2018 cadr annual report summary

2018 CADR Annual Report Summary Created by: CADR Staff Figure 2: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

2018 CADR Annual Report Summary Created by: CADR Staff Figure 2: Case File Status All Child Deaths (460) reported to the Florida Hotline for CY 2017 460 Child Fatalities Reported to Hotline in Calendar Year 2017 396 Cases Closed to DCF

  1. 2018 CADR Annual Report Summary Created by: CADR Staff

  2. Figure 2: Case File Status All Child Deaths (460) reported to the Florida Hotline for CY 2017 460 Child Fatalities Reported to Hotline in Calendar Year 2017 396 Cases Closed to DCF Investigation as of September 30, 2018 392 Cases Transferred from DCF to DOH as of September 30, 2018 392 Cases Distributed to Local Committees as of September 30, 2018 356 Cases Completed and Included in Annual Report

  3. Table 2: Child Deaths: All Causes and Maltreatments Florida, 2011-2017 Child Cases Cases Child Death Rate Verified Child Maltreatment Child Deaths Pending Pending per 100,000 Child Maltreatment Death Rate per All Causes (Local (DCF) Population Deaths 100,000 Child Review) Population 2011 2,191 54.3 136 3.37 - - 2012 2,046 50.9 129 3.21 - - 2013 2,105 52.5 137 3.42 - - 2014 2,131 52.9 147 3.75 6 4 2015 2,249 55.4 110* 2.71 7 14 2016 2,217 54.2 97* 2.37 13 22 2017 2,236 54.1 79* 1.91 68 36 *The number of verified child maltreatment cases for 2015, 2016 and 2017 is not complete given the number of cases still open and not yet transferred to local CADR Committees OR not yet reviewed by local CADR Committees. Past year figures may have changed as cases were closed following the submission of past CADR reports. 2015 counts apply to 452 of 473 investigated child deaths. 2016 counts apply to 424 of 459 investigated child deaths. 2017 counts apply to 356 of 460 investigated child deaths.

  4. Table 3: Official Manner of Death (from death certificate) by Maltreatment Verification Status Child Maltreatment Death n=356 Official Manner of Not Death Verified Substantiated No Indicators n=79 n=86 n=191 Natural 2 4 47 Accident 46 62 101 Suicide 0 0 5 Homicide 23 0 0 Undetermined 8 20 37 Pending 0 0 0 Unknown/Missing 0 0 1

  5. Table 5: Itemization of Specific Cause of Death for External Injuries by Child Maltreatment Verification Status Child Maltreatment Death n=242 Specific External Injury Cause of External Injury Deaths Not Death Verified Substantiated No Indicators n=71 n=64 n=107 Asphyxia 11 32 68 Sleep-related 10 26 57 Not sleep-related 1 6 11 Drowning 20 22 25 Body Parts/Weapons 23 1 6 Motor Vehicle 6 4 3 Poisoning, Overdose, Intoxication 4 1 0 Animal Bite/Attack 0 0 0 Fire, Burn, Electrocution 2 0 0 Undetermined 0 0 1 Other 5 2 2 Fall/Crush 0 2 2 Unknown/Missing 0 0 0

  6. State CADR Committee Recommendations  1. Expand Efforts to Relay Timely Information to Parents Regarding the Safety of Children  Hotels, Resorts, Airbnb, HomeAway, Pool Supply Companies, Furniture Stores, etc.  Safe sleep and water safety messaging needs to be consistent statewide  Messages should be culturally-responsive and considerate of language barriers  2. Encourage Participation in Existing Child Maltreatment Trainings for First Responders  FCJTC provides numerous courses related to recognizing and investigating child abuse  Assess trainings provided to non-law enforcement first responders  CDC’s SUID Investigation Training, including doll reenactment training should be provided to all law enforcement agencies, Medical Examiners, and ME Investigators

  7. State CADR Committee Recommendations cont.  3. Use Social Media to Provide Timely Messaging and Support to Parents  Powerful communication tool among young parents  Further explore opportunities to utilize location services to enhance targeted messaging to alert parents of potential hazards in their environment  4. Leverage the Power of Shared Data  Government agencies and community organizations  Data Quality  Further explore dynamics behind inflicted trauma

  8. State CADR Committee Recommendations cont.  5. Continue to Encourage Collaborative Partnerships at both State and Community Levels  6. Continue to Support the Integration of Behavioral Health Services into the Child Welfare System  Substance use disorders, mental health disorders, and Intimate Partner Violence independently and collectively impact parental capacity and child well-being  Family Intensive Treatment (FIT) model  7. Continue to Support Programs that Enhance Parenting Skills  HFF , PCA Florida, Circle of Parents, etc.  Home Safety Checklist

  9. CADR Staff Patricia L. Armstrong, Bureau Chief  patricia.armstrong@flhealth.gov Joshua G. Thomas, CADR Unit Director  joshua.thomas@flhealth.gov Robert Brooks, PhD, Epidemiologist  robert.brooks@flhealth.gov Renee Senn, CADR Program Specialist  renee.senn@flhealth.gov Brenna Kawar, CADR Prevention Specialist  brenna.kawar@flhealth.gov


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