tarek bohsali

Tarek Bohsali Microsoft [PRES ESEN ENTATI TION N TITLE LE] - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

[TITLE LE] SharePoint Development for ASP .Net Developers Tarek Bohsali Microsoft [PRES ESEN ENTATI TION N TITLE LE] AGENDA [PRES ESEN ENTATI TION N TITLE LE] SharePoint Basics Packaging and Deployment Common

  1. [TITLE LE] SharePoint Development for ASP .Net Developers Tarek Bohsali Microsoft

  2. [PRES ESEN ENTATI TION N TITLE LE] AGENDA [PRES ESEN ENTATI TION N TITLE LE] • SharePoint Basics Packaging and Deployment • • Common Artifacts Remote Applications • • Demo Visual Web Parts • • List Definitions Event Receivers • • Client Object Model

  3. WHY SHAREPOINT? .NET SharePoint Data Storage Data Storage Presentation Presentation Security Security Clustering Clustering API‟s API‟s Office Integration Office Integration Features Features

  4. SHAREPOINT TERMINOLOGY Timer Job Web Part Layout Page Elevated Privileges CAML Farm Safe Control Content Type Site Column Declarative Workflow Feature STSADM Application Page Site Collection Persisted Object Site Definition Solution Package Scope Event Receiver Content Database List Definition Central Publishing Page Theme Web Application Administration ONET List Instance List View Feature Receiver Team Site Field Control Client Object Model


  6. [PRES ESEN ENTATI TION N TITLE LE] SERVER FARMS [PRES ESEN ENTATI TION N TITLE LE] • A collection of SharePoint role servers and a Server Farm SQL database server Servers can perform one or more functions Web Front Ends • (web front end, search, application, etc.) Farm-level features are managed via Central • Administration Custom code can be deployed at the Farm level • Application and managed centrally Solution Packages allow custom code to be • automatically deployed across the farm Database

  7. [PRES ESEN ENTATI TION N TITLE LE] WEB APPLICATIONS AND SITE COLLECTIONS [PRES ESEN ENTATI TION N TITLE LE] • Web application = IIS Virtual Server Each web application may be assigned its own app • pool Web applications may utilize multiple service • applications • Site collections reside within web applications Site collection functionality derived from underlying • site definition Special site collection types include My Sites, • Shared Services Provider, Publishing Web

  8. [PRES ESEN ENTATI TION N TITLE LE] SOLUTION PACKAGES [PRES ESEN ENTATI TION N TITLE LE] • Solution Packages are “bundles” of functionality deployed to the farm or site collection (sandbox) May contain one or more Features, assemblies, • pages, controls, and other artifacts Web Parts SharePoint framework handles installation and • Assemblies configuration of solution items automatically across entire farm Mapped • Automated packaging and deployment in Visual Folders Studio 2010 WSP

  9. [PRES ESEN ENTATI TION N TITLE LE] SANDBOX SOLUTIONS [PRES ESEN ENTATI TION N TITLE LE] • Trusted solutions which run in isolated process Load balanced execution • • Uploaded to solution directory in site collection MyWebPart.dll Runtime Administratively controlled via quotas • • Can be automatically disabled Subset of OM functionality • Full Object Subset Object Model Model • Ability to use trusted proxy for restricted operations Proxy

  10. [PRES ESEN ENTATI TION N TITLE LE] FEATURES [PRES ESEN ENTATI TION N TITLE LE] Solution • A „Feature‟ is a defined set of functionality encapsulated within a specific format Features are the basic building block of WSS v3 • and MOSS development Feature Features may be comprised of any combination of • code, including web parts, workflows, and site definitions • Features may be deployed manually or automatically on a local or global basis Project Item XML • Features are heavily dependent on CAML Web Part Template Workflow Receiver Assembly

  11. [PRES ESEN ENTATI TION N TITLE LE] WEB PARTS [PRES ESEN ENTATI TION N TITLE LE] • Web Parts are a specific type of server control that inherit from System.Web.UI.WebPart Page Web Parts contain discreet functionality that is exposed • to the user in the context of a Web Part Page Classic Web Parts do not have an IDE; Visual Web • Parts host ASP.NET User Controls Form Web Parts execute in the context of the current user • • Web Parts may be deployed individually or in Web Part conjunction with other artifacts Manager Web Part Controls

  12. [PRES ESEN ENTATI TION N TITLE LE] LIST ELEMENTS, TYPES AND VIEWS [PRES ESEN ENTATI TION N TITLE LE] • Lists are virtual data repositories for unstructured content Fields defined by associated content types and user-defined columns • • Common lists types included OOTB Custom list types may be created in UI or code • • List data is stored in the content database associated with the site collection Maximum limit for list items is 30M+ • • Be aware of performance implications and throttling when storing/retrieving large amounts of list data Lists have associated views defined in UI or CAML • • Custom field types may be created programmatically

  13. [PRES ESEN ENTATI TION N TITLE LE] EVENT RECEIVERS [PRES ESEN ENTATI TION N TITLE LE] • Event Receivers are handler assemblies that respond to events on specific objects (Webs, Lists, Features, etc.) • Event receivers override built-in methods: • Adding/Added • Updating/Updated • Activated/Deactivated Content • Installing/Uninstalling Database • Event Receivers have no UI or user feedback mechanism • Event Receivers must run with Full Trust in the GAC

  14. [PRES ESEN ENTATI TION N TITLE LE] RELATIONAL DATA [PRES ESEN ENTATI TION N TITLE LE] • LINQ to SharePoint var q = from announcement in dc.announcements where announcement.Expires >= DateTime.Today select new { announcement.Title, announcement.Body }; CAML joins • <Joins> <Join Type='LEFT ListAlias=' List1 '> <Eq> <FieldRef Name='Field1' RefType='Id' /> <FieldRef Name='ID' List=' List1 ' /> </Eq> </Join> <Join Type='LEFT' ListAlias=' List2 '> <Eq> <FieldRef List=' List1 ' Name='SomeFieldName' RefType='Id' /> <FieldRef List=' List2 ' Name=‟ID‟ /> </Eq> </Join> </Joins>

  15. [PRES ESEN ENTATI TION N TITLE LE] WORKFLOW [PRES ESEN ENTATI TION N TITLE LE] • SharePoint Workflow inherits and builds upon Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) Simple workflows can be created in SharePoint Designer, • advanced workflows require Visual Studio Two types of workflow – Sequential and State Machine • • User interaction provided via InfoPath forms or custom ASPX pages • Workflows are tied directly to lists and list items Built-in history, tasks, and tracking mechanisms •

  16. [PRES ESEN ENTATI TION N TITLE LE] WEB SERVICES [PRES ESEN ENTATI TION N TITLE LE] • SharePoint Web Services provide remote access to a number of Object Model functions Web services are limited in scope to several primary functional areas, such as Farm, Site, Web, • List, List Items, List Views, etc. Web services require a great deal of XML manipulation • Many web service functions require a solid understanding of CAML • • Custom web services should be deployed as WCF solutions Can increase load on Web Front End Servers • • Deploy isolated WFE if used heavily

  17. [PRES ESEN ENTATI TION N TITLE LE] REST [PRES ESEN ENTATI TION N TITLE LE] • HTTP-based XML data transfer • Stateless, cacheable, uniform Conforms to Atom Publishing Protocol • • Direct integration with SharePoint Services (Excel) and Lists Sample queries: • • http://myserver/_vti_bin/listdata.svc • http://myserver/_vti_bin/Ex celRest.aspx/Docs/Docum ents/sampleWorkbook.xlsx /model/Ranges('Sheet1!A1 |G5')

  18. [PRES ESEN ENTATI TION N TITLE LE] CLIENT OBJECT MODEL [PRES ESEN ENTATI TION N TITLE LE] • Subset of server OM Browser functionality JavaScript .NET, Silverlight, Controls • JavaScript Server JavaScript OM Object Sync and Async • Model processing Proxy Request throttling • Client Service • Batch object handling Proxy Managed OM Content Database Managed Controls Client Server


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