fin ingal co coun unty co coun unci cil

FIN INGAL CO COUN UNTY CO COUN UNCI CIL Balbri riggan an - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

FIN INGAL CO COUN UNTY CO COUN UNCI CIL Balbri riggan an Swords Are rea Committe tee (Servic ices es B Str trategic and General Matt tters) Thursday 9 th April 2015 Initiation of Procedure Pursuant to Part XI ITEM No. 67a

  1. FIN INGAL CO COUN UNTY CO COUN UNCI CIL Balbri riggan an – Swords Are rea Committe tee (Servic ices es B – Str trategic and General Matt tters) Thursday 9 th April 2015 Initiation of Procedure Pursuant to Part XI ITEM No. 67a Propo posed d Refurbi bishmen ment of Exis isting Buildi ildings gs and Develo lopme pment of New Works ks and all Assoc ssociat ated Site Works ks at Newb ewbridge ge House e & & Farm, New ewbridge ge Dem emen ense, e, Do Donabate, e, Co. Dublin blin. Comhairle C Contae F Fhin ine Ga Gall l - Roin inn Na nAil iltirí í Fingal County Council - Architects Department

  2. Prop opos osal al Overv rview: Fingal County Council’s Economic Development Department wishes to procure new visitor facilities at Newbridge Demense, Donabate, Co. Dublin to meet current and future demand from visitors to the House and Farm. Newbridge Demense is an important part of Fingal’s cultural, archaeological, architectural and historic heritage: the Demesne is recorded in the Record of Monuments and Places: Ref DU012-060, and the House and Farm are Protected Structures. The Council recognises that the Demense needs significant investment if it is to fulfil its potential as a community and visitor resource, and at the same time protect the importance of the heritage of this site. The proposed works are designed to help realise that potential, and ensure - through increased revenue - the economically sustainable future of the House and Farm. Comhairle C Contae F Fhin ine Ga Gall l - Roin inn Na nAil iltirí í Fingal County Council - Architects Department

  3. Proposed Refurbishment of Existing Buildings and Development of New Works and all associated site works at Newbridge House & Farm, Newbridge Demense, Donabate, Co. Dublin Comhairle C Contae F Fhin ine Ga Gall l - Roin inn Na nAil iltirí í Fingal County Council - Architects Department

  4. Proposed Refurbishment of Existing Buildings and Development of New Works and all associated site works at Newbridge House & Farm, Newbridge Demense, Donabate, Co. Dublin Walle lled Garden Fa Farmyard Newb Ne wbridge Playgr ground Ho House se Carpark Finga gal Dev evel elopment P Plan 2011- 2017: 2017: Map 7. Donabate/ e/Portrane: e: Zoning g Ob Objec ective e 05: To Preserve and Provide for Open Space and Recreational Amenities. We are co-ordinating with Planning and Service Departments , and will be guided by their advices. In particular we are liaising with our Conservation Officer in ensuring best-practice in terms of the conservation of buildings. Comhairle C Contae F Fhin ine Ga Gall l - Roin inn Na nAil iltirí í Fingal County Council - Architects Department

  5. Proposed Refurbishment of Existing Buildings and Development of New Works and all associated site works at Newbridge House & Farm, Newbridge Demense, Donabate, Co. Dublin Proj oject Descri ripti tion: on: The Pr Propos posed Works include de: 1. The refurbishment of the ‘South Range’ building to accommodate Tea-rooms and a Retail/ticketing facility, 2. The development of the existing ‘Red Barn’ building, to provide a performance/exhibition space, 3. The provision of a new Pavilion type structure to accommodate the ‘Lord Chancellors State Carriage’, 4. The relocation of the Hatchery to a ground floor location, and the 5. The refurbishment of existing tearooms to provide a multi-function meeting room, and 6. The provision of new toilets to serve the playground. Works also include the upgrading of the drainage infrastructure to the entire Demense, and a strategic overview of energy use and the sustainable upgrading of energy provision for the Demense as a whole. These proposals form the second part of improvement works that commenced in 2012 with the granting of approval for new toilet facilities adjacent to the courtyard, and the resurfacing of the main courtyard.* *New toilets were completed in early 2014; the resurfacing of the courtyard will be completed as part of the current works programme. Comhairle C Contae F Fhin ine Ga Gall l - Roin inn Na nAil iltirí í Fingal County Council - Architects Department

  6. Proposed Refurbishment of Existing Buildings and Development of New Works and all associated site works at Newbridge House & Farm, Newbridge Demense, Donabate, Co. Dublin Comhairle C Contae F Fhin ine Ga Gall l - Roin inn Na nAil iltirí í Fingal County Council - Architects Department

  7. Proposed Refurbishment of Existing Buildings and Development of New Works and all associated site works at Newbridge House & Farm, Newbridge Demense, Donabate, Co. Dublin Desi sign n Approac roach: h: We are mindful that these proposals will impact on the historic architectural heritage of the Demense, and that this heritage is a finite and irreplaceable resource. All proposed works – whether the refurbishment of and/or extension to existing structures, or the construction of new buildings, will be guided by accepted principles of the ICOMOS Charters and the DOEHLG Statutory Architectural Heritage Protection Guidelines for Planning Authorities. Our design principles are: 1. The proposed uses of the buildings are considered complementary to the form and architecture of the existing buildings. 2. We propose to do ‘ as s lit little as s po possibl ssible and d as s much as s necessa ssary ’: unnecessary change has not been undertaken. 3. Where alterations are needed, they will, unless it is absolutely unavoidable, be revers rsib ible le: to this end we propose the use of lightweight timber/metal-clad building systems (with timber/steel substructure) for new extensions/buildings. 3. New buildings/extensions will be of high quality lity both in terms of design and use of materials: Contemporary materials, where used, will be complementary to the scale and composition of the existing buildings. The The us use of of ‘pas astiche’ is is avoide ded . Comhairle C Contae F Fhin ine Ga Gall l - Roin inn Na nAil iltirí í Fingal County Council - Architects Department

  8. Proposed Refurbishment of Existing Buildings and Development of New Works and all associated site works at Newbridge House & Farm, Newbridge Demense, Donabate, Co. Dublin Desi sign n Approac roach h cont/ nt/. Comhairle C Contae F Fhin ine Ga Gall l - Roin inn Na nAil iltirí í Fingal County Council - Architects Department

  9. Proposed Refurbishment of Existing Buildings and Development of New Works and all associated site works at Newbridge House & Farm, Newbridge Demense, Donabate, Co. Dublin Curre rrent U t Use se: This building currently houses a number of historic Coach’s (including ‘The Lord Chancellors’ Carriage’). A small annex to the west is used as a store. Desc scripti tion: The South Range is a rectangular masonry building with a pitched slate roof. The main elevation to the south largely retains its original lime render finish – this render has been removed from the northern elevation (facing the courtyard), exposing coursed stonework and brick surrounds to openings. Several existing openings (windows/doors) along the south elevation are currently blocked up – these will be opened up where additional light, access is required. The building is currently subdivided into four spaces – three of which are connected. Timber stalls are present in two of the spaces – other internal partitions are newer additions. Internally the spaces are double height (there is no first floor). 1.a South Range – Existing Comhairle C Contae F Fhin ine Ga Gall l - Roin inn Na nAil iltirí í Fingal County Council - Architects Department

  10. Proposed Refurbishment of Existing Buildings and Development of New Works and all associated site works at Newbridge House & Farm, Newbridge Demense, Donabate, Co. Dublin Prop opos osed A Accommod odat ation on: Tearooms: approx. 135m 135m2 (plus kitchens, staff Restrooms, stores etc) Retail /Ticketing: approx. 85m 85m2 Prop opos osed M Material als: It is our intention that, in line with best-practice Conservation principles, as much of the existing building fabric as possible is retained. Existing slates will be reused in the roof and new external walls will be light-weight timber clad structures. Internally, existing cobbles will be retained where possible. Existing openings will be utilised where appropriate to form window/doors to the building. New materials will complement existing in terms of colour and form without recourse to pastiche. 1.b South Range – Proposed Works Comhairle C Contae F Fhin ine Ga Gall l - Roin inn Na nAil iltirí í Fingal County Council - Architects Department

  11. Proposed Refurbishment of Existing Buildings and Development of New Works and all associated site works at Newbridge House & Farm, Newbridge Demense, Donabate, Co. Dublin Descrip riptio tion: This two storey column and beam structure has until recently been in use as a storage/display area for Vintage farm machinery. Pro ropose sed d : It is proposed to enclose the open parts of the Red Barn ‘s envelope and provide a tiered seated performance/presentation space. The space will also accommodate a stage area, toilets and stores. Provision will also be made for a projector and a holding area for animals. 2. The Red Barn – Existing Building and Proposed Works Comhairle C Contae F Fhin ine Ga Gall l - Roin inn Na nAil iltirí í Fingal County Council - Architects Department


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