repowering windfarms outwith scotland

Repowering Windfarms outwith Scotland 1 Who are we? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Renewables December 2016 Repowering Windfarms outwith Scotland 1 Who are we? ScottishPower Renewables: a world leader in wind power > 950 turbines with 97%+ availability > 1,600 MW in operation > 500 MW in construction

  1. Renewables December 2016 Repowering Windfarms – outwith Scotland 1

  2. Who are we? ScottishPower Renewables: a world leader in wind power > 950 turbines with 97%+ availability > 1,600 MW in operation > 500 MW in construction Best practice environmental approach Double Queen’s Award winners Strong commitment to communities 2

  3. Current activites? Still Constructing: 500MW in Scotland 8 projects, our largest construction period ever. Large scale projects and Extensions Renewables Obligation Once complete bring portfolio to 2GW Safeguard existing assets through Life Extension Future Growth = New Sites + Repowering 3

  4. Future Repowering potential? Current portfolio Number of Total Age of Existing Windfarms Region Operational Installed <10 years 10-15 years 15-20 years >20 years Windfarms Capacity MW MW MW MW nº WFs nº WFs nº WFs nº WFs consol consol consol consol 179 5,508 3,087 108 2,249 65 172 6 0 0 ESP 53 5,484 5,260 47 222 5 2 1 0 0 USA 31 1,612 1,456 21 90 4 36 3 46* 3 UK 39 1,033 827 26 172 11 34 2 0 0 ROW TOT 302 13,637 10,630 202 2,733 85 244 12 0 3 100% 78% 20% 2% 0% Only 2% of operational MW are 15 years+, but Repowered 2 No fixed time limit for windfarms in Spain, only UK and US. 4

  5. Repowering our assets Life Extension through Repowering Life Extension: Over arching term encompassing various opportunities to extend the life of an existing site. Beyond 25 years: Asset Integrity Inspections and Turbine Efficiency. Repowering sits as one subset of Life Extension which often entails the removal of the original site turbines, and usually requires the need to secure additional grid capacity: 1. Extent of change required to a site’s design is very site specific. 2. The scale of any EIA required needs to be proportionate to the extent of change, and any resultant significant effects. 5

  6. Repowering our assets Replant: Points to Consider Quick and efficient consenting process Site suitable for use in perpetuity Utilise new turbine technology where possible Future proof landscape capacity studies Not one size fits all Local supply chain growth Bonds/Restoration/Decommissioning Community Projects continue to grow/investment? 6

  7. Repowering our assets Case Study 1 – Serra da Panda Windfarm (Spain) Full EIA not necessary: No consultee response to Scoping Replacement of 6 G47 (660kw) with 2 G97 (2MW) turbines Road extended by 1m with new foundation/hardstanding Partial decommissioning New turbine erected 7

  8. Repowering our assets New Design: Points to Consider Route to market is essential What forms the baseline: in perpetuity? Supportive National guidance required or risk investor confidence New bases, hardstanding and access tracks required. Turbine manufacturers developing larger turbines. Grid infrastructure investment 8

  9. Repowering our assets Case Study 1 –Carland Cross Commissioned in 1992 - 15 turbines (400KW) for 10 (2 MW) Additional cost of removing bases, tracks and landscaping Widened roads and used existing control building/access 9

  10. Repowering in Spain Case Study 2 – Malpica Wind Farm (Spain) Scoping type document used to determine EIA Commissioned in 1997 replacing 69 G47 with 7 E92 (2,35 MW) Recycle turbines through auction to India or Cuba market Case Study 3 – Cabo Vilano Wind Farm (Spain) LVIA: Existing turbines vs Repower = Significant visual impact reduction concluded by environmental Authority Commissioned in 1990 replace 22 (<200KW) with 2 V90 (3MW) 10

  11. Conclusions Conclusions and Recommendations Not one size fits all, as there are multiple options Need to maintain and build on renewable targets Quick and easy consenting New route to market to utilise new technology where possible Reset expectations or always use old technology Communities have a role to play Grid infrastructure needs investment 11

  12. Questions 12


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