
Disclosures Nothing to Disclose HEALTH TEAMS INTERNATIONAL (CANADA) - PDF document


  1. 3/8/17 EYE CHART EXAMINATIONS: OPTOMETRY ON THE MISSION FIELD SESSION PRESENTATION AT THE 2017 Humanitarian Health Conference Kansas City, MO March 24, 2017 PRESENTED BY DR. GERALD ROUSSIE, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR HEALTH TEAMS INTERNATIONAL (CANADA) Disclosures • Nothing to Disclose HEALTH TEAMS INTERNATIONAL (CANADA) • NON-DENOMINATIONAL CHRISTIAN ORGANIZATION • AMERICAN AND CANADIAN PARTNERS Our purpose is to assist in the evangelization of the unreached people groups of the world through the offering of short-term Christian healthcare teams. • DENTAL • MEDICAL • VISION HEARING • 1

  2. 3/8/17 WHERE DO WE GO? MONGOLIA INDIA NORTH KOREA CAMBODIA AFRICA PERU WHERE GOD CALLS US CHINA THE FOCOMETER q Easy to use Easy to carry Accurate Inexpensive q Confusing to patient Better if used with tripod Takes longer to test THE TRIAL LENS SET • Very versatile Easy to Use • • Easy to learn • Can be shared • Near and far vision lens • Very portable 2

  3. 3/8/17 PORTABLE AUTOREFRACTOR • Excellent product • Easy to use Easy to learn • • Extremely accurate • Quite expensive Difficult to transport • • Requires electricity • Needs a database of eyeglasses on hand THE I-TEST VISION SCREENER • Very inexpensive • Good for early detection of refraction • Easily portable problems • Good for multiple stations • Uncertain results require follow-up • Takes very little time to examine • Good for multiple stations THE SVONE AUTOREFRACTOR • Easily portable Long-life battery charge • • Purchase includes everything pictured above • Start-to-finish test results in about five minutes Learning curve is very short • • Patient adjusts to unit immediately 3

  4. 3/8/17 SNELLEN CHARTS HELPFUL INFORMATION FOR THE NOVICE 56 Causes of Eye Disorders HEALTHLINE.COM COMMON EYE DISEASES ON MISSION FIELD PTERYGIUM Ter-ridge-ee-um Pterygium is a growth that develops across the clear cornea of the eye that can affect people who spend a lot of time outside in the sun. The pterygium is usually pink and fleshy and forms on the side of the eye nearest to the nose. Pterygium can cause discomfort, and interfere with vision if the growth is allowed to continue. Pterygium occurrence is much greater among people who live near the equator. But it also can develop in anyone who lives in a sunny climate. It's most often seen in young adults aged 20 to 40. It appears to be more common in men than in women. In some cases, the condition can be lessened by regularly using lubricating eye drops like “artificial tears.” 4

  5. 3/8/17 SO, WHAT’S AN EYE EXAM ALL ABOUT? So, you've just had an eye exam and your optometrist or ophthalmologist has given you an eyeglass prescription. He or she probably mentioned that you are nearsighted or farsighted, or perhaps that you have astigmatism. But what do all those numbers on your eyeglass prescription mean? And what about all those abbreviated terms, such as OD, OS, SPH and CYL? This article will help you decipher all parts of your prescription and discuss it knowledgeably with an optician when you're buying eyeglasses. What OD and OS Mean The first step to understanding your eyeglass prescription is knowing what "OD" and OS" mean. They are abbreviations for oculus dexter and oculus sinister , which are Latin terms for right eye and left eye. Your eyeglass prescription also may have a column labeled "OU." This is the abbreviation for the Latin term oculus uterque , which means "both eyes.“ Though the use of these abbreviated Latin terms is traditional for prescriptions written for eyeglasses, contact lenses and eye medicines, some doctors and clinics have opted to modernize their prescriptions and use RE (right eye) and LE (left eye) instead of OD and OS. You may have noticed that on your prescription form the information for the right eye (OD) comes before the information for the left eye (OS). Eye doctors write prescriptions this way to avoid making errors, because when they face you, they see your right eye at left (first) and your left eye at right (second). TESTING VISUAL ACUITY USING THE TRIAL LENS SET MATERIALS REQUIRED: ü Trial lens kit (shown) ü Vision Clinic Record ü Snellen Chart ü Reading material to determine current visual acuity ü Appropriate reading glasses or far-vision glasses June 18, 2017 Cusco 14 Romano Juarez 42 M +2.25 GR Beginning of Pterygium. Gave eye drops and sunglasses Reading Glasses Strength Test 1. To determine the proper strength for your reading glasses, follow the steps below. 2. Hold the page approximately 12-14 inches away from your face 3. Start reading the chart below from top to bottom. If you can’t read the top line, move to the next line down and repeat this process until you can clearly read a full line 4. When you can clearly read a line, stop and look to the strength listed for that line. The strength listed is the proper strength you’ll need for your reading glasses +3.25 If you can read this, 3.25 is the proper strength for you. +2.75 If you can read this, 2.75 is the proper strength for you. +2.50 If you can read this, 2.50 is the proper strength for you. +2.25 If you can read this, 2.25 is the proper strength for you. +2.00 If you can read this, 2.00 is the proper strength for you. +1.75 If you can read this, 1.75 is the proper strength for you +1.50 If you can read this, 1.50 is the proper strength for you +1.25 If you can read this, 1.25 is the proper strength for you. +1.00 If you can read this, 1.00 is the proper strength for you. 5

  6. 3/8/17 HOW ARE YOU GOING TO FIND YOUR EYEGLASSES? Straight single-vision readers Varying Prescriptions 6

  7. 3/8/17 TESTING FOR DISTANCE USING A SNELLEN CHART YOU NEED: 1. Some type of Snellen chart 2. A piece of string 20 feet long 3. Chalk to mark 20-foot spot on floor 4. Tape to mount chart on a wall Clear pathway from patient to chart . 5. HANDOUTS AVAILABLE ON-LINE 1. Your Vision Ministry 2. A Short Visual Acuity Primer 3. So, What’s an Eye Exam all About? 4. All About a Visual Acuity Test 5. What is a Refraction Test? 6. Terminology Related to Eye Care 7. Far-sightedness and Near-Sightedness 8. Potential Eye Problems 9. The Snellen Eye Chart and 20/20 Vision 10. Understanding Your Eye Prescription Numbers 11. Your Vision Clinic Layout 12. Controlling the Intake of Patients 13. Vision Clinic Record from Health Teams International Canada 14. Spanish Reading Chart 15. John 3:16 in Increasing Font Size 16. Quick-and-Easy Reading Chart 17. Helping to Keep Eyes Healthy 18. Natural Eye Care Tips for Computer Users FOR FURTHER CONVERSATIONS or WORKSHOP DELIVERY: Gerald L. Roussie (Gerry) Health Teams International Canada 414-1335 Carling Avenue Ottawa, ON K1Z 8N8 www.healthteamsintl.org glroussie@gmail.com In United States 2608 W. Kenosha, Ste. 425 Broken Arrow, OK 74012 7


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