utp project scoring and

UTP Project Scoring and Ranking Transportation Policy Board April - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

UTP Project Scoring and Ranking Transportation Policy Board April 22, 2019 Background: The Unified Transportation Program TxDOT is developing its FY 2020 Unified Transportation Program (UTP). The UTP is a 10 year planning document that

  1. UTP Project Scoring and Ranking Transportation Policy Board April 22, 2019

  2. Background: The Unified Transportation Program • TxDOT is developing its FY 2020 Unified Transportation Program (UTP). The UTP – is a 10 year planning document that is developed annually and approved by the Texas Transportation Commission – authorizes highway and other projects for planning, development and construction – is not a budget nor a guarantee that projects will be built – is a critical tool in guiding project development within the context of the MPO’s long range plan

  3. Background: Purpose of Agenda Item • TxDOT requested MPOs and Districts score and rank Category 2, Category 4 and Category 12 projects that are already in the UTP – In the November 2018 – January 2019 timeframe the region scored, ranked and took action on recommended new projects for the FY 2020 UTP – This request is to score, rank and take action on projects in the UTP • These are all existing projects that are already in the MPO’s Transportation Improvement Program and/or Metropolitan Transportation Plan and are part of our transportation conformity determination. There are no new projects being brought forward with this exercise. Note: Funding Categories 2, 4 and 12 are for on-system (state) facilities only.

  4. AAMPO/TxDOT Priority Projects 4

  5. Background: Previous Project Scoring and Prioritizing • In November 2018 the region scored projects based on three different methods – the MPO’s Congestion Management Process project scoring method – TxDOT’s Decision Lens project scoring method – the MPO’s STP -MM project scoring method • Pros and cons associated with each method • Also used external factors in prioritizing (project readiness) • TAC and TPB reviewed scored proposed UTP projects in December 2018 and TAC and TPB took action in January 2019

  6. Project Scoring: Added Capacity Projects ✓ 40% Congestion • 2017 Volume / Capacity Ratio (20%) • Difference in Year 2045 No Build and 2017 Volume / Capacity Ratio (10%) • On the Congestion Management System (10%) ✓ 20% Cost of the project per 2045 No Build vehicle miles of travel ✓ 10% Safety (crashes per 100 million vehicle miles of travel) ✓ 10% Supports statewide initiatives and plans ✓ 20% Project includes safe bicycle and pedestrian facilities 6

  7. Project Scoring: Operational Projects ✓ 45% Type of Operational improvement (regional, corridor, subarea, local) ✓ 10% Supports statewide initiatives and plans ✓ 35% Safety considerations • Crash rates per million entering vehicle (25%) • Project includes safe bicycle and pedestrian facilities (10%) ✓ 10% Year 2045 No Build volume / capacity ratio 7

  8. Other Considerations • Also considered previous Transportation Policy Board resolutions outlining project priorities • Concurrence with statewide initiatives and plans • Project readiness

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  11. FY 2020 UTP Project Scoring and Ranking 11

  12. Next Steps • TAC unanimously recommended approval at their April 5, 2019 meeting • TPB Action is scheduled for April 22, 2019 • Transmit resolution to TxDOT to meet May 1, 2019 deadline


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