ambulatory detoxification where do our patients come from

AMBULATORY DETOXIFICATION Where do our patients come from? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

AMBULATORY DETOXIFICATION Where do our patients come from? Ambulatory Detox The Process 1. Sent to Residential 2. Sent to ED 3. Fit for Outpatient Detox Road to Recovery Last 7-9 Days IOP Services IOP Services Platform of


  2. Where do our patients come from?

  3. Ambulatory Detox

  4. The Process 1. Sent to Residential 2. Sent to ED 3. Fit for Outpatient Detox

  5. Road to Recovery Last 7-9 Days

  6. IOP Services IOP Services

  7. Platform of Care-Resources Detox Employment Housing MH Care PH Care Detox Transportation Any other Services Ambulatory Detox “HUB” Platform of Care Ambulatory Detox


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