scottish athletics honor hoedt comm manager noc 10 yrs

Scottish Athletics Honor Hoedt Comm. manager NOC (10 Yrs) National - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Scottish Athletics Honor Hoedt Comm. manager NOC (10 Yrs) National Coach Holland (14 Yrs) National coach Norway (3 Yrs) Talent team HAN University Teacher Talentidentification Projectleader Loopland Gelderland Better movement &

  1. 4. TECHNIEK EN COÖRDINATIE: Spiegelloop Spiegelloop met actieve voeten de leider nadoen. 3 4m WEEK 4 1 Sporter beweegt voor de groep en 3 sporters daar tegen- Spelsportkaart . . over doen de beweging na. Degene voor de groep maakt x actieve bewegingen in alle richtingen en probeert de Deze oefenstof kan zowel ingezet worden als een onder- . . . . . anderen op het verkeerde been te zetten. Wissel om de 30 x x x x deel van een training (circa 12 min.) of als een hele training. seconden van leider. Blijf in je vak! Hierdoor leren sporters beter bewegen en lopen, wat een . . . . . Volg je spiegelbeeld! basis is voor een leven lang sportplezier. Difgerentiatie: Alle sporters hebben een bal aan de voet of in de handen of ze houden een hockeystick vast. Scan de QR-code hiernaast voor instructiefjlmpjes of kijk op 5. ACTIEVE VOETEN: hindernisloop 1. WARMING-UP: schijnboksen 1 3 Snel over 10 hindernissen bewegen met hoge knieinzet. Tik elkaar, dansend als een bokser, op een schouderblad. . . . . De sporters lopen snel en actief over 10 lage hindernissen De sporters dansen in tweetallen lichtvoetig als een bokser bijv. foamrol op hoedjes (10cm) of op lage pilonnen (20cm) x x op hun voorvoeten en proberen elkaar op een schouder- x x met een tussenafstand van twee voeten. Raak tussen de blad te tikken. Afweren mag. Om beurten aanvallen of x 5m 10* x hindernissen steeds eenmaal met de voet actief de grond verdedigen. Tel de punten! x x aan en eindig met een sprint van 5 meter. Doe de oefening xx ook met tweebenige kaatssprongen. Snel als een paard Organisatie: Doe de oefening met circa 4 tweetallen in . Reageer zo snel als . . . 5m erover! een vak van 5 bij 5 meter. x x een bokser! Difgerentiatie: Verhoog de hindernissen om en om met x x 10 cm. Doe de oefening ook zijwaarts. 6. ACCELEREREN: zijwaarts wenden 2. MOBILITEIT EN STABILITEIT: kniehefiuppel met bal 3 1 Wegsprinten op commando weg vanuit loopbeweging. Knieën actief omhoog en naar de grond trappen. . . Enkele sporters starten tegelijk op commando vanuit een De sporters houden de bal vast en stoten de bal gelijktijdig 15m x loopbeweging over een afstand van circa 10 meter. De eer- met de knie actief schuin omhoog op en neer. 5m 5m ste 5 meter rechtuit en dan 5 meter naar links of rechts of . . schuin naar voren. De trainer bepaalt tijdens het sprinten Variaties: De bal afwisselend naar voren en omhoog. De x x naar welke pilon de sporter toe gaat. bal afwisselend naar linksboven en rechtsboven stoten, 5m x x Wie is het eerste bij Pluk de appel snel uit stoot de bal afwisselend in alle 4 vormen achter elkaar x x x x Variaties: Wegsprinten vanuit joggen, achterwaarts knie- de pilon? de boom! bewegen. x x x x hef of zijwaarts op de as draaien. 3. BASIC DRILLS: kniehef freeze Tips: Materiaallijst: 1 Knieën actief omhoog bewegen en opeens bevriezen. Meer uitdaging voor opdracht 4, 5 en 6: • 2 pilonnen . . • Wedstrijden in tweetallen per oefening met een start en fjnish. • 28 trainingshoedjes De sporters doen drie keer een kniehef en bevriezen in de • Wedstrijden in tweetallen over een circuit van oefening 4,5 en 6. • 10 horden (10 à 30 cm) 15m loophouding met hoge kniehef en één arm voor, één arm • Wedstijden in estafettevorm over oefening 4,5, en 6 met twee achter. Houd dit twee tellen vast en ga weer actief door. teams van circa 4/5 sporters. . . Zak niet in elkaar, maar blijf lang. Afstand circa 15 meter. • Bedenk met jouw team een uitdagend hindernisparcours met teams van circa x x 4/5 sporters. x x Variatie: Zelfde oefening uitvoeren, maar dan met kort x Freeze! x x actief tussenhupje in plaats van het bevriezen. x Meer informatie over Loopland Gelderland, de gebruikte materialen, etc. x x Kijk op /LooplandGelderland @LooplandGLD /LooplandGelderland

  2. Kaart 4 h(p:// a(ribu6on_link?a=rH9kkHO0i24&u=/ watch%3Fv%3DZ9RQdJkKrmA %26feature%3Dem-share_video_user 24

  3. Talent & genes • coach: spend 25% of your time on finding great talents • find amazing talents: the story of Nigel Amos • look for talents at schools & others sports • help schools to develop basic motoric skills • invite talents to train 1x a week next to their own sport • start to train the base….

  4. Build a good base! • Basic aerobic fitness • General training • Good core stability • Technique (arms) • Speed • Variation • after that more volume

  5. National Distance Coach Norway

  6. My goals in Norway • High Performance Program • Cooperation of coaches & athletes • Structure & planning in training • Find great new talents • Reach the potential of the elites

  7. 9 nationalities…

  8. Today’s Program • Create a “High Performance Program • O rganize daily life (20 hours “rest”) • My vision of training • Different athletes different programs: “some examples of training” Bram Som: 800m Robert Lathouwers 400>800m Sifan Hassan 800m - 3km

  9. Challenges • How to find points to improve your athletes? • How to manage the 20 hours they don't train…?

  10. Improvement • Dream • Think • Dare • Do

  11. High Performance Program

  12. HPP • Set clear goals in time & results (champs) • Analyze performance factors: 1-6 scale • From „improvement” goals to concrete “Actions” • Create the optimal general week

  13. HPP • Year plan: races > camps > proces goals • Training program: month > week > day • Monitoring: week goals > dairy > evaluation • (big) evaluation: teammeeting 2-3x p year

  14. Questions • What is the right distance? • What is the best approach? • What type of athlete do you coach?

  15. What type of runner do you coach? Speed & explosion Anaerobic + Lactate Bolt …… . 1. 2. General Aeroob/O2 O2 + glycogeen Hart & Lungs Utilisation of O2 in de spier Blood> Muscles 3. 4.

  16. What Energy systems do you need … ..? Speedy & explosive Lactical Anaerobic ATP: 5x 30m max. 5x 300m 37 p5 CP: 10x 80m (submax) p2 6x 200m 23 p4 10 sec 30 sec = total 40 sec 400m 800m O2 Hart & Lungs O2 /glycogeen 1500m Transport in Blood>muscle Utilisation in the muscle! Non Specific Specific, the right mix 5km Running-Swimming-Cycling VO2max speed & faster Many hours ……………… .. Race speed> economy! Marathon

  17. Analyze • Where can your athlete improve to run faster? • 1-6 scale • choose 5 main factors

  18. Performance factors to improve in details 1 2 3 4 5 6 Actions x 0 2x a week a session of 90 min Running Technique Core stability Flexibility Power Speed power Jumping power Basic fitness level Aerobic/anaerobic Level Anaerobic level Start Acceleration max speed Speed endurance Contact times Coaching Daily life (work - rest) balance in work & rest/sleep anayses Home training situation experience/coop/network/open mind Fysio experience/coop OLT/manual/available daily Doctor experience/coop OLT/2x year check/available daily Training Partners level /available daily/on camps Nutricion experience/coop OLT/2x year check/available daily Fysisian Plan for Testing /evaluation / change in training Mental training Analyse and plan, competition skills Training Camps quality/altitude/coach/fysio/sparring partners Monitoring daily / weekly / yearly analyses of proces Communication daily contact & coop with coach / team / NFIF / OLT

  19. A perfect daily life • Train 4 hours a day…… & • Manage the 20 hours without training to recover…

  20. Tijdstip Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 7 30 Wake up / eat Wake up / eat Wake up / eat 8 Wake up / eat Wake up / eat 30 9 ODL / rust Wake up / eat 30 15’ Study Home 15’ Wake up / eat Power training Power training 10 15’ 15’ 30 11 Study Olso Manual Fysio Run Forest Run Olso 1u Home 15’ 30 12 Home 15’ 30 Lunch Study Home Lunch Lunch Lunch home 15’ 13 Lunch Study Olso Studie home Lunch Lunch 30 Rest / nap Rest / nap Rest / nap Rest / nap 14 30 15 1u 15’ Visit parents 15’ Track training 30 16 Hilltraining Forest training DL Z1-2 30 Shopping 17 15’ 30 Home 15’ Home 15’ Home 1u Home 15’ massage Home 1u 18 30 Diner Diner Diner Diner home 15’ Diner 19 Diner 30 Diner 20 30’ Visit Friends 30 21 30 22 30 Home 30’ 23 30 Hours sleep 9 10+1=11 9 10+1=11 9 9.30+1=10 ½ 10+1=11 Hours work/study 4 u 1,5 u 5 u 2,5 u 2 u Hours travel 2 ¼ u 1u 2 ¼ u ½ u 1 u 1 ½ 2 u Hours training 2 1,5 1,5 2 2,5 1,5 1 X massage/fysio 1x 1x

  21. Goals • Proces goals • Result goals (PB’s > championships)

  22. Distances PB Year of PB Time result 2014 Championship result Time goal 2015 Championship goal Time goal 2016 Championship goal 2016 60m 100m 150m 200m 300m 400m 800mtr 1500mtr 3km 5km 10km

  23. Year plan

  24. Travel Championships Topraces Special Care Trainingcamps Additional Medical care Planning 2013-2014 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday NORWAY wk date Holli wkn 34 19-25 aug Travel back Home Stockholm Nationals Nationals 35 26-1 sept 36 2-8 sept Brussel Ivo v D 37 9-15 sept 38 16-22 sept 39 23-29 sept 40 30 sept-6 okt 41 7-13 okt Blood check 42 14-20 okt 43 21-27 okt FLAGGSTAF 44 28 okt-3 nov 45 4-10 nov 46 11-17 nov 47 18-24 nov Bloodcheck Warandeloop 48 25 nov-1 dec 49 2-8 dec Travel EK cross Bergrado 50 9-15 dec Back 51 16-22 dec 52 23-30 dec Bloodcheck 1 30 dec-5 jan Potchefstrom 2 6-12 jan 3 13-19 jan 4 20-26 jan 5 27 jan-2 feb Nat indoor 6 3-9 feb Nord indoor 7 10-16 feb Bloodcheck 8 17-23 feb portugal 9 24 feb-2 mrt 10 3-9 mrt 15/8/3km 8 / 15F 8/ 3KM F 11 10-16 mrt 12 17-23 mrt 13 24-30 mrt 14 31 mrt -6 apr Bloodcheck 15 7-13 apr FLAGGSTAF 16 14-20 apr 17 21-27 apr 18 28 apr-4 mei Stanford

  25. Doha 19 5-11 mei Hoorn 20 12-18 mei Bloodcheck 21 19-25 mei Oordegem 22 26-1 june Eugene (Nike) 23 2-8 june Oslo / Nijmegen FBK hengelo Leiden 24 9-15 june Ostrava Travel Europacup Europacup 25 16-22 june St Moritz? 26 23-29 june Lausanne 27 30 June-6 july London 28 7-13 july Bloodcheck Monaco Heusden 29 14-20 july St Moritz 30 21-27 july 31 28 july-3 aug 32 4-10 aug Zurich 33 10-16 aug Stockholm Nationals 34 17-24 aug Zurich 35 25-31 aug Brussel Ivo v D 36 1-7 sept 37 8-14 sept 38 15-21 sept 39 22-28 sept 40 29 sept-5 okt 41 6-12 okt Bloodcheck 42 13-19 okt Vak FLAGGSTAF 43 20-26 okt 44 27 okt-2 nov 45 3-9 nov 46 10-16 nov Warandeloop 47 17-23 nov Bloodcheck Portugal Cross 48 24 - 30 nov team Travel EK cross 49 1-7 dec Travel back Home 50 8-14 dec 51 15-21 dec 52 22-28 dec Vak 1 29 dec-4 jan

  26. Monitoring • Training diary • Evaluation • Learn from mistakes to become better….

  27. Plan the training • Core, stability & power • Flexibility • Running technique • Speed • race pace, efficiency en change of ritme • Aerobic running power • Aerobic/Anaerobic training (mid zone = 4-8mmol) • Anaerobic training (8-max mmol)

  28. Let’s start the Training

  29. Train the body? Ore Train the Brain?

  30. Tim Noakes • If you don’t die at the finish line, you could have run faster…

  31. Paula Radcliffe World Record Marathon 2.15

  32. Train the brain • Exercises with a „pain” component…. • without damaging the aerobic & nerve system

  33. Train the brain General: 1. Old fashioned circuit training 30/30 sec (2 p) 2. Resistance circuit: 7 exercises > go for PB • abdominals-back-legs / abd - back - legs + 7 fast running jumps on a mat 3. Alternative anaerobic training (bike / cross / aqua)

  34. Train the brain Running specific: 1. Running with a fast end/climax (aeroob>anaeroob) 2. Hill training (ritme of the race) 3. Anaerobic tempo’s (400-300-200m fast rec 7-10) + rec 3 + 5x 80m rec 1 (in race pace 800>400m)

  35. Mind Power Arnoud Okken: European Champion 800m Indoor • as a baby he always aimed to crawl to the see (150x) • to stop with his study harmed his resistance power..

  36. Why anaerobic training?

  37. Anaerobic training • a 800-1500m race is a travel threw lactate zones • from 4 > 8 > 12 > max (at finishing speed) • the winner is relatively low at 75% of the race • run efficiënt with medium > high lactate • train the brain to resist the pain of high lactate

  38. Prepare Race Pace 1. Train the race pace in short distances first 2. without much anaerobic lactate (4>6>8mmol) 3. then go into medium lactate zones (4>8>12) 4. at the end do some sub max lactate workouts

  39. Balance

  40. Aeroob > middle Anaeroob Zone gradual increase Aerobic Zone Anaerobic Z. Many a few small big actions actions

  41. Aeroob versus anaeroob • Winter: much aerobic training, Z1-4 > loading aerobe reservoir> Runningpower • Spring: aërobic training, Z1-3 + aeroob/anaerobic middle zone (lact <8) • Summer: less aerobic volume, Z1-2 + some anaerobic training (8+ max) • Summer recovery base: 1 week winter > 1 week spring

  42. Bull’s-eye

  43. 800m • Race speed =27km pu / An threshold =17.5 km pu • Don't be afraid to train intervals between 4-8 mmol • Train 6-8x 2,5 min p2’ ore 10x 400m/10x 300m • feel it in the lungs not the legs!!! • Train speed & speed endurance all year around

  44. 800m WINTER Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Forest long reps 6-8 30-45 Min Run ore 45 Min Run Ore 30-45 Min Run ore 45-60-75 Min Run Laps of 850m ore 2x Morning 3-4x 10 min ore 6-8x 5 min Run ore Core and Power 3-4x 10 min Ore No Running day ore 2laps + 4x 1Lap rec Alternative Aer. Alternative Aer. Alternative Aer. 2-5x 15 min 2min Track sprints 5x Hills 5x 60m relax 60-80m rec 2 + +2x Forest: 4-5x 30-45-60 Min Run ore 4x500m rec 75 + 5x afternoon Core and Power 150-200-150-200-15 6 min aerobic Q 3-6x 10 min 400m rec 1' + 6x 0m rec 2 / srec 5 300m+100m rec 45" serie rec 4-5 800m SUMMER Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 800-1500m type: Forest long reps 6-8 Laps of 850m rec 30 Min Run ore 30 Min Run Ore 30-45 Min Run ore 45-60-75 Min Run 2min ore 2x 5x 400m Morning 3-4x 10 min ore 6-8x 5 min Run ore Core and Power 3-4x 10 min Ore No Running day ore rec 2 sRec 5 speed Alternative Aer. Alternative Aer. Alternative Aer. 2-5x 15 min of 3k-1500m ore: 2-3x 1000m rec 5-7 speed 3km-1500m Speed 5x 60m + 400m speed: 400-800m type: Track sprints 5x 150-200-150-200-15 800-1500m type: 5x 20-20-20m 30-45-50 Min Run ore 60-80m rec 2 + 10x 0m rec 4-5 Ore Forest: Core and Power change in stride afternoon 3-5x 10 min 200m Rec 2 ore 2x 5x 200m speed: 4-5x 6 min aerobic Q ritme + week 1 : 200m rec 2 ore 120-180-150 rec 2x 5x400m rec2 10 400-800m type: later in season: Track 5x 20-20-20m 400-800m type: sprints 5x change in stride Forest: long reps 6-8 60-80m rec 2 + 2x 5x ritme + week Laps of 850m ore 2x 200m rec 1 serie rec 5 2 : 2laps + 4x 1Lap rec ore 3x (3x200m 500-400-300-200m 2min rec 30 sec) serie rec rec 7-10 speed 10 1000-600m

  45. 5-10 km training • Much focus on aerobic zones (smart training) • More focus on running technique & Core (young) • More focus on race pace without lactate • More focus on change of ritme speeds • More focus on under distance to become a winner

  46. 3-5km WINTER Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Forest long reps 3x 2 Morning 45 Min Run <2mm 45 Min Run <2mmol Core and Power 45 Min Run <2mm Laps 850m rec 3 jogg 90 Min Run <1,5 + 4x 1Lap rec 2' Track/Forest: sprints Hills 5x80m & short week 1 2x 5x 200m Forest: intervals 10x 500m rec 2/ serie rec 5 afternoon 3x 10 min AT <4mm rec 75 Min Run <1,5m 1.35>130 15x 400m Core and Power 45 Min Run <1,5 3'jogg 72>68 20x 300m week 2 5x 900m 52>48" rec=jogg back easy rec=runningtime jog ore 10x90" ore 15x1' ore Ore 5x6' ore 2x15' ore ore 20x 40" 3x 5'+4x 3' rec 2' ore 1x 30 min Rec=runtime 10x 3' rec=90" 3-5km SUMMER Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday week 1 Forest 60-90 Min Run Morning 45 Min Run <2m 45 Min Run <1,5 Core and Power 45 Min Run <2 long reps 2x 2Laps <1,5 850m + 4x 1 lap 850m Track sprints Run 30 min + 5x 60m & short 5x 120m rec 4 ore Forest: intervals 10x 400m afternoon 60-75 Min Run < 1,5 Core and Power 45 Min Run 4x 150m rec 5 speed 3x 10 min aerobic Q r1-2' 68/62mix ore of 800m>400m 12x 300m r1' 48/45/42mix week 2 Long intervals speed 10>5>3km 6x800m R2 Ore 5x6' ore 2x15' ore ore 5x1000m R3 ore 1x 30 min 4x1200m R3 ore 3x1600m R3 ore 2x 2000m R3

  47. National Sport Centre PAPENDAL

  48. Artificial turf track (500m)

  49. 845m lap of the european champions Track record 2.00.45 (Okken)

  50. Training Bram Som 800m runner

  51. Winter week Bram Som • mo: 30’/ Hills: 2x (150-200-300-200m-150 p2-) sp5 • tue: 30’ / Min Runs: 10 / 7 / 5 / 3 rec 2-3 • wed: 50’ / Powertraining 4 sets (reps 10/15/20) • thu: 30’ / 5x 80m + 2km/1600/1200/1000m (78-74” p400m) • fri: 50’ / Powertraining 3 sets (reps 10/15/20) • sat: : Woods: 5x 60m> 8x 850m rec2 (18-19-20km) • sun: 60’ 100-120km a week

  52. week in may (Bram Som) • mo: 5x 30m +10x 100m 11.0 flying start • tue: Run Z1-2 45’ + corstab • wed: 5x60m+10x 200m 26-24p2 ore 5x 300p2-3 • thu: Run Z 1-2 + corst • fri: Hills: 3x (300-250-200m p2-) sp3 • sat: Z4 + Vo2max: 6x 850m woodsp2 • Sun: 60’ 80km a week

  53. Race week Bram Som (e.o.) • Sat: Race • Sun: DL 45’+ 10x 30” active recovery • Mon: 6x3’ Z4-5 wood or 6x 800m 2.16 p2 • Tue: Dl 45’ • Wed: 5x 60m + 6x 200m 26-25”p2 • Thu: rest • Fri:15 min jogg, jumps, 5 coordination runs • Sat: Race 60 km a week

  54. 400 >800m “Different Types, Different Methods”

  55. 2007 a New Project: 400 > 800m Robert Lathouwers

  56. Lactate in aerobic 800m training Training sessions - running speed & lactate • 5x 1000m 3.30 – 3.20 rec 2 80/76 Lactate: 11.2 • 5x 400m 75-72 rec 75 sec 75/72 Lactate: 8.2 • 5x 300/100m 54-52 / rec 55 72-70 Lactate: 6.5 • 5x (200/200m) 34-32 rec 35 68-64 Lactate: 5.7

  57. Afraid of distance running

  58. Winterweek Robert • mo: 6x 1000m 3.30-3.20-3.10 p2 • Tue: (core)stability / bike 30 min / 5x 80m p2 • 5x 400m 75” 5x 300/100 55” 5x 200/200 p35” p=run T • We: Bike 45’ / ore 5x 4’ (15-17km/u) + Power/corstab • Thur: 5x 20/20/20 + 4x 600m (76) + 6x 400m 72-68 • Fr: Bike 45’ / ore 5x 4’ (15-17km/u) + Power/corstab • Sat: speed/hill circuit (5x 70m flat+hills+stairs) + 5x 800m p2 76-74” + 5x 200/200m p35” Sunday: 60’ bike •

  59. May week Robert • mo: 10x 100m p2 • Tue: (core)stabilit 5x 200m p2 (26) sp7 + 5x 200m p1 (26) • We: 5x 4’ (15-17km/u) + corstab • Thur: 5x 20/20/20 + 2x 5x 400m(68-64 / 64-60) p2 sp5 • Fr: Rest / Corestability • Sat: 500-400-300m (65 / 50 / 36) p7-10 + 5x 60m p2 Sunday: rest ore 60’ bike/swim •

  60. Race week Robert • mo: 6x 1000m 3.20 – 3.00 p2 • Tue: 5x 30/30/30m pace 400-800-400m 1x (3x200m p20”) (26) sp20 + 1x 400m (47.8) • We: 5x 4’ (15km/u) + corstab • Thur: 3x 80m + 2x 300m p5 ca 39” • Fr: Rest / Corestability • Sat: rest + core • Sunday: Hengelo 1th 1.45.80

  61. Sifan Hassan

  62. Sifan Advantage : - many hours movement as a child ( miss 30h) - born at 2400m high ( <14 jr) - a hard live at young age (willpower) - long legs / slim / big gluteus maximus - great cardio system Disadvantage: - no self regulation - past 5 years not on altitude - no systematic training before 20 years of age - not speed (yet), no jumping power - bad core & running technique base

  63. Anita & Sifan 90

  64. Analyze • Where can she improve to be better? • lets make a good plan!

  65. Performance factors Analyzis in details 1 2 3 4 5 6 Actions ^ x o Running Technique More supporting arms + more active + straight feet 2x a week accent on active running + arm direction + video (1x a month) ^ x o abdominals & hips need more core + stability injury prevention 3x a week 1 h individual training by proffesional trainer (Astrid) mo-wed-fri Core stability ^ x o Leg Stability more stability of hips>knees>legs> ankles 2x a week accent on leg stability excersises in main core/power training (wed-fri) ^ x o Power higher specific power level squats/calves/glutes 2x a week accent on leg strenght in power training (wed-fri) okt-dec /march-april ^ x o Jumping more reactive elastic components in feet 2x a week accent on small jumps (1x in power training (wed) + 1x in track training ^ x o Basic aerobic level Basic fitness <1.5 mmol is good, higher level is possible increasing volume of basic running & alternative training 120>140>160km ^ x o Anaerobic threshold Speed < 4mmol appr 18km pu (good), 19km pu is possible 3>4>5 sessions in winter / 2>3x in summer season max 30 min, upto 45 min in 2015 ^ x o Aerobic/anaerobic Level Running zone 4 - 8 mmol is good, more quality needed 1-2x a week in winter / 2-3x a week in summer (2015 2-3x winter + summer ^ x o zone 8 mmol until max rarely trained, gradualy more volume 2013 only 3 sessions > 2014 5-6 sessions > 2015 6-8x > 2016 8-10 sessions Anaerobic level ^ x o Efficiency at race pace economy at race pace can improve by more volume increasing from 0.5 tr a week in summer to 2014 1x w > 2015 1,5x w > 2016 2x week ^ x o start is not good, has to improve / general speed can improve too improving start speed (1th 10-20m) 1x a week + 1 (winter)-2x (summer) speed session Speed ^ x o Finishing Speed finish speed under high lactate is very good (100m) / last lap too (400m) needs only some training in the preparation of championships (last 4 weeks) ^ x o Hilltraining reacts very well on hilltraining short (150m) + longer (300-500m) 2014 every week 1 session until may > same for 2015 > 2016 ^ x o Under distance 800m has improved a lot, can improve to be a winner! more 800m races (2013 2x), 2014 4x, 2015 4x, 2016 2x ^ x o Over distance 3 km is world class, 5km can be great too: improve by doing improving 5km to same level as 3km in 2013 (world class) by 2x a race a year ^ x o Tactical skills main tactic is starting slow, finishing very fast. more options needed by personality a hunter (start slow attack from behind last 400m) / be more in front too ^ x o Altitude sleeping in tent since june 2013 / alt can ingrease from 1500>2400m alt in tent increaseed from 1500m (now) to 2000m (2014) to 2400m (2015) ^ x o Daily life (work - rest) balance in life school & rest/sleep (naps) must be more steady combi school +training (important developement too) with max 3x 3h a week ^ x o Coaching Coaching takes a lot of time next to main job / more time needed home training situation (RTC Loopland Gelderland)/ part of Norwegian camps coach (50%) ^ x o Fysio fysio was not enough, now 2x a week, more quidance needed (camps!) Fysio 3x a week home + needs FT at trainingcamps (50% Dutch + 50% Norwegian coop) ^ x o Doctor first check by PV + blood: has to be 2x year + 6x blood (transport to hospital) Full package of Peter vergouwen needed! coop with Coach ^ x o Training Partners now 2 rabbits/need 2 more home / + availeble on camps needs 2 more rabbits home situation + each camp 2 at trainingcamp ^ x o Nutricion Food at Papendal is Ok / 2x year check needed, also supplements (nitrits) needs 2x a year check nutricianist + practice in supplements before main races (nitrits) ^ x o Fysisian No time yet: now 1x year VO2max + Mucle lap + wingate + general lactate 1x p/jr VO2max test + muscle lab + wingate test + lactate testing weekly ^ x o Mental training Good natural mental level / skills + tools before race add to training course for more skills + tools to use at championships ^ x o Training Camps 3x altitude camps a year (4w) + coach/fysio/sparring partners Coach + fysio + 2 sparringpartners FT needed at all camps ^ x o Monitoring Monitoring diary + HRV by app daily needs app for simple monitoring HRV + training results ^ x o Communication daily contact & coop with coach needs to be improved (phone contract!) support of Topsport Gelderland for communication tools & skills (Phone contract etc)

  66. Performance factors Analyzis in details 1 2 3 4 5 6 More supporting arms + more active + straight feet ^ x o Running Technique abdominals & hips need more core + stability injury prevention ^ x o Core stability more stability of hips>knees>legs> ankles ^ x o Leg Stability higher specific power level squats/calves/glutes ^ x o Power more reactive elastic components in feet ^ x o Jumping Basic fitness <1.5 mmol is good, higher level is possible ^ x o Basic aerobic level Speed < 4mmol appr 18km pu (good), 19km pu is possible ^ x o Anaerobic threshold Running zone 4 - 8 mmol is good, more quality needed ^ x o Aerobic/anaerobic Level zone 8 mmol until max rarely trained, gradualy more volume ^ x o Anaerobic level economy at race pace can improve by more volume ^ x o Efficiency at race pace start is not good, has to improve / general speed can improve too ^ x o Speed finish speed under high lactate is very good (100m) / last lap too (400m) ^ x o Finishing Speed reacts very well on hilltraining short (150m) + longer (300-500m) ^ x o Hilltraining 800m has improved a lot, can improve to be a winner! ^ x o Under distance 3 km is world class, 5km can be great too: improve by doing ^ x o Over distance main tactic is starting slow, finishing very fast. more options needed ^ x o Tactical skills sleeping in tent since june 2013 / alt can ingrease from 1500>2400m ^ x o Altitude

  67. Performance factors Analyzis in details 1 2 3 4 5 6 Actions More supporting arms + more active + straight feet ^ x o 2x a week accent on active running + arm direction + video (1x a month) Running Technique abdominals & hips need more core + stability injury prevention ^ x o 3x a week 1 h individual training by proffesional trainer (Astrid) mo-wed-fri Core stability more stability of hips>knees>legs> ankles ^ x o 2x a week accent on leg stability excersises in main core/power training (wed-fri) Leg Stability ^ x o 2x a week accent on leg strenght in power training (wed-fri) okt-dec /march-april Power higher specific power level squats/calves/glutes ^ x o 2x a week accent on small jumps (1x in power training (wed) + 1x in track training Jumping more reactive elastic components in feet ^ x o increasing volume of basic running & alternative training 120>140>160km Basic aerobic level Basic fitness <1.5 mmol is good, higher level is possible ^ x o 3>4>5 sessions in winter / 2>3x in summer season max 30 min, upto 45 min in Anaerobic threshold Speed < 4mmol appr 18km pu (good), 19km pu is possible 2015 ^ x o 1-2x a week in winter / 2-3x a week in summer (2015 2-3x winter + summer Aerobic/anaerobic Level Running zone 4 - 8 mmol is good, more quality needed ^ x o 2013 only 3 sessions > 2014 5-6 sessions > 2015 6-8x > 2016 8-10 sessions Anaerobic level zone 8 mmol until max rarely trained, gradualy more volume ^ x o increasing from 0.5 tr a week in summer to 2014 1x w > 2015 1,5x w > 2016 2x Efficiency at race pace economy at race pace can improve by more volume week ^ x o improving start speed (1th 10-20m) 1x a week + 1 (winter)-2x (summer) speed Speed start is not good, has to improve / general speed can improve too session ^ x o needs only some training in the preparation of championships (last 4 weeks) Finishing Speed finish speed under high lactate is very good (100m) / last lap too (400m) ^ x o 2014 every week 1 session until may > same for 2015 > 2016 Hilltraining reacts very well on hilltraining short (150m) + longer (300-500m) ^ x o more 800m races (2013 2x), 2014 4x, 2015 4x, 2016 2x Under distance 800m has improved a lot, can improve to be a winner! ^ x o improving 5km to same level as 3km in 2013 (world class) by 2x a race a year Over distance 3 km is world class, 5km can be great too: improve by doing ^ x o by personality a hunter (start slow attack from behind last 400m) / be more in front Tactical skills main tactic is starting slow, finishing very fast. more options needed too Altitude sleeping in tent since june 2013 / alt can ingrease from ^ x o alt in tent increaseed from 1500m (now) to 2000m (2014) to 2400m (2015) 1500>2400m

  68. Corestability Sifan • Level Core at start 2013 was 1 (on 1-6 schaal) • Challenge: 2014 (3) - 2015 (4) - 2016 (5) • 3x p week 1 hour training with guidance • 40 weeks x 3 uur = 120 hour training • monthly check (with sport doctor)

  69. Core stability hip

  70. Planning 2013-2014 Championship Travel Topraces Special Care Trainingcamps Additional Medical care s Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday SIFAN wk date Acc wkn 34 19-25 aug Travel back Home Stockholm 35 26-1 sept 36 2-8 sept Brussel Ivo v D 37 9-15 sept 38 16-22 sept 39 23-29 sept 40 30 sept-6 okt 41 7-13 okt Blood+check PV 42 14-20 okt 43 21-27 okt 44 28 okt-3 nov 45 4-10 nov 46 11-17 nov Test wedstrijdje Warandeloop 47 18-24 nov 48 25 nov-1 dec Travel EK cross Bergrado 49 2-8 dec 50 9-15 dec Back Cross Brussel 51 16-22 dec 52 23-30 dec Blood 1 30 dec-5 jan Soest Potchefstrom HH arriveert 2 6-12 jan 3 13-19 jan HH weg 4 20-26 jan Joost karlsruhe 3km 5 27 jan-2 feb Blood 6 3-9 feb Joost Joost Gent 800m Joost Joost Birmingham 1500m terugreis 7 10-16 feb 8 17-23 feb portugal+ Joost Joost weg Aer HH port intensieve sessie 3km intensieve sessie kort 9 24 feb-2 mrt Aer terugreis Vertrek Polen 15/3km 3KM F 10 3-9 mrt 15F 11 10-16 mrt terugreis Rust 12 17-23 mrt 13 24-30 mrt Footscan Jempi 14 31 mrt -6 apr Blood+check PV

  71. FLAGGSTAF 15 7-13 apr HH Flagstaff vak Joost home/ ragnild Norw 16 14-20 apr VS 17 21-27 apr Vak Reis Stanford HH home Stanford 5km 18 28 apr-4 mei Vak travel back Home arrival 19 5-11 mei vertrek /aankomst aankomst 6u tijdsverschil later Shanghai1500m 20 12-18 mei Blood terug 18u Training warnsborn 21 19-25 mei training hard aeroob? Reis Eugene portland Eugene 1500m DL terugreis 22 26-1 june aankomst thuis Fbk 1500m 23 2-8 june Rust dl 60’ dl 5x 6’ 10x 200m p2 5x 60m + 400– WB 2x 2R + 4x 1R dl 24 9-15 june 300-200m Ostrawa 800m Travel Europacup 3km Europacup 25 16-22 june Top dl 60’ 20/3 10x500 core // dl 60’ 5x 60m + 10x 300m core / dl 45’ WB 2x 2R + 4x 1R dl 75’ easy! 26 23-29 june p1 150-200-150-200-1 3x core // dl 60’ 3x starts+ 5x 200m reis loslopen Parijs 1500 DL dl 60’ 27 30 June-6 july 50 500/400/300 29 10x 200m core // dl 50’ reis+loslopen London/Glasgow 15 test 15 min vlot /dl 60’ dl 60’ 28 7-13 july DL Monaco 5km DL Vertrek St Moritz 29 14-20 july vak 1 Blood / 4x 6’ St Moritz easy training training 30 21-27 july aer 2 week! St Moritz + HH training training 31 28 july-3 aug training Naar huis Naar Zurich 9.45-11u 32 4-10 aug rust 10.34u 1500m 12.08 5km series??? 19.25u 1500m Finale 17.40u 5km Finale 33 11-17 aug Piek S Stockholm 1500 DL Flame games 800m? 34 18-24 aug vak 3 Zurich 1500 DL 35 25-31 aug Brussel Ivo v D 3km 36 1-7 sept DL Marrakech 1500m DL 37 8-14 sept Rust 38 15-21 sept Rust 39 22-28 sept Rust 40 29 sept-5 okt Rust

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