tha hank y you u

Tha hank Y You! u! May 1, 2017 City of Madison Comprehensive - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Phase 2 Community Meeting Central Madison Public Library Tha hank Y You! u! May 1, 2017 City of Madison Comprehensive Plan Update Community Outreach Roundtable November 17, 2016 # ima g ine ma diso n MEETING OUTLINE Imagine Madison

  1. Phase 2 Community Meeting Central Madison Public Library Tha hank Y You! u! May 1, 2017 City of Madison Comprehensive Plan Update Community Outreach Roundtable – November 17, 2016 # ima g ine ma diso n

  2. MEETING OUTLINE Imagine Madison Project Background (10 min) Strategies (45 min) Future Land Use Map (35 min) 5

  3. Clickers – Real Time Polling • Push orange button to turn on • When poll is opened, choose response with A-E buttons • Display will show a “√” when your response is received • You can change your answer until the poll closes Display indicates your Troubleshooting: response is received • Display says “Closed” – Poll is closed • Clicker isn’t working – Push power Multiple Choice button to turn off; turn on again Response Buttons • Clicker still isn’t working – push and hold power button for two seconds, then press A twice to reconnect to receiver. Power Button • Clickers turn off after 10 minutes; Push power button to turn back on.

  4. ? Wha t wa s the o nly de c a de in its histo ry tha t Ma diso n’ s po pula tio n shrunk ? A. 1960s B. 1970s C. 1980s D. 1990s E . 2000s

  5. ? Wha t wa s the o nly de c a de in its histo ry tha t Ma diso n’ s po pula tio n shrunk ? A. 1960s +36% B. 1970s - 1% C. 1980s +12% D. 1990s +9% E . 2000s +12%

  6. ? Ho w did yo u g e t to to nig ht’ s me e ting ? A. Ca r B. Bus C. Bike D. Wa lking E . Othe r


  8. ? Wha t is yo ur a g e ? A. <24 B. 25 - 40 C. 41 - 55 D. 56 - 70 E . 70+

  9. ? Wha t pa rt o f Ma diso n do yo u live in ? North A. No rth B. E a st C. So uth East DT West D. We st E . Do wnto wn South

  10. ? Wha t is yo ur ra c e ? A. Asia n o r Pa c ific I sla nde r B. Bla c k o r Afric a n Ame ric a n C. Hispa nic o r L a tino D. White E . Othe r ra c e / e thnic ity no t liste d he re

  11. ? Wha t g e nde r do yo u ide ntify with ? A. Ma n B. Wo ma n C. No n-Bina ry/ T hird Ge nde r/ Ge nde rq ue e r D. Que stio ning / Unsure E . An ide ntity no t liste d he re

  12. ? Are yo u tra nsg e nde r ? A. Ye s B. No

  13. ? Wha t is yo ur ho use ho ld inc o me ? A. L e ss tha n $25,000 B. $25,000-$49,999 C. $50,000-$74,999 D. $75,000-$99,999 E . $100,000+


  15. Wha t is the Co mpre he nsive Pla n? • Ce ntra l o rg a nizing pla n fo r o the r City pla ns • Guide s de c isio n-ma king & inve stme nt • 20-ye a r visio n, 10-ye a r fo c us

  16. Re q uire d E le me nts Utilitie s & Co mmunity Ag ric ultura l, Cultura l, & T ra nspo rta tio n Ho using F a c ilitie s Na tura l Re so urc e s E c o no mic Inte rg o ve rnme nta l L a nd Use Imple me nta tio n De ve lo pme nt Co o pe ra tio n

  17. Guiding Lenses Guiding L e nse s E quity Sustainability Adaptability He alth


  19. Pha se 1 Pro c e ss

  20. Go a l Re o rg a niza tio n Go a l Re o rg a niza tio n

  21. Pub lic E ng a g e me nt Promotional Video Community Meetings Mini-Documentary Resident Panels Planning Pop-Ins Youth Engagement Social Media



  24. Stra te g ie s Pro c e ss 3,000 Str ate gie s ??? Str ate gie s (F rom Re c e nt Pla ns) (Compre he nsive Pla n Upda te ) 60 Str ate gie s (T o Initia te Community Disc ussion)

  25. Stra te g ie s E xa mple Buck Bucket: Form & Connectivity Goal: oal: Madison will have a safe, efficient, and affordable regional transportation system that offers a variety of choices among transportation modes. Strategi egies es: • Work with regional partners to collaboratively improve our regional bicycle system to further enable safe and convenient bicycle use. • Prioritize the maintenance and efficient use of existing roadway facilities over expansion or construction of new roadways.

  26. Stra te g ie s Ac tivity Each table has large paper representing one of the six buckets. Each sheet has two written goals and several strategies.

  27. Stra te g ie s Ac tivity If you have ideas for strategies not on the list, write them down on the large paper.

  28. Stra te g ie s Ac tivity If you like any of the strategies, whether they were just added or provided beforehand, place a green en s sticker next to the strategy.

  29. Stra te g ie s Ac tivity Move to any other bucket table when you are ready. We will alert you every five minutes to keep track of time. We will reconvene at 7:25.

  30. QUE ST I ONS?


  32. 2006 F uture L a nd Use (F L U) Ma p

  33. F Future Land Use Map Process L U Ma p Ame ndme nt Pro c e ss February-March : Early comment period March-April : Staff reviews FLU Map and early change requests April 25 : Draft FLU Map published April 25-June 21 : Comment period June-July : Staff updates FLU Map July-August : Plan Commission reviews updated FLU Map

  34. L a nd Use Ma p Cha ng e s 1. Land U Use D Design gnations • Added a fourth residential designation (Low-Medium Residential) • Adjustments to the residential and mixed-use districts • Added building height and form 2. Recen ently A Adopted ed P Plans a and Recen ent D Dev evel elopmen ent • Neighborhood Plans (existing neighborhoods) • Neighborhood Development Plans (planned growth areas) • Recent Development 3. Administr trati tive U Updates es • Standardizing schools as Special Institutional • Standardizing larger parks as Parks & Open Space

  35. L a nd Use Ma p Cha ng e s Iden dentified N Needs eeds • More differentiation between less dense residential uses • Higher ceiling for more dense residential uses • Clarification of mixed-use districts • Simplification and Clarification of some other designations Resea earch & h & Reasoni ning ng • On-the-ground conditions • Existing Height, Density, and Zoning • Recent Development Approvals (past 10 years) – Height & Density • Expected future growth

  36. Ne ig hb o rho o d Pla ns

  37. Ne ig hb o rho o d Pla ns Royster-Clark - 2009 Cottage Grove Road Activity Centers

  38. Upda te d L a nd Use Ca te g o rie s

  39. F uture L a nd Use Ma p Ac tivity Each table has a draft Generalized Future Land Use Map of a sector of the city. There is also at least one table with a citywide map.

  40. F uture L a nd Use Ma p Ac tivity You can comment on specific areas of the map by placing a numbered sticker on the map and writing your comments (and the associated sticker number) on the provided comment sheet.

  41. F uture L a nd Use Ma p Ac tivity You can also make general comments about the land use designations on the provided comment sheet.

  42. F uture L a nd Use Ma p Ac tivity Move to any other map table when you are ready. This is the last activity so you may leave when you wish to.

  43. QUE ST I ONS?

  44. NE XT ST E PS

  45. Online Stra te g ie s F e e db a c k

  46. Online Ma p F e e db a c k


  48. Give us yo ur fe e db a c k! Drop c com omple leted f for orms of off in in the b e box on your w way o out Don’t f t forget to t to ret eturn y your clic licker t to o us!

  49. Co nta c t Us www.I ma g ine Ma diso nWI .c o m Br ian Gr ady (608) 261-9980 @ I ma g ine Ma diso n Colin Punt (608) 243-0455 @ I ma g ine MsnWI Kir stie L aatsc h (608) 243-0470 ima g ine ma diso n@ c ityo fma diso n.c o m


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