - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Buzzards Bay Stormwater Collaborative: How will it work? Cape Cod MS4 Workshop May 18, 2016 12:30 to 4:30 PM Cape Cod Community College Lecture Hall A, Science Building Buzzards Bay Stormwater Collaborative 3:20-3:50 Joe Costa Executive

  1. The Buzzards Bay Stormwater Collaborative: How will it work? Cape Cod MS4 Workshop May 18, 2016 12:30 to 4:30 PM Cape Cod Community College Lecture Hall A, Science Building Buzzards Bay Stormwater Collaborative 3:20-3:50 Joe Costa Executive Director Buzzards Bay National Estuary Program / 1

  2. The Buzzards Bay NEP and BBAC have been working with Buzzards Bay watershed towns to map stormwater networks since 2002 Database now includes 8,500 stormwater discharges and 40,000+ catchbasins Water quality information is required to make funding decisions. 2 2

  3. The first "stormwater mapping collaborative" for Buzzards Bay (2003-2007) was created in response to the issuance of the first phase 2 MS4 permit in 2003 Secretary of Environmental Affairs, Ellen Roy Herzfelder (center), CZM Director, Susan Snow-Cotter (left), and State Representative Shirley Gomes (right center) award a grant certificate award to Leonard Gonsalves (left center) of the Buzzards Bay Action Committee, who will be working with Greater New Bedford Voc Tech High School Students, and their instructor Chris Pires (far right), to implement the grant. CZM grant to the BBAC. They used interns from New Bedford Voc Tech and all worked with the Buzzards Bay NEP 3

  4. The reason for the Buzzards Bay NEP focus on stormwater is that stormwater discharges are often a major contributor to shellfish bed closures Year-round closures: red and magenta shaded Seasonal or rain closures: yellow Some closures are mandatory closures around wastewater outfalls 4

  5. Discharges , Management Areas, and the Bacteria TMDL for Buzzards Bay First, note that the state's list of bacteria/pathogen impaired waters might need to be reclassified to match actual DMF shellfish classification and BOH Beach classifications and municipal accomplishments to improve water quality. Note MS4 areas. Stormwater discharges SA Shellfish: geomean (Fecal Coliform) <= 14 organisms/100 ml nor shall 10% be >=28 organisms/100 ml We need to reclassify 303d bacteria impaired listed areas! 5

  6. Stormwater Collaborative Proposed in EPA’s Healthy Community Grant Program BBAC was the recipient of the $200k Healthy Communities Program grant at the end of 2015 to map stormwater networks and monitor discharges to impaired surface waters in five municipalities (grant will get the program off the ground and 1.5 year of monitoring). The Buzzards Bay NEP is committing its own staff and resources. New proposal to EPA SNEP: Add Marion and Bourne and extend effort by 1.5 years, 6

  7. Why just mapping (GIS) and monitoring? The monitoring and mapping components were previously identified as the most challenging and expensive tasks for municipalities in the new MS4 permit. The BB Collaborative will focus on MS4 and Non-MS4 areas. Buttermilk Way Bourne success story: shellfish area reopened 7 after construction of stormwater treatment system.

  8. Staffing to the Initiative BBAC BBNEP Joe Costa Jeff Osuch Buzzards Bay NEP BBAC Project Manager Executive Director (part time: finances and administrative) QA officer Betsy White Bernadette Taber BBAC Stormwater Specialist BBNEP Stormwater Specialist (pt): (full time, monitoring lead sample and Monitoring Program guidance, QAPP field data collection) 4-5 Interns, full time summer or Kevin Bartsch seasonal, part-time year round BBNEP Stormwater Specialist: (assist with collection of water samples, delivery to laboratory, GIS GIS Management support) Municipal DPWs: 100 hours field support, scheduled as needed, required participation if manhole covers need to be removed. Conservation or BOH agent may participate in some towns Public Crowdsourcing Scientist partners? 8

  9. Overview of Initiative Elements Overall Goals • Identify illicit connections • Set priorities for management action • Help municipalities identify problem infrastructure • Long term: Eventually lead to stormwater designs and construction to treat NPS pollution to open up closed shellfish beds Task • Update and reconfigure the original stormwater GIS database to incorporate details of infrastructure • Collection of photographs of infrastructure in the database • Field testing of discharges, some screening tests on samples brought back to the office, other samples collected for laboratory analysis • Laboratory analysis details • Prioritization of discharges for management action will be based on monitoring data and GIS analysis • Online availability of GIS and water quality data Challenge: trying to capture unpredictable rain events. 9

  10. Overview of Initiative Elements Task Lead and Partners BB NEP will do the database management, municipality provides road as built, Update and reconfigure the original plans, assist with any needed fieldwork. Mostly a desktop effort. BBAC interns stormwater GIS database to bring a large format scanner to DPW offices , and will geo referencing plans at incorporate details of infrastructure BBAC offices in ArcGIS. Collection of photographs of Staff and Towns, but also a major effort to get the volunteers involved infrastructure in the database. (“Crowdsourcing”) using mobile device apps. BBAC staff, BBNEP staff, town staff, possibly volunteers in future? Generally 2 Field testing of discharges, some town staff and a truck will be present if monitoring involves manhole cover screening tests on samples brought removal. back to the office. Other samples collected for laboratory analysis Results of field screening and test will trigger additional up gradient sampling Most samples will be tested at Barnstable County, but some testing at New Laboratory Analysis details Bedford Dept. of Public Health. Prioritization based on monitoring data BB NEP with input from municipalities and GIS analysis Online availability of GIS and water BB NEP manages web products quality data Eventually lead to stormwater BB NEP has a grant application to EPA SNEP to fund municipal stormwater treatment design for priority sites treatment designs Construction of stormwater treatment Municipality with federal and state grant support systems for priority sites 10

  11. Crowdsourcing element to collect photographs and identify problem infrastructure. 11

  12. Interactive Map at Both staff and the public will submit photos from smart phones and tablets in the field. Photos will be taken to document dry weather conditions and wet flow. Click the refresh button, and you will be able to see where you are (you should be somewhere in the big red and yellow box), click on a mapped discharge, then click the upload photo link, and add a photo, and other information. Use voice to text. If you find a new discharge or catch basin, drag the blue crosshairs (off to the right) to the precise location of the feature. Then long-hold (or double-click on a computer) the crosshairs to upload a photo and other info about the feature. 12

  13. Interactive Map Upload Screen 13

  14. Sampling Locations • Discharge Points in the MS4 Urbanized Areas that are within 100ft of Bacteria Impaired Waters or Shellfish Closures • Includes outfall pipes and road cuts • Initially based on the Buzzards Bay NEP 2007 Stormwater Atlas update unless more recent data is available Municipality All Discharges MS4 Urban Discharges within 100’ Discharges of Impaired Waters Acushnet 119 69 9 Dartmouth 575 319 44 Fairhaven 354 227 77 Mattapoisett 557 170 41 Wareham 930 669 167 Marion 324 156 45 Bourne 307 263 71

  15. Stormwater Monitoring Program QAPP approved by EPA in March 15

  16. Water Quality Parameters selected for source tracking of illicit connections and prioritization of discharges for treatment systems for NPS pollution Parameter Indication of: Surfactants Washing machine or sewer connection Ammonia as Nitrogen Sewer connection Temperature temperature variations might indicate proximity to illicit connections. Also to document potential temperature impacts to aquatic life. Conductivity Saline conditions >3 ppt would indicate tidal intrusion into the network, and the need to go further upstream for a clean stormwater signal. Salinity can also affect some tests (e.g. surfactants). Nitrogen as Nitrates Sewer connection or fertilizer runoff Enterococci Human or warm blooded fecal matter contamination. Indicator for swimming beach classification. Fecal Coliform Human or warm blooded fecal matter contamination. Indicator for shellfish areas classification. Chlorine (optional) Connection to swimming pools 16

  17. Sampling approach • Three Wet Samplings -- Four Dry Samplings • Wet Sampling – During “First Flush” – No Rain 72 hours before current rainfall event – Overland flow and pipe flow must be occurring – Sample from 0.1 to 1.5 inches of rainfall • Dry Sampling – complete observation – Collect water only if flow is present • Grab with one clean sterile 500 ml bottle, split to: • Field sample cups for Ammonia strips and pH, temp., and conductivity probes • One 125ml bottle for office analysis within 24hrs (nitrates, surfactants) • Two 100ml sterile cups for the laboratory in Barnstable (fecal coliform and Enterococcus) • Samples to be delivered to Barnstable by 2 PM • Limits collection time to morning 17

  18. Sampling schematic If pipe is submerged or discharging salt water, you need to move up gradient. When you remove a drain cover you may discover several inlets. 18

  19. Sample Collection Data Sheet 19


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