child find teams

CHILD FIND TEAMS Culturally, Linguistically and Ability Family - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Evidence Based Practice with CHILD FIND TEAMS Culturally, Linguistically and Ability Family Centered, Culturally, EB, Diverse Assessment Practices for Culturally, Children & Linguistically and Ability Diverse Children Their

  1. Evidence Based Practice with CHILD FIND TEAMS Culturally, Linguistically and Ability Family Centered, Culturally, EB, Diverse Assessment Practices for Culturally, Children & Linguistically and Ability Diverse Children Their Families… Susan M. Moore, Clinical Professor Emerita Clara Pérez-Méndez - Puentes Culturales Connect! Sponsored by: Colorado Department of Education Exceptional Services Unit, Preschool Special Education and Child Find.

  2. Development of Cultural Competence is a process… Battle (2000) described cultural competence as “a process through which one develops an understanding of self, while developing the ability to develop responsive, reciprocal, and respectful relationships with others” (p. 19).

  3. Learning Outcomes Leading to Cultural Competence ¡ Increase in Knowledge & Skills: Self reflection of yourself your team and content: What do you want to know more about that will impact your practice, and the children, and families you serve? e.g. more about families and culture; ways to gather information and share information; ways to e fg ectively use cultural mediators, interpreters and translators, etc.) ¡ Changes in Practice: What do you want for your team? We hope you will utilize the knowledge and skills shared to target specific changes in practice that you think would be appropriate and helpful to the children and families you serve…as well as other stakeholders (e.g. parents/family, preschool teachers, support personnel, specialists).

  4. Outcomes ¡ Increase in Knowledge & Skill Level: What specific skills or practices does your team need to integrate into current practice (if any)? (e.g. interviewing parents and family members from cultures di fg erent from your own, gathering information about language history and environment and current performance in one or both languages, use of parent child interaction assessments, new tools and supports etc.) ¡ Increase in Resources: How to use cultural mediators, interpreters, translators e fg ectively to enhance trust building with families; More information on how to document “ comprehensive ” assessments that di fg erentiate language di fg erence from disorder.

  5. Outcome: Increase in accuracy reliability and validity of Child Find assessments with DLL students “ To distinguish a language disorder from a di fg erence, teams must know the cultural, linguistic, and socioeconomic background of the student and how that background might present itself in the student's performance on an evaluation” ¡ Let’s begin this journey together…

  6. Intensive TA for Child Find Teams: 
 Our Plan ¡ Outline … ¡ Pre assessment data though, Child Find Profile, Cultural Competence Checklist, and other Self– Reflection Tools ¡ First meeting: Team Pathways Completion § Review of Current Literature…Key Questions for Discussion… Identifying information and supports needed…cultural mediators, interpreters, parent school liaisons and translators § Review of key articles and information for discussion and formulation of questions

  7. Intensive Teams ¡ Second Meeting: Onsite in January to review video of assessment of DLL and /or discuss actual assessments of DLLs with self reflection tool and discussion of complex factors. Each team will have a full day of consultation about their practices and concerns and questions. (Schedule dates with Clara) ¡ Third Meeting: A (“meeting of the minds”) when your three CF teams share what works, how they evaluate success, how they have or have not changed, and how they are evaluating and documenting their success and accountability.

  8. …. Di fg erent Paths… Child Find Process & Procedures may look very di fg erent based upon individual characteristics of districts, numbers served, models used etc. 5/30 200/700 ONE TEAM- 0-5 55% INCREASE IN LAST YEAR BILINGUAL INTERPRETER/CM 20/80 BILINGUAL INTERPRETER/ CM CM/Interpreter TRANSDISCIPLINARY TRANSDICIPLIINARY Multidisciplinary Matrix FAMILY INCLUSED 0-3 HV; NO 3-5 No HV PLS -5 , ESI, ASQ, ELL ACQUISITION INTERVIEW AT TIME OF EVAL Interviews at time of Eval RATE 4 HOURS PLANNING TIME/WEEK= NO HV ASQ/Developmental & Health History TEAM PLAN Planning: email/phone INTERVIEWS AT TIME OF ASSESSMENT PLS4, CELF, BOEHM,BITSEA, ITSEA, No VT & PLAY OBSERVATION BASC-2 Play Observation Both languages thru NO BRIEFING OF INTERPRETERS OBSERVATIONS, PARENT REPORT, RBI, Report NO VT TPBA, SLAP NO PARENTS IF IN SCHOOL… MAY PARENTS IN ASSESSMENT PARENTS IN ASSESSMENT WAIT IN THE HALL TEST/STAFF NO P/C INTERACTION

  9. What teams are asking ? ¡ Is our assessment process COMPREHENSIVE? ¡ Are we accurately identifying DLLS WITH IMPAIRMENTS? ¡ What are new TESTS, TOOLS OR PROCEDURES we might use? ¡ What is ETHNOGRAPHIC INTERVIEWING? ¡ Are there CULTURAL & BEHAVIORAL DEVELOPMENTAL NORMS available? ¡ Are our processes CULTURALLY APPROPRIATE? (STAP/ INFORMAL)? ¡ How do we e fg ectively use INTERPRETERS & provide TRAINING FOR INTERPRETERS? ¡ Do we have current knowledge of DIFFERENCES vs. DISORDERS? ¡ Are we appropriately GATHERING INFORMATION FROM CULTURALLY DIVERSE FAMILIES? ¡ What about children who are ADOPTED? ¡ HOW SHOULD OUR ASSESSMENTS LOOK DIFFERENT when a child is exposed to more than one language? ¡ How do we DOCUMENT in compliance with CDE and IDEA expectations?

  10. A Team Approach ¡ About Your Team… Where are you now? Where do you want to be? … ¡ Use Child Find Team profile and other information to complete the Pathways: A Team Process to discuss a clearer picture of where you are now and what (if anything) you want to target for change in practice… recognizing this is an evolving process and targets/ priorities may change.. ¡ Large Group Share: Identify a recorder who will be prepared to share the results of your discussion, describe your team and specify Q ’ s and potential targeted outcomes.

  11. Steps in Your Assessment Process: 
 Actualizing your Principles ¡ Stages of Assessment: Are they family centered, culturally competent, individualized, ecological/ authentic? Do they result in next steps, strategies, and resources that are helpful to the child and family? ¡ Pre-Assessmen t: How are these principles honored in information gathering? What does the process look like? Assessment : Is information gathered about both or more ¡ languages during this assessment? Is it play based? What tools help you discern eligibility vs. di fg erence? What does it look like? ¡ Post Assessment: Are results shared in culturally competent way? Are family members integral to the conversation? How are results shared? Do families feel comfortable that they received the information they came for? What does it look like?

  12. Principles of Assessment ¡ Principles of Assessment? Do you agree? Each and every child and family needs an assessment that is … § Family Centered? § Culturally Competent? § Individualized? § Authentic? Ecological? § Determines “ next steps ” (for the child) …strategies (caregivers can use) and resources needed? ¡ Your Teams Principles: Let ’ s take some time right now for you to discuss what each of your teams ’ principles look like in practice. ¡ If you are family centered, what does that look like?

  13. Principles Principle Stage What does it look What do you want it like now? to look like? Family Centered? Culturally Competent? Individualized? Authentic? Ecological? Next Steps and Strategies for Families: Other:

  14. Implication: Would you agree? Families from cultures different from our own also need: ¡ Educators and specialists who understand patterns of 2 nd language acquisition, influencing factors and who can distinguish language differences from disorders and ¡ Teachers and specialists who share information regarding current research about bilingualism with families so they have necessary information ¡ Educators and specialists who adopt non-biased or anti- biased assessment practices ¡ Educators and specialists who link authentic assessments to intervention as needed yet also provide information about community resources and parent education and support

  15. Where is your team now in terms of…? ¡ Knowledge of Second Language Acquisition? ¡ Purpose: Determining Eligibility &/OR Supports? ¡ Assessment Information about Both/More Languages? ¡ Gathering and Sharing Information with Families? ¡ Selecting Tools: Formal & Informal Evaluation Tools Available: Reliability & Validity? ¡ TPBA &/Use of Standardized Assessments? ¡ Documentation of Results in Reports/IEPs? ¡ Use of Interpreters, Translators, Cultural Mediat ors ?

  16. Partner UP to Review Knowledge Base 2nd Language ¡ List five things you know about 2 nd Language acquisition and how it impacts DLLs? ¡ How does this impact your PLANNING of individualized Assessments: ¡ What do you know about this child? ¡ What do you need to know about ? ¡ How will you find out? ¡ See handout Preschool Sequential LI, L2

  17. Purposes of Assessment ¡ More than Eligibility? ¡ What else?


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