registered charity number 1085095

Registered charity number 1085095 THE BLADDER 2 modes of action - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Introduction How many people have bladder/bowel control problems ? Quality of Life Under reported Registered charity number 1085095 THE BLADDER 2 modes of action Storage/Voiding Not everyone with a bladder control problem is incontinent

  1. Introduction How many people have bladder/bowel control problems ? Quality of Life Under reported Registered charity number 1085095

  2. THE BLADDER 2 modes of action Storage/Voiding Not everyone with a bladder control problem is incontinent Diary is a useful way of recording what is happening Registered charity number 1085095

  3. DISORDERS OF STORAGE SUI (Stress Urinary Incontinence) OAB (Overactive Bladder) Nocturia DISORDERS OF VOIDING Acute/Chronic Retention Incomplete Emptying (need referral for specialist assessment) Registered charity number 1085095

  4. STRESS URINARY INCONTINENCE (SUI) What is SUI Who does it affect? Causes – Pelvic Floor Damage (Childbirth), Constipation, Chronic Cough, Post Menopausal, Post Prostate Surgery Registered charity number 1085095

  5. ADVICE Pelvic Floor Exercises Avoid/treat Constipation Stop Smoking/ treat cough Avoid Exercise that increases pressure on pelvic floor Registered charity number 1085095

  6. OAB (OVERACTIVE BLADDER) what are the symptoms of OAB ? Who does it affect? Causes – Lifestyle, UTI, Neurological Post Menopausal Women In many cases no cause is found (idiopathic) Registered charity number 1085095

  7. ADVICE Reduce caffeine/fizzy drinks/alcohol/chocolate/some foods Maintain a healthy fluid intake (1.5-2 litres daily) Avoid going “just in case” (toilet mapping) Pelvic Floor Exercises Medication review (nocturia) Post Menopausal – Oestrogen (if indicated) Bladder Retraining – Diary/Deferrment Antimuscarinics/Anticholinergics Mixed Bladder problems Registered charity number 1085095

  8. LACK OF ABILITY TO COPE WITH BLADDER/BOWEL FUNCTION Dementia/Confusion Mobility/Dexterity Sensory Environmental May or may not have a co existing bladder/bowel problem Referral for specialist assessment Registered charity number 1085095

  9. BOWEL CONTROL Bowel control problems are a symptom of an underlying problem or a medical condition and should always be referred for specialist assessment. What is normal ? Faecal Leakage-Anal Sphincter Defects/ Pelvic Floor Damage/Nerve supply/ Medication Constipation – BSS 1-3 (Overflow- management) Diarrhoea – diet related (Caffiene, sweeteners, sorbitol, alcohol) Laxative overuse/ Medication/stress related Registered charity number 1085095

  10. ADVICE Understanding of constipation Diet and Fluid Diary Good toilet habits Exercise Avoid Stress Registered charity number 1085095

  11. BLADDER AND BOWEL FOUNDATION Website Helpline JCW Card Fact sheets Registered charity number 1085095


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