say hello before you

SAY HELLO BEFORE YOU TELL ME OFF! Jules Daulby Vulnerable to - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

SAY HELLO BEFORE YOU TELL ME OFF! Jules Daulby Vulnerable to exclusions FSM 4 times more likely Black Caribbean 4 times more likely Travelling community (Roma) SEND 7 times more likely (SEMH x19 more likely) Boys


  2. Vulnerable to exclusions ■ FSM – 4 times more likely ■ Black Caribbean – 4 times more likely ■ Travelling community (Roma) ■ SEND – 7 times more likely (SEMH x19 more likely) ■ Boys – 3 times more likely than girls ■ Children in care - 3 times more likely

  3. What we know 41 permanent exclusions a day 2010 fixed term exclusions a day


  5. Speech Language and Communication Needs ■ Autism ■ Developmental Language Disorder ■ Tourette's ■ Articulation ■ Stammer

  6. Professor Dorothy Bishop’s taxi driver test. I wo work rk with h What do you do childr dren en I work with then? who have e students autism. who have dyslexia. My grandson has autism. I think I’m dyslexic. I work with students who have development language What’s that? disorder.

  7. It’s like dyslexia but with talk. Rec eceptiv eptive e Ex Expr pressiv essive e

  8. Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) #devlangdis ■ DLD is identified when children, young people or adults have difficulties with understanding the language they hear or speaking in sentences to express meaning. ■ DLD can be used to describe the condition if there is no other cause for the language difficulties, such as autism.

  9. “Children with language disorders often lack verbal strategies to manage in the classroom and may only take in one or two words of what is said to them. This can lead to failure following instructions which can be perceived as ‘naughty’ behaviour by the class teacher. Similarly, children with language disorder have difficulty following playground rules, and often misinterpret jokes from peers as other children ‘making fun’. The frustration and inability to respond leads to more disruptive behaviour and increased risk for social, emotional and mental health problems in the longer term.”2 Professor Courtenay Norbury, Professor of Developmental Language and Communication Disorders at University College London

  10. Free online learning modules to recognise people with SLCN and its link to behaviour

  11. Transitions ■ Friendships ■ Teachers ■ Systems ■ Routines ■ Summer camp ■ Day separate from the others ■ No testing!

  12. Signs ■ Reserved/quiet/day dreaming/looking out of the window ■ May appear truculent ■ Struggles in groups but works well in 1:1 ■ Although appears to decode and encode sufficiently, writing is poor (amount and grammatically) ■ Nods pretending to understand and then does something completely different ■ Waits for teacher to finish speaking and then turns straight to their friend and asks what they have to do ■ Struggles in circle time ■ Problems with friendships often due to misunderstanding

  13. Specialist Targeted Universal

  14. Universal Time, time and more time • • Count to at least five before answering or introduce thinking time • Visuals visuals visuals Repetition repetition repetition • • Understanding • Writing frames, prompts, sentence starters, knowledge organisers but not too busy • Pre-teaching vocabulary - Stephen Parson’s Word Aware book to use for this

  15. Targeted • Vocabulary and Inference Programme (VIP) • Comprehension strategies • NELI (Nuffield Early Language Intervention)/Talk Boost • Explicit vocabulary teaching using Stephen Parson’s ‘Word Aware’ or Isobel Beck’s ‘Bringing Words to Life’ (can also use for universal) • Social communication groups Lego therapy • The last two link to pragmatic language difficulties.

  16. Specialist SALT – Speech and • Language Therapy • Grammar construction using Dr Susan Ebbel’s Shape Coding TM

  17. ISOLATION IS NOT JUST PHYSICAL • Engagement • Trust • Valued • Citizen of school and community • Belonging • Helper • Agency • Voice • Empowerment • Relationships not exam results Baroness Warnock – OFSTED judge for academic excellence not inclusion or broad and balanced curriculum.

  18. Loud voices can be unsettling, will reduce anxiety and reduce what is being taken in. No hitting Hands down No running Walking please No pinching Gentle hands No swearing Polite language Stop that (what?) Body language Calm, relaxed and hands down Speak quietly Reduce language and wait for processing time Reassure pupil ‘It’s OK’, acknowledge emotions ‘Are you feeling cross?’ Offer student a break away from situation

  19. Blanks Questioning Levelled questions which are developmental Level 1 Naming (language demands rely on teaching materials e.g. objects/pictures) Point to an object Level 2 Describing (language relates to teaching materials e.g. objects/pictures) Find me a red ball Level 3 Re-telling (language has less emphasis on the teaching materials) What will happen next? Level 4 Justifying and Problem Solving (language is more advanced than the teaching materials) How do you know? A child is operating at a specific level when they can answer at least 80% of questions at that particular level.

  20. Class ssroom oom Strategi egies es • Ensure the child is listening before asking a question by using their name and waiting for them to look at you Allow extra time for the child to process the question • • Use repetition after a pause • Plan all question levels for all activities and aim different levels at different children, children at a lower level will learn from models at a higher level • To create a feeling of success for a child ask lower level questions and build up to the level they are working on

  21. Some ideas for in class, universal support High quality teaching

  22. THE FRAYER MODEL Pick a word to complete your own Frayer Model Fraction Quadrilateral The language and literacy of maths

  23. THE FRAYER MODEL The language and literacy of maths

  24. Write a Frayer Model using the word ‘prime’ (maths)

  25. Treat command words as seriously as you would key words

  26. RAST TWO CONCEPTS The language and literacy of maths

  27. Vocabulary development First sound Picture / icon to show What are similar words? (similar v word meaning or sound) Volcano, volcanoes, volcanic Vulcan volcanic temper Include synonyms (same), antonyms (opposite), collocations End sounds and idioms, washing line O (long vowel) Where do you hear this word? Volcano The news Break into syllables (how many Geography beats) stories Vol – can – o What type of word is it? noun What does the word mean? Describe: Put the word in a sentence: Interesting fact Comes from ‘ vulcan ’ a god forging tools in the fire inside the mountain. = a semantic web

  28. Rich Scripting : Volcano Word recognition/building the field volcano, volcanoes, volcanic, idiomatic use of volcanic : a volcanic rage, a volcano waiting to erupt etymology : Vulcan Language – Cline’s washing line • Cold cool temperate warm hot molten (melted) • Always often sometimes intermittent never dormant extinct Warming up the grammar Prepositions : on top of , inside, underneath, Cohesive markers : first, next, then, when Modal verbs (may/will) erupt, (have) erupted, (are/were) erupting Phrasal verbs Force up, fall back, pour out

  29. But it’s more than just words ‘What you going?’ instead of ‘Where are you going?’ Yoda type speech – What doing you? Get grammatical constructions incorrect – I don’t want Peter Rabbit – I don’t want this episode of Peter Rabbit Speak around a subject so although they’re saying words, you’re not quite sure what they trying to tell you. Mix up similar words which are not quite the same or opposite – pour/fill Literal – Do you have trouble getting out of bed? No, I just put my feet on the floor….. Write one to seven – child writes 1 2 7 Sit down! – child sits down on floor exactly where they are and get into trouble for being cheeky.

  30. Substitution Table may erupt never The dormant sometimes volcano erupted Some active erupt will erupt A extinct volcanoes constantly erupt One intermittent regularly never

  31. Clicker word grids on ipad or Clicker 7 for desktops and laptops

  32. Key visuals and graphic organisers • convey information and ideas • support pupils to demonstrat nstrate thinking and ideas See also Bernard Mohan’s Knowledge Framework Structures

  33. #devlangdis Isabel Beck The Milestone Primary Poster @RADLDcam • Talking Point @Afasic • The Communication Trust • I Can /the-box-training @NAPLIC Professor Dorothy Bishop Dr Susan Ebbels – also designed Shape Coding TM @deevybee @SusanEbbels Professor Courtenay Norbury @lilacCourt Stephen Parsons @WordAware – for the book u/huh-the-many-benefits-of- using-blanks-language-levels- The Nuffield Early Language framework-to-help-your-kids-to- Intervention Programme (NELI) understand-language-for-school/


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