tru 46 7 28 safety study public involvement meeting

TRU-46-7.28 Safety Study Public Involvement Meeting PID 103908 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

TRU-46-7.28 Safety Study Public Involvement Meeting PID 103908 September 5, 2018 Ohio Department of Transportation District 4 Public Involvement Meeting Meeting Purpose The purpose of this public involvement meeting is to present the

  1. TRU-46-7.28 Safety Study Public Involvement Meeting PID 103908 September 5, 2018 Ohio Department of Transportation – District 4

  2. Public Involvement Meeting Meeting Purpose The purpose of this public involvement meeting is to present the findings of the TRU-46-7.28 Safety Study, and to solicit public feedback on the recommended countermeasures. TRU-46-7.28 Safety Study | Public Involvement Meeting 2 September 5, 2018

  3. TRU-46-7.28 Safety Study – Public Information Meeting Presentation Agenda • Background • Present Day Conditions • Proposed Condition TRU-46-7.28 Safety Study | Public Involvement Meeting 3 September 5, 2018

  4. Process How we got here Coordination between stakeholders • Regular meetings with project stakeholders: ODOT, Trumbull County, Howland Township, Eastgate • Coordination with local Fire/EMS • Study accounts for school arrival/dismissal times and travel patterns • Builds off past studies and projects TRU-46-7.28 Safety Study | Public Involvement Meeting 4 September 5, 2018

  5. Background

  6. Project Background Six Study Locations 1. SR 46/SR 82 (EB Ramps) 2. SR 46/SR 82 (WB Ramps) 3. SR 82/Howland-Wilson Road 4. SR 46/Warren-Sharon Road 5. SR 46 from Warren-Sharon to SR 82 6. SR 46/Howland Springs Road Expands upon previous studies/projects • 2005 TRU-422 Corridor Study • 2006 SR 82/Howland-Wilson Road Improvements • 2012 SR 46/SR 82 Turn Lane Improvements • 2012 SR 46 Corridor Signal Re-timing TRU-46-7.28 Safety Study | Public Involvement Meeting 6 September 5, 2018

  7. Network Interconnectivity The study area is a connected network • Congestion at one location spills back through the network • Improvements at one location can have both positive and negative impacts at the others • Careful balance of improvements necessary TRU-46-7.28 Safety Study | Public Involvement Meeting 7 September 5, 2018

  8. Network Interconnectivity • Howland-Wilson Road serves as a “pressure relief valve” for the SR 46/SR 82 interchange • Issues heightened by existing inefficiencies at SR 46/SR 82 TRU-46-7.28 Safety Study | Public Involvement Meeting 8 September 5, 2018

  9. Safety TRU 2017 HSIP Safety Rankings TRU-46-7.28 Safety Study | Public Involvement Meeting 9 September 5, 2018

  10. TRU-46-7.28 Safety Study | Public Involvement Meeting 10 September 5, 2018

  11. Present Day Conditions

  12. Present Day Conditions Network Congestion Congestion occurs throughout the day Multiple peak periods • AM (7:00a-9:00a) • Midday (11:00a-1:00p) • School Release (2:00p-3:00p) • PM (4:00p-6:00p) TRU-46-7.28 Safety Study | Public Involvement Meeting 12 September 5, 2018

  13. Present Day Conditions Safety and Driver Expectancy • Crash trend increasing • 60-75 crashes per year (study area average) • Majority of crashes are rear end crashes • Injury Crashes • 30% of all study area crashes • >40% of SR 82/Howland-Wilson Road Crashes • Increasing congestion • Commercial development TRU-46-7.28 Safety Study | Public Involvement Meeting 13 September 5, 2018

  14. TRU-46-7.28 Safety Study | Public Involvement Meeting 14 September 5, 2018

  15. TRU-46-7.28 Safety Study | Public Involvement Meeting 15 September 5, 2018

  16. Proposed Countermeasures

  17. TRU-422 Corridor Study Previously Considered Alternatives The TRU-422 (2005) Corridor Study Evaluation Previous alternatives were rejected because of: • Potential right of way impacts • High construction costs • Construction feasibility • Low safety benefit TRU-46-7.28 Safety Study | Public Involvement Meeting 17 September 5, 2018

  18. Proposed Countermeasures SR 46/SR 82 Interchange • Replace the existing interchange with a Diverging Diamond Interchange (DDI) • Provide pedestrian access through the interchange TRU-46-7.28 Safety Study | Public Involvement Meeting 18 September 5, 2018

  19. TRU-46-7.28 Safety Study | Public Involvement Meeting 19 September 5, 2018

  20. TRU-46-7.28 Safety Study | Public Involvement Meeting 20 September 5, 2018

  21. TRU-46-7.28 Safety Study | Public Involvement Meeting 21 September 5, 2018

  22. Proposed Condition Why Choose a DDI? Safety TRU-46-7.28 Safety Study | Public Involvement Meeting 22 September 5, 2018

  23. Proposed Condition Why Choose a DDI? Network Operations 30% Less Driver Delay Overall 25% Less Driver Delay at Interchange 50% Fewer Vehicle Stops TRU-46-7.28 Safety Study | Public Involvement Meeting 23 September 5, 2018

  24. Proposed Countermeasures SR 82/Howland-Wilson Road • Restrict access to Right-In Only from SR 82 (Eastbound/Westbound) • Remove traffic signal • Cul-de-sac northbound and southbound Howland-Wilson Road • Fire/EMS access maintained TRU-46-7.28 Safety Study | Public Involvement Meeting 24 September 5, 2018

  25. TRU-46-7.28 Safety Study | Public Involvement Meeting 25 September 5, 2018

  26. Proposed Countermeasures SR 46/Warren-Sharon Road • Construct NB/SB Right Turn Lanes • Extend NB/SB/WB Left Turn lanes to meet expected design year queues • ADA/Pedestrian accommodations TRU-46-7.28 Safety Study | Public Involvement Meeting 26 September 5, 2018

  27. TRU-46-7.28 Safety Study | Public Involvement Meeting 27 September 5, 2018

  28. Proposed Countermeasures SR 46 from the Interchange to Warren-Sharon Road • Widen SR 46 from 2 lanes to 3 lanes including a center Two Way Left Turn Lane (TWLTL) • Install sidewalk on both sides of roadway • Install closed drainage system along SR 46 TRU-46-7.28 Safety Study | Public Involvement Meeting 28 September 5, 2018

  29. TRU-46-7.28 Safety Study | Public Involvement Meeting 29 September 5, 2018

  30. Environmental Impacts Historic Property The proposed countermeasures at the SR 46/82 interchange have the potential to impact the E.N. Brown Residence (877 SR 46 [Niles Cortland Road]) determined to be eligible for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). If anyone is interested in becoming a member of the Section 106 consulting party, please contact: Sean Carpenter, ODOT District 4 Environmental Specialist ( TRU-46-7.28 Safety Study | Public Involvement Meeting 30 September 5, 2018

  31. Proposed Condition Project Timeline 2019-2023 2023-2024 2025-2027 •Preliminary Engineering •Construction of DDI 1. SR 46/Warren-Sharon •Detailed Design 2. SR 82/Howland-Wilson •Right of Way 3. SR 46 TWLTL *Project timeline contingent on securing funding TRU-46-7.28 Safety Study | Public Involvement Meeting 31 September 5, 2018

  32. Thank you

  33. Process Support TRU-46-7.28 Safety Study | Public Involvement Meeting 33 September 5, 2018

  34. Public Comments

  35. TRU-46-7.28 Safety Study | Public Involvement Meeting 35 September 5, 2018

  36. Present Day Conditions Crashes and Driver Expectancy Traffic Crash Year Number % Type of Crash Number % 2012 83 20.8% Rear End 229 57.4% 2013 67 16.8% Left Turn 53 13.3% 2014 81 20.3% Angle 53 13.3% 2015 77 19.3% Sideswipe-Passing 45 11.3% 2016 91 22.8% Fixed Object 8 2.0% Grand Total 399 100.0% Other 11 2.8% Grand Total 399 100.0% Day of Week Number % Monday 65 16.3% Tuesday 64 16.0% Road Condition Number % Wednesday 63 15.8% Road - Dry 320 80.2% Thursday 62 15.5% Road - Wet 60 15.0% Friday 60 15.0% Road - Snow 11 2.8% Saturday 50 12.5% Road - Ice 7 1.8% Sunday 35 8.8% Other Road Condition 1 0.3% Grand Total 399 100.0% Grand Total 399 100.0% TRU-46-7.28 Safety Study | Public Involvement Meeting 36 September 5, 2018

  37. Project Background Expands upon previous studies/projects • TRU-422 (2005, PID 21310) • TRU-82-18.00 (2006, PID 22426) • TRU-46-7.32 (2012, PID 80657) • TRU-46-Signal Study (2012, PID 91307) TRU-46-7.28 Safety Study | Public Involvement Meeting 37 September 5, 2018


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