fhi 360 population council futures group rmnh alliance

- FHI 360 - Population Council - Futures Group - RMNH Alliance - - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Community of practice Systematic Approaches for Scale-Up of Reproductive Health/Family Planning Best Practices led by E2A, in partnership with IBP and co-facilitated by a resource team: - MSH - Engenderhealth - Packard Foundation -

  1. Community of practice — Systematic Approaches for Scale-Up of Reproductive Health/Family Planning Best Practices — led by E2A, in partnership with IBP and co-facilitated by a resource team: - MSH - Engenderhealth - Packard Foundation - Expandnet - Pathfinder International - FHI 360 - Population Council - Futures Group - RMNH Alliance - Georgetown University, IRH - URC - Jhpiego - USAID - MCHIP

  2. COP: Goal & Objectives Increase the utilization of systematic approaches to sustainable scale-up of best practices in FP/RH (and related/integrated services) in order to improve access to quality services with attention to reproductive rights and choice by:  Exchanging experiences and lessons learned from using systematic approaches and existing tools to support scaling up (e.g., ExpandNet, Improvement Collaborative, Fostering Change, MSI).  Sharing experiences and lessons learned from country programs or projects’ that have scaled up interventions .  Reviewing existing guides and toolkits to support scaling up and explore the production of a consolidated tool.  Contributing to the achievement of IBP goals and results framework. To join: https://knowledge-gateway.org/scale-up

  3. Series of Webinars on Costing for Scale-Up • Webinar I Rationale and introduction to methods for costing the scale-up of FP programs • Webinar II Models and tools for FP costing for scaling up • Webinar III Principles of financing for scaling up FP

  4. Webinar 1: Learning Objectives At the end of the webinar, participants should be able to: • Understand the rationale for costing scale-up: why is it important? • Differentiate between costs for scale-up and pilot projects • Give an overview of the methods and tools for costing pilot projects and using results to estimate scale-up costs • Understand costed implementation plans as a platform for incorporating costing for scale-up as part of a provisional/national family planning program


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