goals for today

Goals for Today ARE YOU OFF YOUR ROCKER? Discuss the functional - PDF document

5/7/2013 Goals for Today ARE YOU OFF YOUR ROCKER? Discuss the functional demands of the lower extremity What are they? Absorption vs. Propulsion vs. Transition Muscles Clinical Techniques for Joints Timing Gait Rockers

  1. 5/7/2013 Goals for Today ARE YOU OFF YOUR ROCKER? Discuss the functional demands of the lower extremity • – What are they? – Absorption vs. Propulsion vs. Transition Muscles • Clinical Techniques for Joints • Timing • Gait Rockers • Gait Evaluation and Intervention Present evidence for functional assessments of the lower extremity and • how they help us understand gait Why do we functionally test the lower extremity as it relates to gait? • Patrick O. McKeon, PhD, ATC, CSCS – Pre ‐ participation – Rehabilitation Progression University of Kentucky – Return to play decisions Put it all together and try them • Lower Extremity Joint Motions Demands of the Lower Extremity Hip • • Absorption • Propulsion – Flexion/Extension, Adduction/Abduction, Internal/External Rotation – Flexion – Extension Knee – Adduction – Abduction • – Flexion/Extension, Internal/External Rotation – Internal Rotation – External Rotation – Pronation – Supination Ankle (Talocrural and Subtalar Joints) • – Dorsiflexion/Plantarflexion, Inversion/Eversion, Internal/External Rotation Foot (Rearfoot, Midfoot, Forefoot) • – Pronation/Supination Quatman et al. AJSM 2006 What structures absorb? What propels us? • Active • Passive • Muscles – Muscles – Capsuloligamentous – Tendons – Bone • Tendons – How? – Articular Cartilage – How? – Fibrocartilage Padua et al. AJSM 2009 – Nerves – How? www.aofas.org Hewett et al. AJSM 2005 1

  2. 5/7/2013 Absorption and Propulsion Dorsiflexion is a key component… Gait Rockers Force absorption • Ankle Rocker – Terminal Swing Initial Swing Optimization of forefoot rocker • Propulsion – Functionally linked to hip and knee • flexion Fong et al. JAT 2011 • DF restrictions related to knee and • ankle ligament injuries Less flexed knee when landing – Absorption Propulsion Anterior reach on SEBT – Plisky et al. JOSPT 2006 • Why do we need lots of absorption during walking? Drewes et al. JSMS 2009 • Hoch et al. JSMS 2012 • What rocker do we lose when we transition from walking to running? Weight ‐ bearing lunge test What rocker do we gain when we transition from running to walking? Hoch et al. JSMS 2011 Perry & Burnfield. Gait Analysis 2 nd Edition 2010 Absorption or propulsion issues? What can a hop tell us? What else should we ask? Docherty et al. J Athl Train 2005 Caffrey et al. JOSPT 2009 Noyes et al. AJSM 1991 Logerstedt et al. AJSM 2012 Changing demands… Absorption + Propulsion = Again…what should we ask? Postural Stability Single ‐ limb hopping test Single ‐ limb hurdle test Star Excursion Balance Test Gribble and Hertel J Athl Train 2012 Hoch et al. JSMS 2011 and 2012 Buchanan et al. J Athl Train 2008 McKeon et al. MSSE 2008 2

  3. 5/7/2013 Single Limb Balance Test Considerations for Functional Testing… • Sensitive dependence on initial conditions (Chaos Theory) • Examine errors in ability – In what functional conditions do you assess? to maintain target • Demands of activity position • Timing of injury, rehab, and RTP • Fresh vs. fatigued state – Hands off hips – Touching down • Potential of functional assessment (not just a quick screen) – Hip and trunk movement – How can we use these assessments? • Objective assessments – need to have a measurable outcome – Opening eyes – Time – Lifting foot – Distance – Errors – Stepping or stumbling • Rehabilitation outcomes • Return to play decisions • Risk Assessment (Pre ‐ participation) • Prophylactic benefit (changes due to prevention program) Docherty et al. Clin J Sport Med 2006 Trojian et al. BJSM 2006 Less talking, more doing… • Let’s explore some of these issues together – Are you off your rocker? Thank you!!! – Star Excursion Balance Test – Single limb hop tests – Single limb balance test Questions?? • Let’s talk through some questions… – Absorption, propulsion, transition 3


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