neatstreets eu neatstreets eu
play Presenter: Neil Kuruppu CEO - PowerPoint PPT Presentation Presenter: Neil Kuruppu CEO of PepperStack Presenter: Neil Kuruppu CEO of PepperStack Tel: +61 405 357 614 Commercial-in-Confidence S S o what is o what is NeatS

  1. Presenter: Neil Kuruppu – CEO of PepperStack Presenter: Neil Kuruppu – CEO of PepperStack Tel: +61 405 357 614

  2. Commercial-in-Confidence S S o what is o what is NeatS NeatS treets treets ? ? “ A service that leverages the power of the public to “ A service that leverages the power of the public to bring attention to the existence of defective public assets and/or obstructions to public assets … ... The service is aimed at alerting the relevant authority as soon as these issues are discovered and then keeping as soon as these issues are discovered and then keeping reporters informed of action until the issues are solved.” C ontact: Neil Kuruppu / T el: +61 3 9939 8558 / Email:

  3. Commercial-in-Confidence How does How does it work? it work? It is facilitated by a FREE smart-phone application: It is facilitated by a FREE smart-phone application: It engages the public to report G PS-tagged defects effortlessly …. with pictures! …. with pictures! C ontact: Neil Kuruppu / T el: +61 3 9939 8558 / Email:

  4. Commercial-in-Confidence What’s What’s R R eportable? eportable? Online-configurable categories: Broken Footpaths Broken Footpaths Streetlight Faults Streetlight Faults Hazards Litter Vandalised Assets Abandoned Trolleys Obstructions Obstructions Fallen/Damaged trees Fallen/Damaged trees Potholes Parking Damaged Signage Damaged Signage Graffiti/Tags Graffiti/Tags Phone categories are editable from the web. …. Location-based changes …. Location-based changes are on the way! are on the way! C ontact: Neil Kuruppu / T el: +61 3 9939 8558 / Email:

  5. Commercial-in-Confidence “L “L ive” reports ive” reports from acros from acros s s the country the country C ontact: Neil Kuruppu / T el: +61 3 9939 8558 / Email:

  6. Commercial-in-Confidence Authorities Authorities notified by email notified by email 1. The authority receiving the email is advised to click on the enclosed link. E.g. Report/10017029 2. The link takes you directly to the location of the issue on Google location of the issue on Google maps and also to a commented photograph of the issue. 3. 3. An example of a linked issue - An example of a linked issue - page is shown on the next slide C ontact: Neil Kuruppu / T el: +61 3 9939 8558 / Email:

  7. Commercial-in-Confidence L L inked details inked details page page … where gov and the community can interact: C ontact: Neil Kuruppu / T el: +61 3 9939 8558 / Email:

  8. Commercial-in-Confidence It’s It’s not jus not jus t about reporting t about reporting … … … it’s about managing We have a secure online Incident Room for authorities We have a secure online Incident Room for authorities to to manage reports arriving from their own geo-poly Progress Progress status status and comments and comments added to the Detailed Report added to the Detailed Report pages are forwarded directly back to the reporter’s app: E.g. C ontractor Managing: “ Tels “ Tels tra Pit is tra Pit is s s cheduled for fixing in 2 cheduled for fixing in 2 days days ” ” John Smith from Telstra C ontact: Neil Kuruppu / T el: +61 3 9939 8558 / Email:

  9. Commercial-in-Confidence Premium s Premium s ervice s ervice s et-up and monthly plan et-up and monthly plan NeatStreets Authority Authentication Request: Authority, Area ws_report System Accept: Create_new_Authority PRIMITIVE DATA TYPES PRIMITIVE DATA TYPES Reports List Request Authority, Area, Categories, Start_time, End_time Title: e.g. Stop sign damage Title: e.g. Stop sign damage Comment: e.g. “passing Comment: e.g. “passing Comment: e.g. “passing Comment: e.g. “passing Reports List: vehicle inflicted damage to vehicle inflicted damage to { [Issue_Id, Category, Title, Comment, Report_time, sign” Category: e.g. Signage, Lat, Long, Image, Status List[], ], ..} sign” Category: e.g. Signage, Subcategory: e.g. Damaged, Subcategory: e.g. Damaged, Event Time: e.g. 3/12/2009 Event Time: e.g. 3/12/2009 16:40:00, 16:40:00, Latitude: e.g. - 37.846809, Latitude: e.g. - 37.846809, Report Status: Report Status: Latitude: e.g. - 37.846809, Latitude: e.g. - 37.846809, { [Issue_Id, Status, Reply, Lat_update , Long_update ]..} Longitude: e.g. 144.978945, Longitude: e.g. 144.978945, Horizontal Accuracy: e.g. 5 Horizontal Accuracy: e.g. 5 Status Acknowledge: Image Image { [Issue_Id], ..} Array:( Multiple/Report ) Array:( Multiple/Report ) C ontact: Neil Kuruppu / T el: +61 3 9939 8558 / Email:

  10. Commercial-in-Confidence B B 2B 2B Web-API Acces Web-API Acces s s (NeatS (NeatS treets treets -“L -“L ive”) ive”) Infor - Pathway supports full ‘B2B ’ communications with NeatStreets NeatStreets Commenting back to reporter’s phone direct from job dispatch & closure systems. Org field - crews can using our free apps NeatStreets – ‘Live’ : winner for Innovation & Commercialisation at VSEA 2011 C ontact: Neil Kuruppu / T el: +61 3 9939 8558 / Email:

  11. Commercial-in-Confidence S S o how does o how does this this benefit? benefit? Reports Reports are Live: are Live: Helps reduce your risk of Public Liability by knowing about defects quickly Feedback is Feedback is Live:_ _ Live:_ _ ______ ______ Helps improve your public image___ Less calls-based reports: Helps reduce time fielding telephone calls Helps reduce time fielding telephone calls C ontact: Neil Kuruppu / T el: +61 3 9939 8558 / Email:

  12. Commercial-in-Confidence What’s What’s on the roadmap? on the roadmap? (S (S hort T hort T erm) erm) CROWD PI Layer rvice API SOURCING Mobile API Web Servi AUTHORITY EXPERT SOURCING SOURCING NeatStreets Technology NeatStreets Technology Framework (IVU) Multi-layered G eo-fencing : Down to Rail and Road level Down to Rail and Road level Expert-sourcing: C C ustom applications through the NeatS ustom applications through the NeatS treets treets framework C ontact: Neil Kuruppu / T el: +61 3 9939 8558 / Email:

  13. Commercial-in-Confidence What’s What’s on the roadmap? on the roadmap? (Medium T (Medium T erm) erm) World-wide Report Aggregation World-wide Report Aggregation Intelligence Locale - based Usage Statistics – Straight back to mobile Locale - based Usage Statistics – Straight back to mobile devices Trend Analysis – Location Intel could provide advice for placement of parks and gardens, pedestrian & vehicle placement of parks and gardens, pedestrian & vehicle fatality avoidance AR AR & Media Enhancements & Media Enhancements Focal Distance Estimation – Distance of object from camera Video & Audio Transmission – Platform has already has made provision for this. (Waiting for load analysis to be made provision for this. (Waiting for load analysis to be done). Contact: Neil Kuruppu / Tel: +61 3 9939 8558 / Email:


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