echossential or echorrhoea

Echossential or Echorrhoea? Idle thoughts on some more advanced - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Echossential or Echorrhoea? Idle thoughts on some more advanced echocardiographic techniques Dave Dickson BVetMed DVC MRCVS RCVS Specialist in Cardiology DICKSON WHAT I TALK ABOUT WHEN I TALK ABOUT ECHO Atrial thrombus Athletic heart Echo

  1. Echossential or Echorrhoea? Idle thoughts on some more advanced echocardiographic techniques Dave Dickson BVetMed DVC MRCVS RCVS Specialist in Cardiology


  3. Atrial thrombus Athletic heart Echo courtesy of Liva Vatne Mitral stenosis Pulmonary hypertension

  4. Can I be getting more from my echo?

  5. Left ventricular systolic function Bourguingnon, Dickson, Vatne, Harris, Caivano & Rishniw JVC In Press

  6. Left ventricular systolic function SMOD superior to MM at detecting early DCM Sphericity index doesn’t improve upon MM EPSS is sens and spec and comparable to SMOD

  7. Tissue Doppler Imaging = = =

  8. Tissue Doppler Imaging s’ Ejection Filling e’ a’ IVCT IVRT

  9. Tissue Doppler Imaging e’ e’ a’ e’ e’ e’ a’

  10. Tissue Doppler Imaging

  11. Tissue Doppler Imaging

  12. Tissue Doppler Imaging in DMVD and DCM

  13. Tissue Doppler Imaging s’ e’ a’

  14. Speckle Tracking Echocardiography t 0 t 1 = -15%

  15. Speckle Tracking Echocardiography

  16. Speckle Tracking Echocardiography s’ e’ a’

  17. Measuring STE

  18. Speckle Tracking Echocardiography GLSRs GLSRe GLSRa GLS

  19. Speckle Tracking Echocardiography

  20. Speckle Tracking Echocardiography

  21. Speckle Tracking Echocardiography ?

  22. Right Ventricular Function

  23. Right Ventricular Function

  24. Tricuspid Annular Plane Systolic Excursion TAPSE:Ao >0.65 = CRAPSE =

  25. TAPSE TAPSE:Ao <0.65 iTAPSE <3.3mm/kg^0.3 nTAPSE<3.2mm/kg^0.3

  26. TDI S’ Visser 2015 S’ min > 4.26 cm/s/kg S’N = 4.262 x BW^0.233

  27. Speckle of the RV

  28. Thoughts on all this fancy echo stuff

  29. Wake up, it’s Quiz time!

  30. Diastolic Function and Filling Pressures Isovolumic relaxation Rapid filling

  31. Diastolic Function and Filling Pressures E A E A

  32. Mitral inflow in CHF MV E vel >1.2-1.4m/s Borgarelli JVIM 2008, Nakamura JVIM 2014, Sargent JVC 2015)

  33. Mitral inflow velocity MV E ∝ LAP (LVFP) MV E ∝ LVFP x LV relaxation (incl age & HR) IVRT ∝ 1/ LV relaxation (incl age & HR) MV E ∝ LVFP x LV relaxation E/IVRT ∝ LVFP IVRT LV relaxation

  34. E/IVRT =

  35. Tissue Doppler Imaging and diastolic function MV E ∝ MV E ∝ LVFP x LV relaxation 1 x LVFP x LV relaxation TDI e’ LV relaxation TDI e’ ∝ 1/LV relaxation E/e’ ∝ LVFP

  36. Doppler estimates of filling pressure

  37. Doppler estimates of filling pressure E/IVRT >2.5 >1.9 Mitral valve disease DCM

  38. Case Example “Iolo” E/IVRT 1.5 LVDDN 2.1 LA:Ao 1.95

  39. Case Example Dec 2019 LVDDN = 2 LA:Ao =1.85 MV E = 1m/s IVRT = 78ms E/IVRT = 1.34

  40. Case Example Dec 2019 July 2020 July 2020

  41. Case Example Dec 2019 LVDDN = 2 LA:Ao =1.85 July 2020 MV E = 1m/s IVRT = 78ms MV E = 1.4m/s E/IVRT = 1.34 IVRT = 48ms E/IVRT = 2.92 July 2020 LVDDN 2 LA:Ao 2.1

  42. Thoughts on all this fancy echo stuff


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