tree removal in urban open space overview

Tree removal in urban open space Overview - Program of works - - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Tree removal in urban open space Overview - Program of works - Community reaction and expectation - Evolution of the approach - Tree removal guidelines - Case studies 2 Program of works - Retarding basins are temporary dams - Multi purpose

  1. Tree removal in urban open space

  2. Overview - Program of works - Community reaction and expectation - Evolution of the approach - Tree removal guidelines - Case studies 2

  3. Program of works - Retarding basins are temporary dams - Multi purpose use. Parks, sporting fields, schools, golf courses - Melbourne Water obliged to manage dam safety risks - 60 retarding basins upgraded - Often trees need to be removed 3

  4. 4

  5. Community reaction Key influences - Publically accessible - Purpose of the facility - Local demographics - Mobilised community due to other projects Primarily community engagement projects 5

  6. Evolution of approach - Early projects carried out consultation in a traditional manner - Moved to focusing on councils first - Tailoring solutions to each site - Inconsistencies in planning controls - Social and environmental equity - Tree removal guidelines – best practice 6

  7. Tree removal guidelines - Catalogue of options - Wildlife handling - Seed collection and donation – indigenous groups - Replanting - Hollowing logs - Wood turning - Mulch to community groups 7

  8. 8

  9. Southern package of retarding basins upgrades - Passionate and emotional community - Escalating on social media including political involvement - Adoption of best practice avoided reputational damage - Captured approach in Tree Removal Guidelines 9

  10. Southern package of retarding basins upgrades - Everyone in the team needs to play their role - Community engagement advisor – COMACON - Melbourne Water – Project Manager and broader team - Contractors – JH-KBR - Designers - GHD 10

  11. Eastern package of retarding basins upgrades - 8 retarding basins upgraded - Planning permit applications currently being assessed - Wildlife handling consultant involved from the start - Tree removal guidelines appear to be effective… 11

  12. Aim of Presentation: Who is HMS? Services and staff/specialists • Key projects including Melbourne Water/JHG/KBR JV Retarding Basin Upgrade Project and • DCLCRP-Lend Lease/CPB Challenges faced eg vocal community groups, difficult clients/contractors (tree cutters), social media etc • Presented environmental initiatives to clients which meet project, planning, community and stakeholder needs • along with great sustainable and responsible environmental outcomes and benefits. Early project planning is the key: tender stage! • Engage early in order to resource a project, budget, seek engagement, planning and permission, streamline the • project on ground. Timing is critical when dealing with fauna eg; removing/disturbing vegetation • Every community has different needs. You just need to find their motivators- listen and address their concerns • Engage with our clients, contractors and consultants! •

  13. Who is Habitat Management Services? • Commenced operations in 2004 • Based in Melbourne outer North/North East • Has operated throughout VIC, NSW, SA, QLD and U.S.A • Company consists of Zoologists, Ecologists, Botanists, Environmental Planners/Auditors, GIS specialists, Drone Pilots, Environmental Educators etc • Specialise in Road, Rail, Pipeline, Water, Power, Wind and Property Developing etc • Project Profile includes Melbourne Water RB’s, Westgate Tunnel, Monash Freeway, DCLCRP, NEPA, SPA, Yan Yean Road Upgrade, Western Road Upgrades, Peninsula Link, Murray Basin Rail Upgrade, M80 Upgrade, KPFEP, Ravenhall Prison, Local Government Hazardous Tree Removal, Metro Tunnel, ARTC Projects, Bald Hill Windfarm, Mount Mercer Powerline etc. • Melbourne Water RB’s

  14. Organisation Chart Field Zoologist/Ecologist (herpetologist) Dr. Zak Atkins Assistant Manager Director-Mark W Field Zoologist/ Senior Zoologist/Ecologist Ecologist/Botanist Dr. Amanda Dare Daniel Miller Senior Zoologist/Ecologist/Botanist Michael Cincotta Field Zoologist/Ecologist Emily Robertson Manager & Principal Zoologist/Ecologist OH& S Leader Field Zoologist/Ecologist Tanya White Victoria Sperring Senior Zoologist/Ecologist Lauren Tworkowski Field Zoologist/Ecologist Administration Manager Kristin Semmens Naomi Read Field Botanist/Ecologist Jami Butler Director-Tanya W Field Zoologist Christine Hall

  15. Permits, Approvals & Legislation The work that Habitat Management Services delivers is governed by a number of • permits, approvals and legislation. All native fauna is protected under the Wildlife Act of 1975 . • To conduct any fauna surveying including trapping, spotlighting etc-issued with a • Research Permit and Management Authorisation by the Animal Ethics Committee (AEC) and Approved by the Wildlife and Small Institutions Animal Ethics Committee (WSIAEC) Animal spotter/Catcher is under a Wildlife Permit (Wildlife Act of 1975) issued by • the DELWP The EPBC Act 1999 and the FFG Act 1988 is also state and federal legislation that • protects threatened species at a state and international level. Permit to Take Protected Flora- also issued by DELWP. •

  16. Motivators? Client, Community, Environment Client *Don’t want Project Delays *Don’t want Negative Publicity *Engage, work with and on board community *Guided by Environmental approvals/legislation *Incentives eg; ISCA, Internal requirements etc. Community *Sense of community pride *Concerns about Landscape change *Environmental concern *Project intrusion such as noise, dust, increase in traffic etc Environment *Responsible and right thing to do *Protected by Planning permits/legislation *Providing alternatives for Fauna *Improving degraded areas through enhancement *Engage with community with various actions eg; revegetation, nest box building etc

  17. Key Messages • Engagement between client and specialists- during the tendering phase so there is a full understanding of what may or will be required. • Plan and preparing project in relation to possible environmental challenges eg significant fauna, flora, pre-clearance findings, translocation sites. • Present scenarios and possible solutions • Develop key environmental actions and outcomes for project eg; ISCA, community engagement, community forums etc. • Develop a budget based on key findings eg nest boxes, extra arborist requirements, fauna ladders, seed collection, greenhouse etc. • Engage with client (especially comms dept), stakeholders and community as early as possible including making everyone’s life easy. Streamline processes! • Client to liaise with community as early as possible. This may include seeking approvals for translocation, nest boxes etc • Bring contractors and environmental specialists together to preplan resources, equipment required and expectations. • Be solution focused. Win Win! • Future planning including revegetation/landscaping (specific for fauna), seed supplies etc • Celebrate the good things your project achieves. • Take people on a journey!

  18. Kicking Off? Ticking the Box On-Site Inspections • Liaise with the tree Clearing Activities • HMS (with tree cutters) to removal company prior to Liaise with Client • Conduct all the necessary conduct a walk through to clearing searches/literature reviews identify possible fauna, • Ensure the tree removal habitat and engagement • Meet with PM, Engineers, contractors are aware of opportunities. Comms, Enviro reps Zoologists requirements • If habitat present, identify • Discuss requirements, • Ensure that tree removal equipment required, timing, contractors, contractors are aware access, translocation sites community and they may be required to etc engagement opportunities partake in preserving (identify them eg schools, • Identify detailed components of the tree scouts etc) opportunities to engage eg; habitat logs, saw mill the community eg wood, • Methods to inform the timber etc. This includes mulch, nest box building, community transporting habitat logs, seed collection etc • This should be conducted mulch etc. • Conduct a pre-clearance at least one month prior to • Discuss opportunities after inspection no more than 3- clearing if possible!!! clearing eg, revegetation, 5 days prior to clearing propagation etc.

  19. Examples: Engaging and Delivering • Seed collection • Nest boxes and building • Fauna ladders • Mulch • Timber and bark for indigenous communities • Timber for firewood • Timber for terrestrial and aquatic habitat • Foliage for foraging • Revegetation • Solutions to problems eg water rat, seagulls, animals in hollows • Research opportunities • Reuse of hollows, nests etc

  20. Sustainability: Timber Reuse Options Foliage for foraging/food Seeds Mulch Hollows Wood/Logs Bark

  21. SEEDS: Where do they go?

  22. Educating & Engaging Young Minds

  23. Timber Reuse: Re-purposing-Indigenous Community

  24. Timber Reuse: Re-purposing back into the Community-Art/Furniture/Sculptures etc

  25. Timber Reuse: Re-purposing back into the Environment

  26. Habitat Enhancement

  27. Responsible Wildlife Management during Tree Removal

  28. Finding a Solution: Construction Activities & Environmental Disturbance. Community Engagement • Locations: Lee street, Frankston. • Site Description: Resident adjacent, drainage line, vegetation type • Key findings during tree removal? • Habitat improvement-Nest boxes, ladder etc • Construction activities included the use of earth moving equipment such as dozers and rollers. • Resident concern: Strange dirt mounds???


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