vicksburg district levee safety program risk communication


VICKSBURG DISTRICT LEVEE SAFETY PROGRAM RISK COMMUNICATION 237 217 200 80 252 237 217 200 119 174 237 217 200 27 .59 255 0 163 131 239 110 112 62 102 130 255 0 163 132 65 135 92 102 56 120 255 0 163 122 53

  1. VICKSBURG DISTRICT LEVEE SAFETY PROGRAM RISK COMMUNICATION 237 217 200 80 252 237 217 200 119 174 237 217 200 27 .59 255 0 163 131 239 110 112 62 102 130 255 0 163 132 65 135 92 102 56 120 255 0 163 122 53 120 56 130 48 111 “The views, opinions and findings contained in this report are those of the authors(s) and should not be construed as an official Department of the Army position, policy or decision, unless so designated by other official documentation.”

  2. LEVEE SAFETY PROGRAM RISK COMMUNICATION Lanny Barfield – DSO/LSO, Chief of Geotechnical Branch 237 217 200 80 252 237 217 200 119 174 237 217 200 27 .59 255 0 163 131 239 110 112 62 102 130 255 0 163 132 65 135 92 102 56 120 Brian Jordan – Chief of Analytical & Levee Safety 255 0 163 122 53 120 56 130 48 111 Section Craig McRaney – Levee Safety Program Manager

  3. LEVEE SAFETY PROGRAM KEY MESSAGES  Public Safety is Our Top Priority 237 217 200 80 252  Levees Do Not Completely Eliminate Flood Risk 237 217 200 119 174 237 217 200 27 .59 255 0 163 131 239 110 112 62 102 130  Levee Safety Is a Shared Responsibility 255 0 163 132 65 135 92 102 56 120 255 0 163 122 53 120 56 130 48 111

  4. LEVEE SAFETY PROGRAM ACTIVITIES  Periodic Levee Inspection  Levee Screenings / Risk Assessments 237 217 200 80 252 237 217 200 119 174 237 217 200 27 .59  Risk Communication 255 0 163 131 239 110 112 62 102 130 255 0 163 132 65 135 92 102 56 120 255 0 163 122 53 120 56 130 48 111

  5. PERIODIC INSPECTIONS  Geotech Lead  Five to Ten Year Cycle Depending on Levee System Action Classification (LSAC) Rating 237 217 200 80 252  Also a Continuing Eligibility Inspection For PL 84-99 Assistance 237 217 200 119 174 237 217 200 27 .59  Also Evaluates Maintenance, Preparedness, and Component Operation  Replaces the Routine Inspection for the Year Performed 255 0 163 131 239 110 112 62 102 130 255 0 163 132 65 135 92 102 56 120 • Utilizes Same Checklist 255 0 163 122 53 120 56 130 48 111  Inspection More Thorough as Crown, Levee Slopes, and Levee Toes Traversed  System Design Reports, Plans & Specs, Studies, Past Performance Inspection, Records Reviewed  Design Criteria Review Performed • Does Design Meet Current Criteria?  Provides Data and Information for Levee System Screenings  Policy Guidance Letter – “Periodic Inspection Procedures for the Levee Safety Program” • Dated December 17, 2008

  6. LEVEE SCREENINGS/RISK ASSESSMENTS  Risk Assessment of the Levee System  Purpose: • To Prioritize Levee Systems Based on Risk and provide initial Levee System Action Classification. 237 217 200 80 252 237 217 200 119 174 237 217 200 27 .59 • Develop a Relative Risk Ranking for Corps Levees.  Input Into Screenings From: (NLD) 255 0 163 131 239 110 112 62 102 130 255 0 163 132 65 135 92 102 56 120 255 0 163 122 53 120 56 130 48 111 • National Levee Database • Routine and Periodic Inspections • Historic Performance During High Water • Limited Engineering Assessments • Data on Consequences (Population, Structures, etc.)  Status • All 71 segments (56 systems) approved by National Cadre • 61 Segments with Final LSAC from HQ LSO

  7. LEVEE SCREENINGS/RISK ASSESSMENTS 237 217 200 80 252 237 217 200 119 174 237 217 200 27 .59 255 0 163 131 239 110 112 62 102 130 255 0 163 132 65 135 92 102 56 120 255 0 163 122 53 120 56 130 48 111

  8. RISK COMMUNICATION 237 217 200 80 252 237 217 200 119 174 237 217 200 27 .59 255 0 163 131 239 110 112 62 102 130 255 0 163 132 65 135 92 102 56 120 255 0 163 122 53 120 56 130 48 111 System Risk Hazard Consequences Performance Risk = f(Hazard, Performance, Consequences)

  9. RISK COMMUNICATION Levees with HQ approved Levee Screening 237 217 200 80 252 237 217 200 119 174 237 217 200 27 .59 255 0 163 131 239 110 112 62 102 130 255 0 163 132 65 135 92 102 56 120 255 0 163 122 53 120 56 130 48 111

  10. LEVEE SYSTEM SUMMARY SHEETS  Project Descriptions and Risk Characterizations have been added to the NLD.  Public access to the NLD is to begin 237 217 200 80 252 237 217 200 119 174 237 217 200 27 .59 June 5.  Sponsor’s need to ensure their 255 0 163 131 239 110 112 62 102 130 255 0 163 132 65 135 92 102 56 120 communities aware of the 255 0 163 122 53 120 56 130 48 111 information contained in the NLD 

  11. LEVEE SYSTEM SUMMARY SHEETS  Draft Levee System Summary (LSS) Sheets are being developed. 237 217 200 80 252  Final versions will be 237 217 200 119 174 237 217 200 27 .59 completed after receiving HQ approved LSAC 255 0 163 131 239 110 112 62 102 130 255 0 163 132 65 135 92 102 56 120  Sponsor review/input 255 0 163 122 53 120 56 130 48 111 (when applicable) should be provided before LSS are uploaded to the NLD.

  12. NLD 237 217 200 80 252 237 217 200 119 174 237 217 200 27 .59 255 0 163 131 239 110 112 62 102 130 255 0 163 132 65 135 92 102 56 120 255 0 163 122 53 120 56 130 48 111

  13. NATIONAL LEVEE DATABASE (NLD) • Descriptions • Maintenance Responsibilities • Structural Makeup (Embankments, Floodwalls, Gravity Drains, etc.) 237 217 200 80 252 • Levee System Action Classification (LSAC) 237 217 200 119 174 237 217 200 27 .59 • Consequence Data (PAR, Economic Damage) 255 0 163 131 239 110 112 62 102 130 • History (Flood of Record, Performance, Construction/Remediation Dates) 255 0 163 132 65 135 92 102 56 120 255 0 163 122 53 120 56 130 48 111 • Elevation Profiles • Inspection History • Interactive Map • HQ will upload Project Description and Risk Information on the NLD in May for Systems in which a LSS has not been uploaded to the NLD • MVK will upload Levee System Summaries (LSS) on the NLD in when complete

  14. RISK COMMUNICATION TO COMMUNITIES Risk Information Must Be Provided to the Local Population. What is the Best Way to Reach Out ? 237 217 200 80 252 237 217 200 119 174 237 217 200 27 .59 255 0 163 131 239 110 112 62 102 130 255 0 163 132 65 135 92 102 56 120 255 0 163 122 53 120 56 130 48 111


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