checklist for climate services implementation

Checklist for climate services implementation Veronica F. Grasso, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Checklist for climate services implementation Veronica F. Grasso, Ph.D. WMO, GFCS Office Weather Climate Water 1 Outline Checklist for climate services implementation : objectives, overview The problem :

  1. Checklist for climate services implementation Veronica F. Grasso, Ph.D. WMO, GFCS Office Weather • Climate • Water 1

  2. Outline • Checklist for climate services implementation : objectives, overview • The problem : gaps and needs emerging from the checklist results • The solution : Niger’s example Weather • Climate • Water 2

  3. Checklist: Objectives Checklist for climate services implementation is addressed to Member countries to: 1. Evaluate where they are with respect to climate services implementation and 2. Identify areas where they need help Weather • Climate • Water 3

  4. Checklist: Overview 1 Governance Basic Systems 2 User Interface 3 Capacity Development 4 Provision and Application of Climate Services 5 Monitoring and Evaluation 6

  5. The problem 1 Governance Basic Systems 2 User Interface 3 Capacity Development 4 Provision and Application of Climate Services 5 Monitoring and Evaluation 6

  6. The solution • Global Centers • Regional Centers

  7. Climate Services for Increased Resilience in the Sahel – Niger’s example

  8. Climate Services for Increased Resilience in the Sahel – Niger’s example

  9. Thank you for your attention Weather • Climate • Water 9


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