71 st annual scientific meeting and technology showcase


Dedicated to the advancement of cosmetic science 71 st ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING AND TECHNOLOGY SHOWCASE CALL FOR PAPERS FORM I am replying to this Call for Papers as a: Podium Presenter Poster Presenter (Tech Showcase) Presentation

  1. Dedicated to the advancement of cosmetic science 71 st ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING AND TECHNOLOGY SHOWCASE CALL FOR PAPERS FORM I am replying to this Call for Papers as a:  Podium Presenter  Poster Presenter (Tech Showcase) Presentation Information Title: (Prof., Dr., Mr., Mrs., Ms.) ___________ Presenter’s Name: ____________ ______________________________________ Author(s): ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Company Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone #: ______________________ Fax #: ____________________ E-Mail Address: ______________________________ Abstract/Poster Title: _____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ My abstract submission is in the following Topic/Category: Basic/NextGen Track Advanced Track  Skin  Sunscreen Review  Hair  Health & Wellness  Color  Hair & Scalp  Regulatory & Preservation  eCosmetics  Testing  Green Chemistry  Marketing Claims  Latest Product Innovations Other: _________________________ Other: _________________________ Podium abstracts should be single spaced and typed on the Abstract Template (found on the next page). The abstract, written in English, should be informative, containing (a) a sentence of the study's specific objective(s); (b) brief statement of methods, if pertinent; (c) summary of results obtained; and (d) statement of conclusions. Materials or ingredients presented in the paper must be referenced using INCI, IUPAC or generic nomenclature. Please see reverse if submitting for Basic/NextGen Track. Specify equipment required for Podium Presentation:  2 ” x 2” 35 mm Slide Projector  Overhead Projector  LCD Projector for PowerPoint Other _________________________________ Abstracts should be emailed to scc@scconline.org with the subject line: 71 st Annual Meeting Podium/Poster Presentation Abstract . All Advanced Track podium presenters will be required to submit Preprints to the National Office by Tuesday, September 12, 2017 (maximum of 2 pages, including figures). 120 Wall Street, Suite 2400 New York, NY 10005-4088 P : (212) 668-1500 | F : (212) 668-1504 E : scc@scconline.org | www.scconline.org

  2. ABSTRACT TEMPLATE – ADVANCED TRACK PODIUM PRESENTATIONS (ONLY) Please answer each of the following below. Please use only generic names as well as INCI Nomenclature for all ingredients. Podium Abstracts should be no more than 150 words. A. OBJECTIVE (1-2 sentences clearly describing the purpose of the research conducted, followed by a short introduction of 3 sentences or less.) B. METHODOLOGY (2-3 sentences describing instruments, unique methods and techniques at characterizing or quantifying data and defining experimental controls.) C. RESULTS (2-4 sentences presenting findings, data, comparisons to controls, etc.) D. CONCLUSION (1- 2 sentences answering the research’s objective) ABSTRACT TEMPLATE – BASIC TRACK PODIUM PRESENTATIONS (ONLY) Each Basic Session will include a podium presentation, followed by a demonstration of the topic. Each abstract submission may include a description of one or both. Please use only generic names as well as INCI Nomenclature for all ingredients. Podium Abstracts should be no more than 150 words.  Podium Presentation  Demonstration  Both A. OBJECTIVE (Please describe the objective of this presentation.) SUBMISSION DEALINE FOR ALL ABSTRACTS: MAY 15, 2017

  3. POSTER PRESENTATIONS (ONLY) Please answer each of the following below. Please use only generic names as well as INCI Nomenclature for all ingredients. Poster abstracts should be 150-200 words. A. BACKGROUND INFORMATION B. WHAT IS YOUR COMPANY INTRODUCING TO THE MARKET/INDUSTRY? C. CONCLUSION - HOW WILL THIS NEW TECHNOLOGY IMPACT THE INDUSTRY? THE TECHNOLOGY SHOWCASE WILL RUN: DECEMBER 11, 2017 – 10:00 AM – 5:30 PM DECEMBER 12, 2017 – 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM A donation* between $1,000 - $5,000 is requested for all accepted posters. With this donation, the Society will also acknowledge your company as an Annual Meeting Sponsor. The invoice and additional information regarding the showcase will be sent to the Contact listed above. Should you wish to have a tabletop ONLY, please contact the National Office at scc@scconline.org. A donation of $_______________________________ is pledged to the Society of Cosmetic Chemists for the 71 st Annual Meeting * Please note that the poster donation is for the poster only and does not include any meeting registrations. All presenting authors and Poster representatives will be required to register separately for the Annual Scientific Meeting & Technology Showcase. SUBMISSION DEALINE FOR ALL ABSTRACTS: MAY 15, 2017


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