animal welfare party

Animal Welfare Party Introductory Presentation Party History 2002: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Animal Welfare Party Introductory Presentation Party History 2002: 2006: Why Political Engagement Matters The practices that cause the greatest animal suffering today are completely legal (intensive farming, animal experimentation - impacting

  1. Animal Welfare Party Introductory Presentation

  2. Party History 2002: 2006:

  3. Why Political Engagement Matters The practices that cause the greatest animal suffering today are completely legal (intensive farming, animal experimentation - impacting on the lives billions of animals around the world) To put an end to the suffering we must change the law

  4. Founding Principles ● The belief that the way we currently view and treat animals is often wrong – but, for the most part, completely legal and that we must work to both change the law and make sure it is properly enforced ● The belief that we can bring about change through the political route through a variety of ways, such as: Drawing attention to particular issues Demonstrating public strength of feeling on an issue By raising the bar on policies concerning animals

  5. A Social Justice Movement 

  6. A Social Justice Movement A social justice movement as important as any other

  7. Party Structure Committee of National Officers – Elected & Registered Positio Elected yearly at party conference / AGM Leader Treasurer Nominating Officer Non-elected / registered Positions Veterinary Spokesperson Membership / IT Manager Candidates – during elections Internships – during elections Informal Volunteer Positions Design, research, outreach, media & PR

  8. Committee of National Officers Leader Nominating Officer Treasurer Jasmijn de Boo Vanessa Hudson Leader 2010 to present Leader 2006 – 2010

  9. Veterinary Spokesperson 2013 – to present : Andre Menache 2007 – 2012 : Andrew Knight BSc(Hons), BVSc, MRCVS DipECAWBM (WSEL), PhD, MRCVS, FOCAE

  10. Membership / Supporters From inception in 2006 to date party entirely run by volunteers < 20 key volunteers Up to 100 volunteers during EU election campaign 178 members 576 supporters 3631 folllowers on twitter 9552 likes on facebook

  11. AWP Election History AWP has contested four elections since our founding in 2006. The results were: 2008 London Assembly Elections 1,828 votes ● (1.12%) 2009 EU Parliament Elections (Eastern Region) ● 13,201 votes (0.8%) 2010 General Election – Islington South and ● Finsbury 149 votes (0.3%) 2014 EU Parliament Election – (London Region) ● 21,092 votes (0.96%)

  12. Voter Turnout 2014 EU Elections Nationally: 34.19% London: 33.3% 66.7% did not vote!

  13. 2014 EU Parliament Election Results Results for the Euro Animal 7: PvdD (NL) 4.22% 1 MEP PAN (PT) 1.72% Tierschutz Partei (DE) 1.2% 1 MEP PACMA (ES) 1.12% AWP (UK) 0.96% APC (CY) 0.88% Djurens Parti (SE) 0.24%

  14. Future Elections Under Consideration 7 th May 2015 UK General Election (FPTP system) 5 th May 2016 Scottish Parliament Election (AMS) 2016 London Assembly Election (AMS) * 2016 London Mayoral Election (Supplementary Vote) 2019 EU Parliament Election (Closed Party List) * / threshhold London region = 7 / 8%

  15. Financial Sources ● Membership £5 unwaged / £12 waged / £120 'life' ● Donations ● Supporter Loans ● Personal funds of key volunteers ●

  16. EU Elecion Campaign Images - Merchandise

  17. Res Pledging To Vote AWP

  18. Res Élections de 2014 de l'UE

  19. Res Élections de 2014 de l'UE

  20. Res

  21. Stunts: Trafalgar Sq, World's Biggest Vegan Knickerbocker Glory for World Vegan Month

  22. Stunts: Brighton Beach, Mothers' Day – Let's Clean Up Our Act

  23. Stunts: Central London Election Bus

  24. 1 Million Leaflets / Boothcamp Volunteers 12 10 8 Column 1 6 Column 2 4 Column 3 2 0 Row 1 Row 2 Row 3 Row 4

  25. High Profile Candidates

  26. Fundraising and Leafletting Events

  27. Animal Welfare Party


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