1st dursley scout group introductions apologies agenda

1st Dursley SCOUT GROUP Introductions Apologies Agenda items o - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

1st Dursley SCOUT GROUP Introductions Apologies Agenda items o Future HQ o Health and safety review o Project Alpha - introduction Options available o Stay as we are o Chantry Centre o Dursley Tab URC o New build (persuade DTC/SDC to gift a

  1. § 1st Dursley SCOUT GROUP

  2. Introductions Apologies Agenda items o Future HQ o Health and safety review o Project Alpha - introduction Options available o Stay as we are o Chantry Centre o Dursley Tab URC o New build (persuade DTC/SDC to gift a piece of land that we build on) 1st Dursley Scout Group Trustees Funding

  3. o An overview of the Group o Health and safety review o Project Alpha - introduction

  4. Growth of 15%

  5. Membership of 1st Dursley Scout Group 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 2015 2016 2017 beavers cubs scouts

  6. 7-9pm 6.30 – 8pm 6.30 – 8pm 6.00– 7.15pm 7-9pm

  7. Hut Maintenance £1,877 Materials & Equipment £730 Activities £2,288 Subs Insurance £3,555 £730 Utilities £650 main expenses 2016/17

  8. Fundraising £1,410 Subs £7,981 main income 2016/17

  9. Independent Health & Safety Survey

  10. Growth … Elderly HQ Very little room for expansion The possibility of significantly increased running costs because of age of HQ

  11. Project Alpha will: o Research + analyse each of the options available to 1 st Dursley o Explore funding options, including pursuing the District Exec trust fund o Project Alpha will communicate all findings to the 1 st Dursley Scout Group community

  12. Existing HQ: o to continue as we are, accepting rising maintenance costs due to the age + condition of HQ o or fully renovate the HQ - approximate cost of £100k

  13. Existing HQ: o Sell the hut (Current value estimated to be between £80-100k) o Sell the 5 parking spaces (could be £5-10k each) o Invest the funds to create a new HQ for 1 st Dursley


  15. CHANTRY CENTRE Some conversations have already o taken place with the Chantry Centre They have a rolling 3 year business o plan which does not give the security we are looking for

  16. Dursley Tab URC Invest funds in to the re-development of the o upper rooms Explore the partnership model already in o place with the Town Council for the Vibe Youth Centre – what would it look like for 1 st Dursley? Potential for dedicated Scout space for every o evening of the week – room would be used during the daytime

  17. Benefits of The Tab Central location, close to carparks o The venue backs onto Dursley Rec – giving o easy, safe access to large open space The redevelopment plans include a new o entrance to give dedicated access without needing to walk ‘through’ lower building Full disabled access o Potential space for external storage of o equipment Long term legal partnership o

  18. Dursley Town Council Stroud District Council

  19. We need your engagement to deliver project alpha


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