case management project judicial and public safety

Case Management Project Judicial and Public Safety Strategic - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Case Management Project Judicial and Public Safety Strategic Planning and Technology Commission History and Background 2010 - URL Review, Analysis and Recommendations 2012 NCSC RFP Requirements Drafted 2013 - RFP for New Court

  1. Case Management Project Judicial and Public Safety Strategic Planning and Technology Commission

  2. History and Background • 2010 - URL Review, Analysis and Recommendations • 2012 – NCSC RFP Requirements Drafted • 2013 - RFP for New Court Case Management System • 2013-2014 - Review of Proposals and Vendor Selection • March 2014 - Recommendation – Tyler Technologies • March 2014 - MTG Contract negotiations • July 2014 – Recommend Tyler Technologies • August 2014 – Agreement Signed • September 2014 – Project Kickoff • December 2016 – Go Live

  3. Implementation Timeline Kickoff & Project Initiation in September 2014 • Project completion scheduled for April 2016 • Project delayed 6 months to October 2016 for • development of enhancements Project delayed 2 months - Testing • Go Live – December 2016 •

  4. Offices Implemented • Circuit Court • Circuit Court Clerk • State’s Attorney • Public Defender

  5. Products Odyssey Case Manager (all case types) • Odyssey Financial Manager • Odyssey Attorney Manager • Enterprise Document Management System • eSignature • Integration Toolkit • Enterprise Custom Reporting • SessionWorks - Judge Edition • SessionWorks - Clerk Edition • Record on Appeal • Public Access • ePayments • Secure Public Access/Odyssey Portal •

  6. Budget (estimated in 2013) • Initial budget estimate $12.6M (URL) • Proposed Project Budget • FY2014 - $1,600,000 • FY2015 - $5,186,678 • FY2016 - $1,950,598 • FY2017 - $959,610 • FY2018 - $968,802 • Five Year Total $10,665,688

  7. Proposed Cost and Negotiated Price • Tyler Technologies Proposal $6.25M • Software License • Professional Services • Five Year Maintenance Agreement • Tyler Negotiated Price $6.025M • Includes Data Conversion $400K • Includes Customization Requests $140K • Includes Free Maintenance, 1 Year - $400K

  8. Breakdown of Costs (5-Year) • $2,000,000 Tyler Licensing • $2,000,000 Tyler Services • $2,000,000 Tyler Maintenance 6 years • $2,500,000 Kane Project Team 5 years • $900,000 Staff Augmentation • $600,000 Capital Equipment • $600,000 Contingency

  9. CMS Project Budget 2013-2017 Year Budget Actual FY2013 $ 218,005.00 $ 119,528.56 FY2014 $ 3,560,689.00 $ 1,530,811.67 FY2015 $ 5,185,219.00 $ 2,651,070.11 FY2016 $ 4,336,405.00 $ 3,211,571.23 *FY2017 $ 2,678,346.00 $ 2,240,908.65 $ 9,753,890.22 *FY2013-FY2016 is Actual. FY2017 represents budget.

  10. 2017 Finances Fund 127 Anticipated Expenses - Balance of 2017 as of 4/25/2017 Outstanding Milestone/Travel Payments to be Billed: #17 ADR Reports $57,234 #37 Transition to Supp $20,400 Travel Pending $10,000 TOTAL TYLER COSTS OUTSTANDING $87,634 Salaries/Benefits - 1/2 April-Nov 2017 $275,000 Training and Conferences $20,000 Capital Equipment $70,000 Third Party Software License $140,000 eCitation $90,000 Consulting Costs $140,000 TOTAL TYLER AND SALARY EXPENSES OUTSTANDING $822,634 Fund 127 2017 Anticipated Revenue: (March-November) $910,000 Fund 127 End of Year Anticipated Revenue Less Expenses $87,366 Actual Cash Balance as of 4/25/2017 ($84,482) Fund 127 End of 2017 FY Anticipated Balance $2,884 These numbers only anticipate expenses for outstanding project costs directly related to Tyler, anticipated salaries and contractual costs. Maintenance costs for DEC 2017-NOV2018 (Year 4) and Year 5 are not noted in these costs.

  11. 2018 Budget Ideas • Estimated Revenue for 127 Fund $1.1M • Tyler Software Maintenance $430K • CMS Project Team $440K • Training $30K • eFiling & eCitation • Development and Integrations • Consulting Services

  12. Tyler Project Close Out ADR and Illinois Statistical Reporting - Both of these projects have been delivered. both are undergoing refinement as testing is taking place. • State of Illinois approval is expected to take place by September. • Harris and Harris/Collections - Odyssey has collections export and import capabilities Development project was delivered to Kane that incorporated the unique • requirements for Agency, SAO and Clerk delinquency amount calculations. Additional requirements have surfaced surrounding the application of an annual • 9% interest charge to cases that have previously been placed in collections. SAO Task Check List - This project has been delivered yet remains incomplete. In Progress. It is actively being worked on by Kane County States Attorney and • Tyler’s Development Team. This deliverable is still required by Kane County. VINES – Victim Impact Notification - This project has been delivered. Development project is scheduled for third quarter 2017 to improve application • security. Kane has secure workaround for now.


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