program overview february 12 2019 location g wing of

Program Overview February 12, 2019 LOCATION G Wing of Pattonville - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Program Overview February 12, 2019 LOCATION G Wing of Pattonville High School POPULATION SERVED Students who require or need a more traditional learning environment but need more individualized support and smaller class sizes

  1. Program Overview February 12, 2019

  2. § LOCATION– G Wing of Pattonville High School § POPULATION SERVED– Students who require or need a more traditional learning environment but need more individualized support and smaller class sizes § GRADUATION—POS students meet the same credit and community service requirement as Pattonville High School students § STRUCTURE– 4 terms per school year § ENROLLMENT--85 § STAFF– 7 certified teachers, 1 Guidance Counselor, 1 Administrator

  3. § LOCATION– G Wing of Pattonville High School § POPULATION SERVED Students who require or need a self-paced, smaller learning environment. § GRADUATION— Pattonville Online Learning Academy students meet the same credit and community service requirement as Pattonville High School students § STRUCTURE– Students must attend a minimum of 15 hours per week and maintain 90% attendance § ENROLLMENT-- 15 § STAFF– 1 Certified Teacher (shared with Missouri Options)

  4. § LOCATION– G Wing of Pattonville High School § POPULATION SERVED– Students who are age 17, lack credits necessary for graduation, and are at risk for dropping out. § GRADUATION—Missouri Options students must complete coursework in Government, Personal Finance, and Health, as earn a passing score on the HiSet (high school equivalency) exam. Students are also required to complete community service. § STRUCTURE–Students must attend a minimum of 15 hours per week and maintain 90% attendance § ENROLLMENT--18 § STAFF– 1 Certified Teacher (shared with the Pattonville Online Academy)

  5. § LOCATION– Pattonville Learning Center § POPULATION SERVED– Students who are extremely at risk for dropping out or are serving long-term suspensions § GRADUATION—ACE Students earn an 18 credit ACE high school diploma § STRUCTURE– ACE offers 3 (3-hour) sessions daily § ENROLLMENT– 40 students § STAFF– 2 certified teachers

  6. § LOCATION– Pattonville Learning Center § POPULATION SERVED– Middle School students that need more individualized support and smaller class sizes or are serving a long-term suspension. § STRUCTURE–Students attend the program on a full-time basis M-F in a blended learning environment § ENROLLMENT– 14 students (20 maximum) § STAFF–1 Certified Teacher; 1 Paraprofessional


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