future of the ucsf parnassus heights campus

Future of the UCSF Parnassus Heights Campus Advisory Committee - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Future of the UCSF Parnassus Heights Campus Advisory Committee Meeting #1 August 27, 2019 Agenda Welcome, CPHP Overview and Process Opening Remarks Introductions Review of Purpose, Operating Principles and Organizing Framework

  1. Future of the UCSF Parnassus Heights Campus Advisory Committee Meeting #1 August 27, 2019

  2. Agenda  Welcome, CPHP Overview and Process  Opening Remarks  Introductions  Review of Purpose, Operating Principles and Organizing Framework  Care Recipient Testimonial  UCSF Health: New Hospital  Public Comment  Recap  Next Steps 2 Advisory Committee for the Future of UCSF Parnassus Heights Campus Meeting #1

  3. Welcome, CPHP Overview and Process 3 Advisory Committee for the Future of UCSF Parnassus Heights Campus Meeting #1

  4. Parnassus Heights is Key to UCSF  Home to the #1 tertiary/quaternary adult hospital in the western U.S.  Home to some of the world’s most important translational science – (immunology, stem cell biology, neuro-oncology and more), with opportunities for additional breakthrough programs  Home to all four professional schools – dentistry, nursing, medicine, pharmacy The e "conver ergen ence ce” among clinical, aca cadem demic c and d resear arch h prog ograms enabl bles UCSF team ams to make ke freque uent nt and d effici cien ent perso sonal connec ecti tions to faci cilitate te lear arni ning ng and discov overy. 4 Advisory Committee for the Future of UCSF Parnassus Heights Campus Meeting #1

  5. Campus Infrastructure and Buildings Agin ing b build ildings a and in infr frastructure are a at r ris isk and costly to • maintain Updating older buildings to fulfill regulatory compliance is • challenging Building overcrowd wding, lack of quality spaces • Cont ntempor orar ary r resear arch, h, a academic, c clinical al, a and suppor ort • space ces have been lacking for decades; recrui uitment nt a and re retention issu ssues are re major concerns Sustai aina nable g growth h is necessary to maintain Parnassus • Heights as a world-class research hub The requir ired n new hospit ital b build ldin ing adds pressure to the • already constrained site The quality of the campus physical environment lacks a • “ther ere t ther ere”, and the campus doesn’t take advantage of its great location between Golden Gate Park and Mount Sutro Advisory Committee for the Future of UCSF Parnassus Heights Campus Meeting #1 5

  6. BUILDING Campus Infrastructure and CO COMPLET ETED Buildings 1917 17 UC Hall 1941 Langley Porter (LPPI) • Average age of buildings on campus is 50+ 50+ 1954 19 Medical Science Building years ye 1955 955 Millberry Union • Limited research building investments since 1955 955 Moffitt Hospital 19 1987 87 1956 956 Proctor Foundation • Buildings lack resilience, placing research 19 1964 HSIR East and patients at risk 1964 19 HSIR West 19 1964 LPPI Butler Building 1966 966 Surge 197 972 ACC Building 197 972 School of Nursing 197 979 School of Dentistry 1982 982 Long Hospital 1986 986 Koret Vision Research 1991 Kalmanovitz Library 2005 2005 PSB 201 010 Dolby Advisory Committee for the Future of UCSF Parnassus Heights Campus Meeting #1 6

  7. 7 Advisory Committee for the Future of UCSF Parnassus Heights Campus Meeting #1

  8. The CPHP Evolved from Six Big Ideas Park-to-Peak, a vertical campus Form complementary Can we design interventions that districts take advantage of the topography and improve the public perception Can we redefine long-term of UCSF? campus relationships and provide opportunities for convergence of the missions? Create the “campus Irving St. connects heart” to the community Can we design a campus Can UCSF better heart that sparks welcome visitors, conversations, patients and the public collaboration and into the campus? engagement ? Parnassus Ave. is the campus “main street” Emphasize connections for Can Parnassus Ave. be convergence designed for a comfortable Can we create multi-purpose, cross- pedestrian experience , disciplinary spaces that answer need for while allowing local access? collaboration and social gathering ? Advisory Committee for the Future of UCSF Parnassus Heights Campus Meeting #1 8

  9. Parnassus Heights, Today HSIR TOWERS MOFFITT DOLBY ACC MSB CSB KORET MILLBERRY UNION PROCTOR UC HALL LIBRARY DENTAL CLINICS Advisory Committee for the Future of UCSF Parnassus Heights Campus Meeting #1 9

  10. Near-term projects are intended to Parnassus Heights, Proposed support the research priority, the new hospital, and benefit the community. Aldea NE NEAR TE TERM (2 RM (2030) • Ir Irving Str Street et Arri Arrival al impr provements: new garage facades on Irving Street, enhanced arrival experience, improved wayfinding • New Hosp spital al, including consideration of bridge and/or tunnel over/under Parnassus Avenue • New ew Re Resear arch and d Acade demic Building ng to replace UC Hall • Alde dea a Housing impr provement nts to increase number of units • Pa Parnassus Avenu nue Streetscape ape impr provements Advisory Committee for the Future of UCSF Parnassus Heights Campus Meeting #1 10

  11. Campus Vision – Long Term Future project phases are subject to internal dependencies, validation, financing, priority, (beyond 2030) and community review. The vision is conceptual and will allow UCSF to begin Aldea coordinated long-term development planning. Housing Key Dependency Decanting Nursing Building, MSB Renovations Housing Opportunity Key Dependency Decanting Towers, Condition of Millberry Patient Family Key Dependency Hotel Opportunity Decanting Dental Clinics, Completion of 4 th Ave. Conceptual only, designs for each building conducted in later phases. Advisory Committee for the Future of UCSF Parnassus Heights Campus Meeting #1 11

  12. The public realm vision includes “peak to park” Public Realm Vision connections, an activated public ground plane, and interior campus public realm improvements. • Improved Saunders Court Public Realm expansion is estimated at over 3x 3x today’s • East – West Promenade condition. • Millberry Terrace (Excluding existing Parnassus Ave right of way) • Park to Peak access points from West Side and Service Corridor Saunders Court Expansion Campus Promenade and Western Front Door Parnassus Ave Improvements Public Terrace and Arrival Conceptual only, designs for each building conducted in later phases. Advisory Committee for the Future of UCSF Parnassus Heights Campus Meeting #1 12

  13. Irving Street Arrival Experience Today Advisory Committee for the Future of UCSF Parnassus Heights Campus Meeting #1 13

  14. Irving Street Arrival Experience - Proposed For illustrative purposes only; does not represent actual architectural design 4.2 Be welcoming and accessible for all modes 2.5 Make the campus easy to navigate through clear and attractive signage and wayfinding. 5.3 Strengthen physical connections to neighborhood. 14 CAG Meeting June 5, 2019

  15. Millberry Terrace & North Side Gateway Today Advisory Committee for the Future of UCSF Parnassus Heights Campus Meeting #1 15

  16. Millberry Terrace and North Side Gateway - Proposed For illustrative purposes only; does not represent actual architectural design 2.3 Provide open spaces and opportunities for social gatherings. 2.4 Mitigate the effects of the weather. 6.2 Create program and spaces to bring people to campus and encourage evening / weekend activity. 6.3 Enhance retail, food and 3.4 Consider thematic recreation opportunities. landscaping.

  17. Parnassus Avenue Today Advisory Committee for the Future of UCSF Parnassus Heights Campus Meeting #1 17

  18. Parnassus Avenue – Proposed: Creating the Campus “Front Door” For illustrative purposes only; does not represent actual architectural design 2.7 Contribute to the University of California’s long-term sustainability goals. 5.2 Improve the streetscape 4.7 Create drop-off zones for TNCs experience of Parnassus Avenue. to make it safer for pedestrians. 3.3 Enhance landscaping to soften 4.3 Implement traffic management edges along streets and buildings. and calming measures.

  19. Saunders Court Today Advisory Committee for the Future of UCSF Parnassus Heights Campus Meeting #1 19

  20. Saunders Court – Proposed: The Campus “Heart” For illustrative purposes only; does not represent actual architectural design 2.8 Establish the campus heart at Saunders Court. 3.3 Soften Edges along 2.10 Provide active uses streets and building along pedestrian routes… 3.2 Enhance access to open 2.13 Take advantage of space and Mount Sutro topography

  21. 4 th Avenue Today Advisory Committee for the Future of UCSF Parnassus Heights Campus Meeting #1 21

  22. 4 th Avenue – Proposed: New Campus Access and Housing For illustrative purposes only; does not represent actual architectural design 5.4 Place exhibits [ …] in 2.12 Ensure that the size and scale of key locations. buildings are compatible with the surrounding neighborhood. 1.6 Create as much housing for UCSF personnel as possible. 2.1 Create a welcoming environment and framework to overall site design 1.1 Allow for a range of creative to make it comprehensible… housing options.


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