breakfast and networking mee1ng meet the journalists

Breakfast and networking mee1ng: Meet the Journalists Tuesday 16 th - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Breakfast and networking mee1ng: Meet the Journalists Tuesday 16 th May 2017 How to use Digital PR to connect to Influencers and Journalists across TV, Radio and Print!. Rachael Taplin Sign Up To Your 7 Days Free Publicity and Media

  1. Breakfast and networking mee1ng: Meet the Journalists Tuesday 16 th May 2017

  2. “ How to use Digital PR to connect to Influencers and Journalists across TV, Radio and Print!. ” Rachael Taplin Sign Up To Your 7 Days Free Publicity and Media Training

  3. Sign Up To Your 7 Days Free Publicity and Media Training

  4. Sign Up To Your 7 Days Free Publicity and Media Training

  5. Sign Up To Your 7 Days Free Publicity and Media Training

  6. Sign Up To Your 7 Days Free Publicity and Media Training

  7. Why PR? Old World/New World Sign Up To Your 7 Days Free Publicity and Media Training

  8. How hard can PR really be? Sign Up To Your 7 Days Free Publicity and Media Training

  9. Share your story! Sign Up To Your 7 Days Free Publicity and Media Training

  10. Share your story! Sign Up To Your 7 Days Free Publicity and Media Training

  11. Publicity Success Sign Up To Your 7 Days Free Publicity and Media Training

  12. Publicity Success Sign Up To Your 7 Days Free Publicity and Media Training

  13. Publicity Success Sign Up To Your 7 Days Free Publicity and Media Training

  14. Case studies! Sign Up To Your 7 Days Free Publicity and Media Training

  15. Daily PR Leads Sign Up To Your 7 Days Free Publicity and Media Training

  16. BlueBoo Daily PR Leads Sign Up To Your 7 Days Free Publicity and Media Training

  17. Daily PR Leads Sign Up To Your 7 Days Free Publicity and Media Training

  18. BlueBoo Daily PR Leads Sign Up To Your 7 Days Free Publicity and Media Training

  19. BlueBoo Daily PR Leads Sign Up To Your 7 Days Free Publicity and Media Training

  20. BlueBoo Daily PR Leads Sign Up To Your 7 Days Free Publicity and Media Training

  21. BlueBoo Daily PR Leads Sign Up To Your 7 Days Free Publicity and Media Training

  22. BlueBoo Daily PR Leads Sign Up To Your 7 Days Free Publicity and Media Training

  23. BlueBoo Daily PR Leads Sign Up To Your 7 Days Free Publicity and Media Training

  24. Publicity Success Sign Up To Your 7 Days Free Publicity and Media Training

  25. Publicity Success Sign Up To Your 7 Days Free Publicity and Media Training

  26. Share success stories that you have created! Sign Up To Your 7 Days Free Publicity and Media Training

  27. Publicity Success Sign Up To Your 7 Days Free Publicity and Media Training

  28. Surveys! 1 pt Sign Up To Your 7 Days Free Publicity and Media Training

  29. Publicity Success Sign Up To Your 7 Days Free Publicity and Media Training

  30. NaNonal Days and CelebraNon Days! Ride off the back of NaNonal and CelebraNon Days. June celebrated: Armed Forces Day1 Aromatherapy Awareness Week Bike Week Breathe Easy Week Carers Week Cervical Screening Awareness Week Child Safety Week Diabetes Week English Wine Week Everyman Male Cancer Awareness Month Falls Awareness Week Food Safety Week 1 pt Herbal Medicine Week HunNngtons Disease Awareness Week InternaNonal Surfing Day Jam Week Mens Health Week Motor Neurone Disease Awareness Month NaNonal Bug BusNng Day NaNonal BuXerfly Awareness Day NaNonal Cancer Survivors Day NaNonal Childminding Week NaNonal Flip Flop Day NaNonal Glaucoma Awareness Week Sign Up To Your 7 Days Free Publicity and Media Training

  31. NaNonal Days and CelebraNon Days! Sign Up To Your 7 Days Free Publicity and Media Training

  32. Launch your own NaNonal Day! 1 pt 70 Radio Interviews….15 live! Local, Regional and Na1onal Coverage! Sign Up To Your 7 Days Free Publicity and Media Training

  33. Launch your own NaNonal Day! 1 pt 70 Radio Interviews….15 live! Local, Regional and Na1onal Coverage! Sign Up To Your 7 Days Free Publicity and Media Training

  34. Are you an Expert or Influencer? Sign Up To Your 7 Days Free Publicity and Media Training

  35. DefiniNon of an Expert? ex·pert / � eksp � rt/ Noun A person who has a comprehensive and authoritaNve knowledge of or skill in a parNcular area. Adjec1ve Having or involving such knowledge or skill. Synonyms noun. specialist - connoisseur - adept - judge - master adjecNve. skilled - skilful - skillful - proficient - adept Sign Up To Your 7 Days Free Publicity and Media Training

  36. The benefits of posiNoning yourself as The Expert/ Influencer? Sign Up To Your 7 Days Free Publicity and Media Training

  37. The benefits of posiNoning yourself as The Expert? 1 pt Sign Up To Your 7 Days Free Publicity and Media Training

  38. Jo Orgill- The Clarity Coach Jo joined BlueBoo and within a week secured coverage with the Guardian online as an expert. 1 pt Sign Up To Your 7 Days Free Publicity and Media Training

  39. What are the PR Pi_alls… You have one chance to grab aXenNon. Are you prepared? Take Nme to reach the right people! Contacts are essenNal! Sign Up To Your 7 Days Free Publicity and Media Training

  40. Add Your Business Card In the Bowl for a FREE copy of the Meet The Journalists Event Recording Usual Price £99 Please allow up to 2 working days for the email link. Sign Up To Your 7 Days Free Publicity and Media Training

  41. Just one pr success story could change your business overnight! Sign Up To Your 7 Days Free Publicity and Media Training

  42. Just one pr success story could change your business overnight! Sign Up To Your 7 Days Free Publicity and Media Training

  43. Just one pr success story could change your business overnight! Sign Up To Your 7 Days Free Publicity and Media Training

  44. Just one pr success story could change your business overnight! Sign Up To Your 7 Days Free Publicity and Media Training

  45. Just one pr success story could change your business overnight! Sign Up To Your 7 Days Free Publicity and Media Training

  46. Just one pr success story could change your business overnight! Sign Up To Your 7 Days Free Publicity and Media Training

  47. Thank you! Don’t Forget To Add Your Business Card In the Bowl for a FREE copy of the Meet The Journalists Event Recording Sign Up To Your 7 Days Free Publicity and Media Training

  48. Finally, a few dates for the diary… Launch of the EU Programmes – 17 th May (Sixways) and 25 th May (Avoncro[ Museum • WINN Wednesday 7 th June • • Business School Summer Start Up Bootcamp Week star1ng 19 th June via Eventbrite haps:// bootcamp-principium-1ckets-34232259610?aff=es2 Next Breakfast Mee1ng 20 th June – Worcestershire Parkway with specialist rail contractor • Buckingham Group

  49. Meet the Journalists: Peter John, Regional Editor for Newsquest Midlands South Aaron Wise, Reporter at Bromsgrove and Droitwich Standards One to ones taking place at the front by the stage. Visit the exhibi1on zone Don’t forget to follow @findi1nworcs

  50. Collabora1on is Key: @findiNnworcs Help grow a business community where our members buy Worcestershire first! Developed By Supported By


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