territ rritory y families lies east st arnh nhem em refe


TERRIT RRITORY Y FAMILIES LIES EAST ST ARNH NHEM EM REFE FERENCE RENCE GROUP UP Our Vision - Empowering Families and Communities for A Safe and Better future MIK IKAN GROUP Sa Safeguardin ing th the wellbeing of f chil ildren,

  1. TERRIT RRITORY Y FAMILIES LIES EAST ST ARNH NHEM EM REFE FERENCE RENCE GROUP UP Our Vision - Empowering Families and Communities for A Safe and Better future

  2. MIK IKAN GROUP Sa Safeguardin ing th the wellbeing of f chil ildren, young people and th the Community

  3. MIK IKAN Who we are  Mikan is a Child Protection Reference Group  Mikan members are made up of Community leaders and elders from the East Arnhem region  Mikan has 17 active members from the Miwatj Clan groups from both the Dhuway and Yirritja Moiety groups

  4. Members Roles  Mikan assist Territory Families to work on child protection cases in culturally safe ways  Mikan helps Territory Families to identify the strengths in a child's family and community  To support the at risk families  To share knowledge of family/kinship networks to assist Territory Families to identify possible kin carers  To identify service/resource gaps in the region and to formulate strategies to address the gaps

  5. Mik ikan has monthly meetings

  6. What we do  Mikan is a referral based service that is available to Territory Families only on child protection open cases  Mikan members meet once a month to discuss the cases and advise the Case Manager on how to achieve better outcomes for the family  Mikan gathers information that family and community might want to know about Territory Families policy and procedures  Mikan members support Territory Families staff during community visits if there isn’t a ACW available

  7. Mik ikan Supporting Territ itory ry Famili lies in in special l Community Events

  8. Mik ikan and Territory Famil ilies supports the Dhapir irrik Parent Award Yearly

  9. Community services that are in involv lved in in Dhapir irrk Parent Award Clinic, Police, school, local store other Local Aboriginal Organisation’s

  10. Mik ikan and Territory Famil ilies deliv livering Community Workshop


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