supporting our english learners strategies and resources

Supporting our English Learners: Strategies and Resources for - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Supporting our English Learners: Strategies and Resources for Families Brought to you by the TRUSD English Learner Services Department Tamara Keane, Program Specialist Beverly Weber, Student Learning Coach What is ELPAC? English

  1. Supporting our English Learners: Strategies and Resources for Families

  2. Brought to you by the TRUSD English Learner Services Department Tamara Keane, Program Specialist ✗ Beverly Weber, Student Learning Coach ✗

  3. What is ELPAC? English Language Proficiency Assessments for ✗ California Initial: taken once to determine language ✗ proficiency status Summative: taken every year until a student ✗ reclassifies Assesses four domains: reading, writing, speaking ✗ listening Computer-based ✗

  4. Summative ELPAC Oral Language (speaking & ❏ listening) Written Language (reading ❏ & writing) Overall score (1-4) ❏ determines language supports needed and course placement (in ELD)

  5. What does ELPAC mean for my English learner student? Helps teachers know how to plan instructional ✗ supports for your student Determines ELD placement in grades 7-12 ✗ Monitors progress ✗ Used to determine eligibility for reclassification ✗ Updates due to COVID-19 ✗ ELPAC Parent Resources ✗

  6. Reclassification Reclassified Fluent English Proficient (RFEP) ✗ Overall ELPAC Performance level 4, teacher ✗ evaluation, state/district assessment scores, parent opinion/consultation No longer required to receive EL services ✗ Parents notified ✗ Still monitored for 4 years ✗

  7. How can I support my English learner with language acquisition? Celebrate multilingualism! Encourage your child to ✗ speak, read, write, and listen in English and their home language(s) Ask your child to explain their classwork to you in ✗ English and/or your home language(s) Support reading, writing, speaking, listening DAILY ✗ Watch videos from teachers with your child ✗ Talk with your child about why education is important ✗

  8. What are you learning today? ❏ How will you spend your time? ❏ Ask your What project are you working on? ❏ student(s) What are you learning? questions about How can I help? ❏ what For younger children: Check ofg ❏ he/she/they are items as completed -- children learning in love the sense of accomplishment! either your Review if any of their teachers have ❏ home language offjce hours that day and write or English! questions down together that may need to be answered.

  9. Secondary (grades 7-12) ELD Courses Course Curriculum ELD 1a/1b iLit Newcomer Lessons ELD 1 iLit Emerging Levels ELD 2 iLit Emerging/Expanding Levels ELD 3 iLit Expanding/Bridging Lessons Academic ELD English 3D , Course B Volume 1 (grades 7-8) Volume 2 (grades 9-12)

  10. My question is about... Contact A course, assignment, resource Your child’s teacher A technology-related problem or issue (I can’t sign in, IT Help Desk by email my sound doesn’t work or something is not working or call (916) 566-7802 with my device) Monday - Friday, 7 a.m. - 5 p.m. A personal concern regarding your child Your child’s teacher, counselor, or principal Student Services Stafg, School Nurses, Counselors, Call (916) 566-7801 Homeless Family Support Stafg and Foster Care Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Liaisons English Learner Services Department Bradley Allen, Director Email A digital learning issue (my student can’t sign into Your child’s teacher or a site leader (principal, vice class, can’t submit work, etc.) principal)

  11. These videos walk viewers through instructions for using Google Classroom, one step at a time in the following languages: Arabic Mandarin ✗ ✗ Bengali Portuguese ✗ ✗ French Russian ✗ ✗ Haitian-Creole Spanish ✗ ✗ Korean Urdu ✗ ✗ **Make sure you have the Google Classroom code from your child’s teacher

  12. Distance Learning Resources Distance Learning Toolkit Social Emotional assignments for your students ✗ Webinars for families ✗ Virtual field trips ✗ Distance Learning Resource Center Advice for parents during COVID-19 ✗ Guidelines for screen time ✗ Resources for technology supports ✗ STEAM activities ✗ TED Talks library ✗ Virtual museum tours ✗

  13. Additional Parent Resources The Importance of Home Language Series from Head Start in English, ✗ Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese, Haitian Creole, and Russian. Colorín Colorado's entire website is bilingual (English/Spanish) and ✗ includes a huge section of resources for families. Check out Empowering ELL Parents & Families at Home. First Words Project is for parents of early childhood students. Check out ✗ their resource on “Everyday Activities” available in English, Spanish, Creole, and Arabic.

  14. Apps for Learning Language Vocab Victor Duolingo ✗ ✗ Babbel Rosetta ✗ ✗ Stone Talking Points ✗ Anki ✗ Memrise ✗ Grammarly ✗ Mindsnacks ✗ Tiny Cards ✗ Learn Languages ✗ Busuu ✗

  15. ● Stories in Stories for children online! many languages International Digital Children’s Library ● Some with activities Global Storybooks Portal

  16. ● Stories in Stories for children online! many languages SABE Bilingual Storytime ● Some with activities Unite for Literacy

  17. ● Videos Learning Fun ● Games ● Activities ELL BrainPop

  18. Vocabulary Game Time! Share a new word and give a kid-friendly ● definition. Enormous means something that is ○ really, really big. What would it sound like in everyday life? ● I want to eat a bite of that enormous ○ watermelon.

  19. Vocabulary Game Time! Ask your child to think of a way to use the ● word. What enormous thing can you think of? ○ ○ That’s right! The truck is enormous. Take time to use the new word at home in the ● coming weeks. Did you see that enormous butterfly? ○

  20. Thanks! Any questions? You can find us at: ✗ ✗ 20


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