report it website

Report it & Website Parish Liaison update 06/03/19 Bath & - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Report it & Website Parish Liaison update 06/03/19 Bath & North East Somerset The place to live, work, and visit Background We needed The solution a quick and easy way for citizens and staff to Fix My Street our own

  1. Report it & Website Parish Liaison update 06/03/19 Bath & North East Somerset – The place to live, work, and visit

  2. Background We needed… The solution… …a quick and easy way for citizens and staff to Fix My Street – our own customised version, report issues online integrated with our back-office systems and processes …an accurate map based system to help citizens and staff locate the issues …something that could be used on a mobile phone or tablet …to provide better feedback to keep citizens updated Bath & North East Somerset – The place to live, work, and visit

  3. What can be reported? Abandoned vehicles Parks • • – Safety issues, damaged benches, etc. Dead animals • Potholes, damage to roads and • Dog fouling • pavements Fly-tipping • Road signs and markings • Littering and bins • – Faded, damaged, etc. Bus stops • Street light faults • Flooding & drains • Trees & woodland issues • Road safety • Needles • – Grit bins, damaged railings, drains Household / business bins left out • Hazard on the road • Graffiti • – Mud, debris, fallen trees, etc. Bath & North East Somerset – The place to live, work, and visit

  4. What has happened Over 11,000 reports have been made since the system went live in April 2018 • Online reporting of highways issues Reports by service area has increased from 13% to 37% • Online reporting of parks & grounds Highways issues has gone from 0% to 18% 44% Parks & 50% Grounds • The number of online reports of Waste Cleansing cleansing issues hasn’t changed 6% Bath & North East Somerset – The place to live, work, and visit

  5. Improving the rest of the website So that people can more easily: Request or apply for services • Pay for services • Report things that aren’t on the map based system • Find information they need and have confidence it is accurate and up to date • Use it on a mobile phone or tablet • The new website will be: Simpler and clearer • Based on research and testing with our users • Easier to find your way around • More interactive (more online forms, automated email responses) • Based on the principles used on the website (tested and proven) • Bath & North East Somerset – The place to live, work, and visit

  6. What will it look like? From this to this Bath & North East Somerset – The place to live, work, and visit

  7. What will it look like? From this to this Bath & North East Somerset – The place to live, work, and visit

  8. What will it look like? From this to this Bath & North East Somerset – The place to live, work, and visit

  9. Report it options Report problems with roads, pavements, parks & grounds and cleansing, using the B&NES version of Fix My Street Bookmark / favourite, this address on your desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or mobile phone (for other problems not covered by Fix My Street, you can still visit, and in an emergency, always ring Council Connect) Bath & North East Somerset – The place to live, work, and visit


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