
SYDNEY 12 14 APRIL Presentation by Papua New Guinea (PNG) 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

EGRA CONFERENCE SYDNEY 12 14 APRIL Presentation by Papua New Guinea (PNG) 1 Where is Papua New Guinea? 2 Country Context Indicator Actual Values Targets 2007 2009* 2010 2015 2008 Educ. Expend. as % GDP 4.2 4.2 5.1 4.9 4.7

  1. EGRA CONFERENCE SYDNEY 12 – 14 APRIL Presentation by Papua New Guinea (PNG) 1

  2. Where is Papua New Guinea? 2

  3. Country Context Indicator Actual Values Targets 2007 2009* 2010 2015 2008 Educ. Expend. as % GDP 4.2 4.2 5.1 4.9 4.7 Educ. share of budget 12.7 12.7 17.7 17.3 25.5 Basic ed. share of ed. budget 67.0 71.1 71.0 72.7 71.0 Gross Intake Rate (%) 83.1 98.8 99.2 101.5 107.9 Net enrolment rate (%) 64.3 75.0 52.9 60.1 62.2 71.3 77.9 80.1 Gross enrolment rate (%) 83.6 92.4 45.3 49.1 51.6 Primary Completion Rate (%) 54.4 66.7 GPI 0.91 0.93 0.94 0.95 0.97 Student enrolment (‘000) 982.5 1138.4 1198.4 1280.0 1622.8 33.1 34.4 33.6 Pupil teacher ratio (Basic) 33.3 34.0 * 2009 figures are provisional and subject to validation 3

  4. National Education Plan (NEP) The NEP (2005 – 2014) was developed through a consultative process & covers all sub-sectors under DOE. NEP:  articulates the vision, medium to long term targets and strategies for achieving a better future  provides the overall guiding policy framework  Details the major costing centres for education 4

  5. Specific primary educational outcomes in NEP: Total 6 outcomes, but relevant to basic education are two: • Every 6-year old child enters the Elementary Preparatory Grade by 2012 and completes three years of basic relevant education. • All children have the opportunity to complete a full, quality primary education of six years to Grade 8. 5

  6. Universal Basic Education Plan (UBE) • Launched in Oct. 2009 • Operationalizes NEP objectives for basic education sub-sector • Plan formally endorsed by DPs in May 2010 • Addresses five critical areas: a) access, b) retention, c) quality, d) equity e) management 6

  7. UBE Pillars: • Access - All children should enter school at a specific age – they should enter elementary prep at the age of 6 years; • Retention - All children should complete the elementary and primary cycles of education that constitute a basic education – this is nine years of basic education; • Quality - All children should reach a required standard of literacy and numeracy at the end of these years of education. 7

  8. Reducing Parental Fees • The major catalyst to increasing access and retention is reducing parental fees • GoPNG eliminated fees for elementary level in 2010 • Fees will be replaced by increased school subsidies • GoPNG spent K164 million in school subsides in 2010; funds were transferred to schools at the beginning of the school year (Feb. 2010) 8

  9. UBE Identifies Six Quality Interventions 1. Pre-service basic education teacher training 2. In-service teacher training for basic education teachers 3. Provision of education materials to all elementary and primary schools 4. Development and maintenance of libraries 5. Elementary and primary schools infrastructure 6. Minimum number of instructional time / hours 9

  10. Elementary and Primary Costs 2011 2012 2013 Total Education 1,755.6 1,873.6 2,252.0 Teacher Education 84.9 84.1 89.4 Education Materials 49.6 45.1 154.4 Infrastructure 216.0 261.2 310.3 Education Standards 29.8 32.0 34.4 School Grants 207.5 243.1 280.5 Mgt and Admin. 87.1 97.5 108.4 Personal emoluments 570.7 621.8 668.5 Total Elem & Pry 1,245.9 1,384.5 1,646.0 Total Elem, Pry & TE 1,277.6 1,415.9 1,677.4 % Elem and Pry 72.8 75.6 74.5 % Basic Education* 73 76 74 10 * Including teacher education

  11. Financing Education in PNG contd… (millions) 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Cost 1,728 1,756 1,874 2,252 2,388 2,770 GOPNG 933 1,061 1,156 1,244 1,351 1,486 Provinces 95 99 102 106 110 114 Parents 232 241 244 243 244 245 Donors 192 181 228 255 255 255 Total funding 1,453 1,581 1,731 1,848 1,961 2,100 Funding Gap 276 175 143 404 426 671 Gap (USD) 102 65 53 149 158 249 11

  12. Support from the Catalytic Fund • DoE & DPs decided to seek support from the Catalytic Fund for an investment to improve quality. • Libraries/educational materials & quality assessments identified as UBE priorities where external financing was needed. • WB was nominated as supervising entity for the CF investment. • Agreement was reached to support classroom libraries, related teacher training and early grade reading assessments with the aim of improving reading acquisition skills. 12

  13. READ PNG • Principal Objective: to improve the reading skills of elementary and primary education students • Secondary Objectives: a) build the policy, monitoring and evaluation capacity of the Curr. Dev. & Assessment Division b) procure & distribute books & reading support materials c) undertake assessment of early grade reading together with provincial officials 13

  14. READ PNG Intervention Components Component 1: Support for Improved Reading in Elementary and Primary Schools. Has three elements: a) increasing the availability of books, other reading materials and simple furniture in elementary and primary school classrooms throughout the country; b) providing professional development to teachers for reading instruction c) developing a school-based public reading campaign. 14

  15. Intervention Components c ontd … Component 2: Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA). The objectives will be to: a) produce baseline by province during the project period (2011-2013); b) build local capacity to replicate EGRA at the central and provincial levels c) analyze the implications of EGRA findings for quality improvements, d) use EGRA findings to mobilizing parental & other support for reading 15

  16. READ PNG funding by Main Activity (US $million ) Project Cost By Component and/or Activity Total Increasing the Availability of Learning Materials 14.3 by Establishing Classroom Libraries Promoting Reading through Professional 1.7 Development, Strengthening Early Grade Reading Assessment 2.6 Project Management and Monitoring 0.6 Total Project Costs 19.2 Total Financing Required 19.2 16

  17. DP support to UBE Plan ACCESS • Support to build classrooms, teacher houses and other school buildings across PNG (Aus) RETENTION • Provision of grants to schools, to accompany GoPNG school subsidies (Aus) • Support to GoPNG to raise awareness of the UBE Plan (UNICEF, Aus) 17

  18. DP support to UBE Plan (2) QUALITY • Support to pre-service and in-service teacher education (Aus, NZ, UN) • Support to teacher colleges and provision of scholarships for student teachers (Aus, NZ, EU) • Development, procurement and distribution of curriculum materials, textbooks, school journals, and other books to schools (Aus, EU, NZ, JPN, UN) • Provision of quality media and print materials for schools, including TV programs (JPN) • Provision of classroom book boxes (NZ) 18

  19. EGRA • Component of READ PNG Project • CSMT Results not pleasing – low in standards with literacy and numeracy • EGRA an intervention to address quality education

  20. Issues from presentations – shared practices and ideas – Political will to address – PNG has this will – Management framework and sustainability – Learning environment – at all institutions – Need to connect and make linkages within core functions of system – Need to make linkages and integrate EGRA with assessments, examinations, CSMT – Bench marking is important to measure progress in quality and standards – Teacher education and training, incentives – EGRA as a monitoring and evaluation of standards – utilize the findings, etc – Sustainability and ownership

  21. PNG is very keen • Constraints – capacity building, commitment from stakeholders, need to re-culture the teaching profession, etc • Leadership – at all levels, curriculum leadership, ownership at schools and provinces

  22. We propose Shared practices and ideas Networking Attachment programs More of such conference

  23. THANK YOU! 23


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