the best start

THE BEST START A Five-Year Forward Plan for Maternity and Neonatal - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

THE BEST START A Five-Year Forward Plan for Maternity and Neonatal Services Main recommendations Continuity of carer From primary midwife & obstetrician Care co-located for community & hospital services Person-centred

  1. THE BEST START A Five-Year Forward Plan for Maternity and Neonatal Services

  2. Main recommendations  Continuity of carer  From primary midwife & obstetrician  Care co-located for community & hospital services  Person-centred maternity and neonatal care  Relationship-based, personalised care  Aiming to keeping mums, babies & families together  Safe & family centred neonatal care  Multidisciplinary team care  Women receive the level of care they need  Clear referral pathways

  3. Main recommendations  Safe, high quality & accessible care  Development of community hubs  Postnatal neonatal care  Specialist maternity & neonatal care co-located  Support for vulnerable women & improved perinatal mental health services  Neonatal care  3-5 neonatal intensive care units immediate model, moving to 3 within 5 years  Development of national model for 7-day neonatal community services

  4. Main recommendations  Transport  Safe & prompt transfer of neonates, clear cot identification  Remote & Rural care  Formalising support for additional skills & competencies for remote & rural working  Workforce  Workforce planning, planning for training & education  IT & Quality improvement  Development of quality improvement dashboards  Single maternity care system & electronic maternity record

  5. Initial response ‘ This is a defining moment for maternity services in Scotland and will be a seismic shift for our maternity services. The plan has the potential to revolutionise maternity care, to deliver safer and better services for women, babies and their families, and to improve the health of our population .’ Mary Ross-Davie, RCM Director for Scotland ‘ NCT warmly welcomes this Review and its commendable vision for maternity and neonatal services in Scotland.’ Elizabeth Duff, NCT Senior Policy Advisor ‘The review sets out an ambitious and progressive vision for family-centred care which is good news for the future of Scottish neonatal services, and it is particularly welcome to see the focus on keeping mother and baby together .’ Caroline Lee-Davey, Chief Executive, Bliss

  6. Implementation Priorities  Sustained engagement  Infrastructure to support implementation  Early Adopter Boards  Person centred maternity & neonatal care  New model of neonatal care  Workforce implications to support change

  7. Implementation structure

  8. Progressing recommendations National approach Subgroups Local approach  Supporting local delivery NHS Boards drive change  Joint clinical & managerial chair  23 of 76 recommendations  Continuity, local delivery of care  Local implementation leads  Perinatal model of care  6 monthly reporting to SG  Workforce & education  Regular meetings with SG National linked projects  SG lead/commission

  9. Subgroup - Continuity & local delivery of care Developing national frameworks  Continuity of carer  Midwifery & obstetric  Core hospital staffing  Community Hubs/ FMUs  Transitional Care

  10. Subgroup - Perinatal services Neonatal intensive Risk assessment care units tool Neonatal transfer staffing model Cot locator system Cot availability Specialist protocol obstetric care Medical care outwith Pathways maternity setting

  11. Subgroup - Workforce & education Routine examination of the newborn Midwifery updating for continuity model of care Planning for training & workforce requirements Defining non-registered staff roles Compliments “HCSW Learning Framework” & “A Guide to Healthcare Support Worker Education & Role Development” Remote & rural skills

  12. Subgroup - Workforce & education 60: Review of additional key competencies & skills for remote & rural staff; training developed & provided; including consideration of structured rotation to larger units for skills development, maintenance & update 61: Structured arrangements between remote & rural Boards & urban Board; training & development in identification & management of deteriorating patient, also obstetric & neonatal emergencies

  13. Leading the change 5 Early Adopter Boards  Package of recommendations  Continuity of carer & core staff  Community Hubs, local delivery of care  Transitional care  Sharing learning across NHSS  Reporting to SG

  14. Early Adopter Boards  NHS Forth Valley  NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde (Clyde only)  NHS Highland  NHS Lanarkshire  NHS Lothian

  15. National linked projects Maternity network Electronic records Adverse events Single MCN Refreshed information for parents Caesarean section study

  16. Perinatal Mental Health 37: All NHS Boards should review their current access to perinatal mental health services to ensure early & equitable access is available to high quality services, with clear referral pathways. NHS Boards should ensure adequate provision of staff training to allow staff to deliver services to 38. The Scottish Government should ensure the appropriate level. that Perinatal Mental Health is a key focus in Primary midwives, in partnership with primary the forthcoming Mental Health Strategy, and care colleagues, should play a proactive & that appropriate connections are made with the systematic role in the identification & new models of care described here in that management of perinatal mental health. strategy .

  17. Engagement  Local & regional events  Local Leads & Early Adopter meetings  Early Adopter visits  Key stakeholders

  18. Communication  Newsletter  Blogs  Website  Follow us on Twitter @SGChildMaternal  Information pack for NHS Boards


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