the t erm cultured

The T erm Cultured CIBJO 2019 | Education Initiative Update - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The T erm Cultured CIBJO 2019 | Education Initiative Update Presented by Jeremy Shepherd, CPAA Board Member Agenda 1. Mission Pearl industrys future toward increased sustainability 2. Pearl Education Understand how people are

  1. The T erm “Cultured” CIBJO 2019 | Education Initiative Update Presented by Jeremy Shepherd, CPAA Board Member

  2. Agenda 1. Mission Pearl industry’s future toward increased sustainability 2. Pearl Education Understand how people are currently being educated on pearls 3. Regulation History Historical snapshot of various pearl nomenclature regulations 4. Current Problem Understand current problems with pearl nomenclature system 5. Proposed Solution Discuss a proposed solution that is focused on sustainability

  3. About Me ● Founder of world’s largest online pearl company ● Board member of the Cultured Pearl Association ● Producer of “The Tahitian Pearl” and “Power of Pearl” award-winning documentaries ● Created Pearls as One, the Cultured Pearl Association of America’s Pearl Specialist Certification Course and the Jeremy Shepherd most popular pearl education course in history Global pearl expert with 20+ years of industry experience

  4. Mission Empower the pearl industry to become even more socially and environmentally friendly .

  5. Pearl Education Platform 13% Consumers & Others 32% Pearls As One is currently the most Industry popular pearl education course in history Professionals Available in 10 Languages 55% Interest in Gemology 4 Pearl Professional Instructors ~80,000 Students 50,000 Questions & Comments 63k Newsletter Subscribers with 24.4% Open Rate. 30k+ New Newsletter Subscribers just within the past year

  6. Pearls As One Course Impact Thousands of retailers, organizations and publications are utilizing the Pearls As One course to educate their readers, members and teams. Retailers Organizations Publications ● David Yurman ● WJA ● JCK ● Assael Inc ● Gem-A ● Instore Magazine ● Neiman Marcus ● NAJA ● National Jeweler ● Imperial Pearl ● Gemmological ● Forbes ● Mastoloni Association of ● Many more ● Many more Australia ● Many more Every graduate receives a Certificate of Completion

  7. Cultured vs. Natural Organic gem created in a Natural mollusk without any human intervention . Cultured Pearl produced by the human insertion of a bead, a tissue graft, or a bead and tissue graft in a freshwater mussel or saltwater mollusk.

  8. Nomenclature 1906 History Invention of Pearl Culturing* 1919 The Japanese invented Yoshoku Shinju which ‘Cultured’ Term Etymology First ‘Cultured’ Pearls translated to "aquaculture pearls" meaning pearls The Japanese invented Yoshoku Shinju which Kokichi Mikimoto brought cultivated in water translated to "aquaculture pearls" meaning his first pearls to Europe to pearls cultivated in water. At the time, the be sold as cultured English adjective term to describe ‘aquaculture 1924 pearls’ (farmed pearls) was ‘cultured’** Cultured Pearls Cultured vs. Natural Proven to be Real The term ‘cultured’ was applied to eliminate Mikimoto proved in court his confusion in the market 1957 pearls were real pearls and, in fact, a natural product There’s Still Confusion Cultured vs. Natural The FTC published rule that said The confusion has only increased due to retailers and sellers needed to today’s definition of the word ‘cultured’ as clearly distinguish between well as ongoing debates within the cultured and natural pearls diamond industry *Nagai, Kiyohito. “A History of the Cultured Pearl Industry.” Zoological Science, Zoological Society of Japan, October 1, 2013 **Source:

  9. Areas impacted by nomenclature Retail Social Impacts the way in which Impacts the way consumers retailers are allowed to talk participate in online discussions about their pearl products and share pearl content Adjacent Industries Sustainability Impacts consumer perception of Increased ability to distinguish precious gem characterization various farming methods can in other categories lead to increased sustainability Farming Education Specific farming techniques Consumers, retailers and determine how farmers can label farmers must be consistently their products before sale educated on naming rules

  10. Problem There’s a current need to create new standards for pearl nomenclature The pearl industry has drastically changed while the regulations surrounding pearl nomenclature have not Consumer understanding of the word ‘cultured’ doesn’t match intended definition Today’s definition of the word ‘cultured’ is not generally understood to mean the same thing as the original ‘cultured’ term, which was derived from the English word ‘Aquaculture’ The growth of the cultured diamond industry further confuses consumers The ongoing terminology debate within the diamond industry is having an impact on consumers’ ability to differentiate pearls

  11. Problem Evidence What are the two main types of pearls on the market today? Poll conducted by Kathy Grenier, Imperial Pearls and CPAA (n = 154 Independent Jewelers) Akoya and 69% Freshwater* No responses included Freshwater and 29% ‘natural pearls’ Saltwater Cultured and 2% Freshwater What does ‘cultured’ mean? Facebook Poll 2019 (n = 10,000) Imitation 8% Lab grown 54% Only 22% responded with correct answer Real 22% Simulated 16% *Most jewelers consider akoya to be cultured, and freshwater pearls to be freshwater. Potential data interpretation: they believe those are the two types of pearls: Cultured Pearls and Freshwater Pearls

  12. Cultural Impact of Diamond Debate The diamond industry has co-opted the term 'cultured'. This is impacting the pearl industry. Various parties in the diamond industry are fighting about the term ‘cultured’ replacing the term ‘synthetic’ This ongoing debate has led to increased consumer use of the term ‘cultured’ when describing synthetic diamonds All outcomes of this debate are extremely damaging to the pearl industry This ongoing battle is already damaging the entire pearl industry. The debate is negatively affecting the confidence of consumers and confusing the market

  13. Negative Impact on Global Pearl Market Global Diamond Market The global pearl market is significantly smaller than the global diamond market and therefore suffers tremendously from the ongoing debate Global Pearl Market $82B $3.4B Sources: HJ Research 2019 & DeBeers Statistica 2019

  14. Proposed Solution Removal of the term ‘cultured’ while reinforcing clarifying terms to accurately distinguish pearl types 1 2 3 Remove ‘Cultured’ Focus on Clarifying Terms Educate Consumers & Retailers Adjust existing regulation that Focus on the importance of using Utilize education platforms and social requires the addition of the term clarifying terms to accurately media to educate consumers and retailers ‘cultured’ when describing pearls distinguish pearl types on nomenclature system

  15. Common Terms Understanding Clarifying Terms Removal of the term ‘cultured’ allows for Natural Saltwater Pearls Organic gem created in an increased focus on more effective A pearl produced by a a mollusk without any saltwater mollusk in a clarifying terms human intervention saline environment Use of correct terms can help eliminate confusion in various areas ● Wild vs farmed subcategorization underneath natural (outside lab-grown) Freshwater Pearls Imitation ● Difference between saltwater and A pearl grown in man- Man-made objects freshwater pearls made lakes and rivers (often beads) designed differing in growth style and ● Separation of imitation products to resemble real pearls chemical makeup

  16. Proposed Classification System The below classification system is a proposed solution intended to . 1 2 3 4 Freshwater Pearls Wild Natural Imitation Pearls Any pearl produced Any pearl grown Any pearl grown in Any man-made by a saltwater without human a man-made lake object designed to mollusk in a saline intervention or river resemble real environment pearls

  17. Removing ‘Cultured’ Industry Implications - + Learning curve required to educate Less confusion for consumers when it consumers and retailers about change comes to pearl differentiation Potential challenges surrounding Less damage to pearl industry as a natural pearl distinction result of diamond debate Efforts required by CPAA to lobby FTC Ability to distinguish between farming for desired change. CPAA will methods (oceanic vs freshwater) leading change its name to PAA to increased sustainability

  18. Implementing Proposed Solution ● CPAA will lobby the FTC to remove the ‘cultured’ requirement ● CPAA will change its name to Pearl Association of America ● CPAA will inform industry newsletter and student databases ● CPAA will initiate a Facebook and Instagram marketing campaign ● A Natural Pearl education module will be added to Pearls As One

  19. Summary There’s a growing need to remove the ‘cultured’ term addition requirement ● The current definition of ‘cultured’ no longer means the same thing as the initial intended definition ● Ongoing battle in diamond industry poses a threat to the pearl industry if naming rules are not changed The pros of rule change outweigh cons The pros of removing the ‘cultured’ term requirement outweigh the cons of having to reeducate consumers, farmers and retailers There’s potential for increased sustainability Introducing this rule change will allow for increased differentiation between farming methods, which will lead to increased sustainability


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