comprehensive creek planning initiative

Comprehensive Creek Planning Initiative Ja nua ry 21, 2015 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Comprehensive Creek Planning Initiative Ja nua ry 21, 2015 Watershed Recovery Future Creek Long-Term Immediate Emergency Projects Vision Threat Response Assessment and Mitigation Funding and Watershed Implementation Master Plans

  1. Comprehensive Creek Planning Initiative Ja nua ry 21, 2015

  2. Watershed Recovery Future Creek Long-Term Immediate Emergency Projects Vision Threat Response Assessment and Mitigation Funding and Watershed Implementation Master Plans

  3. Agenda • Ove rvie w: Co mpre he nsive Cre e k Pla nning I nitia tive o Pla n de ve lo pme nt o Outc o me s • Ne xt ste ps fo r Wa te rshe d Re c o ve ry o Pla n use o Pro je c t imple me nta tio n • Pub lic Co mme nt • Pla nning Co mmissio n F e e db a c k

  4. Boulder County Watersheds

  5. Comprehensive Creek Planning Initiative • I nitia te d to e nsure c o unty-wide vie w o f c re e k re c o ve ry a nd re sto ra tio n Be g a n with c o mmunity me e ting s to ide ntify ne e ds • • Mo ve d to hig h-ha za rd de b ris re mo va l a nd mitig a tio n pro je c ts Pre pa re d fo r a nd tra nsitio ne d to wa te rshe d-le ve l • ma ste r pla nning pro c e ss Ma ste r pla ns c o mple te in De c e mb e r 2014 •

  6. E nabling F lood Re c ove r y thr ough Wate r she d Planning • Par tne r ships o Co a litio n pa rtne rs o Co mmunity me mb e rs & la ndo wne rs o Sta ke ho lde r inte re sts Long-Term • Re sour c e s Vision Emergency o Co unty: Sta ffing a nd funding , $300K Response o Sta te : Guida nc e a nd funding Watershed • CWCB Ma ste r Pla n Gra nt, $700K Master Plans • CDBG-DR Pla nning Gra nt, $80K • CWCB Stre a m Re sto ra tio n Gra nts* * F unding fo r pro je c t imple me ntatio n, lo c al matc h ne e de d

  7. Partnerships

  8. Community Engagement 1 pro je c t vide o pro duc e d • • 15 c o mmunity me e ting s with o ve r 575 to ta l pa rtic ipa nts • 3,593 po stc a rds se nt a nno unc ing the ma ste r pla n pro c e ss a nd kic k-o ff c o mmunity me e ting s • 10 pre se nta tio ns a t me e ting s, c o nfe re nc e s, a nd wo rksho ps • 13 pre ss re le a se s se nt • 16 e xte rna l e ma ils with upda te s a nd a nno unc e me nts o n ma ste r pla ns

  9. Information Clearinghouse Emergency Response

  10. L ittle T hompson Rive r Long-Term Vision Emergency Response Watershed Master Plans

  11. St. Vr ain Cr e e k Long-Term Vision Emergency Response Watershed Master Plans

  12. L e ft Hand Cr e e k Long-Term Vision Emergency Response Watershed Master Plans

  13. F our mile Cr e e k Long-Term Vision Emergency Response Watershed Master Plans

  14. Coal Cr e e k (Uppe r Re ac he s) Long-Term Vision Emergency Response Watershed Master Plans Plan Completion: November

  15. Plan Outcomes Multidisciplinary technical assessment of current watershed conditions, Long-Term including: Vision • Ecological Assessment Watershed • Geomorphic Assessment Master Plans • Flood Risk Assessment • Channel Migration Zone Analysis

  16. Ecological Assessment St. Vrain Creek Recommendations: Consider opportunities for improved meanders, habitat, vegetation, etc.; Poor need to create more complexity within the channel No further management Excellent recommended

  17. Geomorphic Assessment Left Hand Creek In tact section of lower Left Hand Creek (on BoCo Open Space). This Long-Term reach largely in tact due to Good Vision functioning, connected floodplain. Watershed Master Plans Tight bedrock pinch led to stripping of alluvium in James Canyon, ultimately Poor destroying the roadway and the pre-flood channel .

  18. Project Maps Long-Term Vision Watershed Master Plans

  19. Project Descriptions

  20. Conceptual Designs Long-Term Vision Watershed Master Plans

  21. Project Prioritization F ourmile Cre e k Ma ste r Pla n T ie r 1 - Pr oje c ts r e duc ing flood r isk due to post- flood c onditions Re a c h 1 – Re mo va l o f Se d ime nt a g g ra d a tio n fro m the c ha nne l ne a r Mile Ma rke r 1.1 Re a c h 1 – F o urmile Cre e k re sto ra tio n pro je c t (CWCB Gra nt) Re a c h 3 – Asse ssing the sta b ility o f e xisting wa lls a nd mo d ifying if ne c e ssa ry Long-Term Re a c h 3 – F illing a nd re ve g e ta ting a vulsio n a re a s Vision Re a c h 3 – Insta lling d e b ris ra c ks a nd sta b ilizing the b a nks o f Ing ra m Gulc h Re a c h 4 – Re mo va l o f se d ime nt a g g ra d a tio n fro m the c ha nne l a nd flo o d pla in ne a r Mile Ma rke rs 5.1, 5.8, a nd 6.3 Watershed Re a c h 4 – Re mo ving a d e b ris ja m in a hig h a vulsio n risk a re a ne a r Mile Ma rke r 7.7 Master Plans T ie r 2 - Pr oje c ts that impr ove str e am stability and pr omote e c ologic al r e c ove r y All Re a c he s – L o w flo w c ha nne l re sto ra tio n All Re a c he s – Inc re a sing in-stre a m ha b ita t All Re a c he s – Re ve g e ta tio n Re a c he s 1, 3, a nd 4 – Ba nk Pro te c tio n Re a c h 3 – Re lo c a ting F o urmile Cre e k in the vic inity o f Sa lina Junc tio n Re a c h 4 – Re mo ving a te mpo ra ry b e rm ne a r Mile Ma rke r 7.2 a nd b a nk pro te c tio n T ie r 3 - Pr oje c ts that affe c t ar e as with low r isk to infr astr uc tur e Re a c h 2 – F illing the pre -flo o d c ha nne l to re d uc e a vulsio n risk

  22. F loodplain Mapping Master plans identify: • Areas where updated floodplain studies and FEMA flood insurance rate maps are needed • Priority areas • Costs Boulder County Emergency Floodplain Response Management Program

  23. F loodplain Mapping- St. Vr ain Cr e e k

  24. Cost Estimates • Top priority projects o St. Vra in $68 millio n* o L e ft Ha nd $20 millio n** Long-Term o F o urmile $2.6 millio n* Vision • Floodplain management recommendations Watershed and cost estimates Master Plans o Studie s a nd re ma pping $1.6 millio n *Cost estimates for all Tier 1 projects with unmet needs **Cost estimates for all of the top 5 projects with unmet needs

  25. Pla n Use • F ra me wo rk a nd g uida nc e fo r re c o ve ry a c tio ns o I nfo rme d b y sc ie ntific da ta o Wa te rshe d-le ve l a na lysis Lon-Term Vision Emergency Long-Term o Multijurisdic tio na l a nd c o mmunity suppo rt Response Recovery Watershed F unding to o l • Master Plans • Co mmunic a tio n a nd o rg a nizing to o l • Sta ff dire c tio n a nd wo rk pla ns

  26. Proje c t Imple me nta tion Pro je c ts c o uld b e c o mple te d b y: • o I ndividua l pro pe rty o wne rs o Gro ups o f ne ig hb o rs Long-Term o Wa te rshe d Co a litio ns Vision Emergency o Go ve rnme nt a g e nc ie s Long-Term Response Recovery o No n-g o ve rnme nta l a g e nc ie s Watershed o Co o pe ra tive e ffo rts Master Plans • Priva te pro pe rty o wne rs will ne e d to pa rtic ipa te / g ive a ppro va l fo r a ny pro je c ts o n the ir pro pe rty

  27. Proje c t Imple me nta tion • Ne xt ste ps o f furthe r pla nning , pro je c t de sig n • Jurisdic tio na l a ppro va ls (la nd use Lon-Term Vision re vie w, pe rmitting , e tc .) Emergency Long-Term Response Recovery Watershed • F unding Master Plans

  28. Post- Ma ste r Pla n Coa litions St. Vr ain • Co ntinuing disc ussio ns a b o ut missio n a nd g o ve rna nc e struc ture o f po st-ma ste r pla n Co a litio n L e ft Hand Emergency • L e ft Ha nd Wa te rshe d Ove rsig ht Gro up Long-Term Response (L WOG) to se rve a s wa te rshe d c o a litio n Recovery • L WOG Bo a rd e xpa nding re pre se nta tio n F our mile • F ire Distric t pursuing pro po sa l to ho use a nd de ve lo p c o a litio n

  29. County L and Use r e vie w and pe r mitting • Co unty e nc o ura g e s pro je c ts tha t a lig n with ma ste r pla n re c o mme nda tio ns fo r stre a m a lig nme nt, c ha nne l se c tio n de sig n, a nd b a nk sta b iliza tio n Long-Term L a nd Use Co de a lre a dy upda te d fo r use • Vision Emergency Long-Term o Pla ns a s g uida nc e , o ne so urc e o f Response Recovery info rma tio n Watershed o No c ha ng e s in la nd use re vie w c rite ria Master Plans o Co de la ng ua g e g ive s a b ility to c o nside r b e st a va ila b le info rma tio n in re vie ws, inc luding c re e k pla ns

  30. County L and Use r e vie w and pe r mitting L a nd Use Co de • o Spe c ia l Re vie w a nd L imite d I mpa c t Long-Term Spe c ia l Re vie w, Artic le 4-601.A.12 Vision Emergency Long-Term o Site Pla n Re vie w, Artic le 4-806.A.3. & A.6 Response Recovery Watershed o Ha za rd Mitig a tio n Re vie w, Artic le 19- Master Plans 300.C.7.a

  31. Sample language : Ar tic le 19, 19- 300, C.7.a “T he pro po sa l sha ll no t po se o r c re a te a sig nific a nt po te ntia l sa fe ty ha za rd whe n e va lua te d a g a inst e vide nc e o f a c tua l da ma g e c a use d b y the 2013 E xtre me Ra in a nd F lo o d E ve nt (inc luding b y the E ve nt’ s re la te d ha za rdo us fo rc e s suc h a s flo o ding , de b ris flo ws, ro c kfa lls, Long-Term mudslide s, to po g ra phic c ha ng e s o r insta b ility, Vision Emergency Long-Term dra ina g e c ha nne l shifts, a re a dra ina g e syste m Response impa irme nts o r fa ilure s, a nd so il sa tura tio n)a nd Recovery Watershed b e st a va ila b le info rma tio n (inc luding b ut no t Master Plans limite d to hydro lo g ic e va lua tio ns to de te rmine pe a k flo ws, flo o dpla in ma pping studie s, Co lo ra do Ge o lo g ic Surve y la ndslide o r e a rth/ de b ris flo w da ta , upda te d to po g ra phic da ta , a nd c r e e k planning studie s ).”

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