md 214 transportation facility planning study

MD 214 Transportation Facility Planning Study April 25, 2019 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

MD 214 Transportation Facility Planning Study April 25, 2019 | Making a difference, together AGENDA Existing Traffic Volumes & Level of Service Travel Forecasting Future Traffic Volumes & No-Build Level of

  1. MD 214 Transportation Facility Planning Study April 25, 2019 | Making a difference, together

  2. AGENDA Existing Traffic Volumes & Level of Service • Travel Forecasting • • Future Traffic Volumes & No-Build Level of Service Development & Analysis of Alternatives • Costs • Impacts • | Making a difference, together

  3. Existing Traffic Volumes 13-hour weekday and 5-hour Saturday turning movement counts • (11/2/17-11/14/17) 1. MD 214 at MD 468 2. MD 214 at Loch Haven Road 3. MD 214 at Selby Boulevard / River Road 4. MD 214 at Turkey Point Road 5. MD 214 at Shoreham Beach Road 6. MD 214 at Mayo Avenue / Rogers Road 7. Shoreham Beach Road at Triton Beach Road • 48-hour volume, speed, and vehicle classification counts at 9 locations (11/14/17-11/16/17) | Making a difference, together

  4. Existing Traffic Volumes A B C D A 48-Hour Traffic Count Location AM (PM) [Weekend] Peak Hour Volume | Making a difference, together

  5. Existing Traffic Volumes E H I F A 48-Hour Traffic Count Location G AM (PM) [Weekend] Peak Hour Volume | Making a difference, together

  6. Existing Traffic Volumes | Making a difference, together

  7. Existing Level of Service | Making a difference, together

  8. Travel Forecasting Developed year-2040 volumes • • Baltimore Metropolitan Council Regional Travel Demand Model • Regional growth outside the peninsula • Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual • Potential residential & retail development • Summit School expansion • Mayo Peninsula Parks Traffic Impact Study • Development/redevelopment at: • Glebe Heights Park • Mayo Water Reclamation Facility (WRF) Park • South River Farm Park • Beverly Triton Park | Making a difference, together

  9. Future Traffic Volumes A B C D A 48-Hour Traffic Count Location AM (PM) [Weekend] Peak Hour Volume | Making a difference, together

  10. Future Traffic Volumes E H I F A 48-Hour Traffic Count Location G AM (PM) [Weekend] Peak Hour Volume | Making a difference, together

  11. Future Traffic Volumes | Making a difference, together

  12. Future No-Build Level of Service | Making a difference, together

  13. Development and Analysis of Alternatives • Initial analysis of all intersection options assumed MD 214 would remain two-lane road • Two-lane road could not accommodate 2040 traffic from MD 468 to River Road • 3 corridor options evaluated from MD 468 to River Road • 4-lanes section (2 in each direction) • 3-lane reversible (2 lanes WB AM / 2 lanes EB PM) • 3-lane section (1 lane WB, 2 lanes EB) • Recommended corridor alternative: • 4 lanes from MD 468 to Loch Haven Road • 2 EB lanes and 1 WB lane from Loch Haven Road to River Road | Making a difference, together

  14. Development and Analysis of Alternatives Each roadway alternative includes: • • Bikes lane in each direction on MD 214 from MD 468 to Mayo Road • Bikes lane in each direction on Shoreham Beach Road from MD 214 to Triton Beach Road • Shared-use path along north side of MD 214 from MD 468 to Shoreham Beach Road • Shared-use path along south side of Shoreham Beach Road from MD 214 to Triton Beach Road | Making a difference, together

  15. Development and Analysis of Alternatives | Making a difference, together

  16. Development and Analysis of Alternatives | Making a difference, together

  17. Development and Analysis of Alternatives | Making a difference, together

  18. Development and Analysis of Alternatives | Making a difference, together

  19. Development and Analysis of Alternatives MD 214 at MD 468 • • 2 alternatives • Option 1 – MDOT SHA proposed WB left-turn lane • Option 2 – WB left-turn lane, 2 nd EB thru lane, EB right-turn lane) | Making a difference, together

  20. Development and Analysis of Alternatives | Making a difference, together

  21. Development and Analysis of Alternatives | Making a difference, together

  22. Development and Analysis of Alternatives | Making a difference, together

  23. Development and Analysis of Alternatives MD 214 at Loch Haven Road • • Developed 10 alternatives • 7 Options assumed MD 214 remained two lanes • All 7 Options failed to accommodate 2040 traffic • 3 Options retained and modified to add a second EB lane on MD 214 • Option 5 – Continuous-Green-T • Option 8 – Two-Lane Roundabout • Option 10 – Signalized Intersection w/SB Right-Turn Lane | Making a difference, together

  24. Development and Analysis of Alternatives | Making a difference, together

  25. Development and Analysis of Alternatives | Making a difference, together

  26. Development and Analysis of Alternatives | Making a difference, together

  27. Development and Analysis of Alternatives | Making a difference, together

  28. Development and Analysis of Alternatives MD 214 at Selby Boulevard / River Road • • Developed 2 alternatives • Option 1 – Add EB & WB left-turn lanes • Option 2 – Roundabout • Future volumes do not warrant a traffic signal | Making a difference, together

  29. Development and Analysis of Alternatives | Making a difference, together

  30. Development and Analysis of Alternatives | Making a difference, together

  31. Development and Analysis of Alternatives | Making a difference, together

  32. Development and Analysis of Alternatives MD 214 at Shoreham Beach Road • • No capacity improvements recommended • Realignment evaluated to improve safety | Making a difference, together

  33. Development and Analysis of Alternatives | Making a difference, together

  34. Development and Analysis of Alternatives Shoreham Beach Road at Triton Beach Road • • Developed 3 alternatives • Option 1 – Roundabout • Option 2 – Realign Shoreham Beach Road approach • Option 3 – Realign Triton Beach Road approach | Making a difference, together

  35. Development and Analysis of Alternatives | Making a difference, together

  36. Development and Analysis of Alternatives | Making a difference, together

  37. Development and Analysis of Alternatives | Making a difference, together

  38. Development and Analysis of Alternatives MD 214 at River Club Drive • • Developed 2 alternatives • Option 1 – Roundabout & realigned WRF access • Option 2 – EB & WB left-turn lanes and realigned WRF access | Making a difference, together

  39. Development and Analysis of Alternatives | Making a difference, together

  40. Development and Analysis of Alternatives | Making a difference, together

  41. Development and Analysis of Alternatives | Making a difference, together

  42. Development and Analysis of Alternatives MD 214 at Carrs Wharf Road/Mayo Ridge Road • • Realignment with a roundabout evaluated to improve safety at the offset Intersection | Making a difference, together

  43. Development and Analysis of Alternatives | Making a difference, together

  44. Costs | Making a difference, together

  45. Impacts Right-of-way for widening (~6.4 acres) • Right-of-way for storm water management (~10.9 acres) • • Side ditches • Ponds | Making a difference, together

  46. Bureau of Highways Bureau of Utility Operations Northern District: (410) 222-6120 Central District: (410) 222-7940 24-Hour Emergency Water Southern District: (410) 222-1933 Services: (410) 222-8400 Traffic Lights/Signs: (410) 222-1940 Billing Inquiries: (410) 222-1144 Bureau of Waste Management Services Bureau of Engineering Bulk Trash Service/Curbside General Inquiries: (410) 222-7500 Collections: (410) 222-6100 @AACoDPW | Making a difference, together


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