simplifying emr interactions for your

Simplifying EMR Interactions For Your Clinicians A Complimentary - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Simplifying EMR Interactions For Your Clinicians A Complimentary Webinar From Sponsored By VoiceFirst by Honeywell Your Line Will Be Silent Until Our Event Begins Thank You! Slide Deck: Webex Support

  1. Simplifying EMR Interactions For Your Clinicians A Complimentary Webinar From Sponsored By VoiceFirst by Honeywell Your Line Will Be Silent Until Our Event Begins Thank You! Slide Deck: Webex Support 1-866-223-3239 Event # 664 044 697

  2. Housekeeping • Moderator – Anthony Guerra, editor-in-chief, • Ask A Question • We will be holding a Q&A session after the formal presentations. • You may submit your questions at any time by clicking on the QA panel located in the lower right corner of your screen, type in your questions in the text field and hit send. Please keep the send to default as “All Panelists.” • Download the Deck • Go to: • Shortened link below appears on all slides. • View the Archive • You will receive an email when our archive recording is ready. • Separate registration is required. Slide Deck: Webex Support 1-866-223-3239 Event # 664 044 697

  3. Agenda — 45 Minutes • (20 min) Ed Ricks, VP of IS & CIO, Beaufort Memorial Hospital • (5 min) A Word From Our Sponsor: Ryan Brown, Senior Technical Account Manager, VoiceFirst by Honeywell • (20 min) Q&A w/Ed Ricks, Moderated by Anthony Guerra Slide Deck: Webex Support 1-866-223-3239 Event # 664 044 697

  4. Simplifying EMR Interactions For Your Clinicians Slide Deck: Webex Support 1-866-223-3239 Event # 664 044 697

  5. The Great EHR Adventure • EMR Access for Physicians • CPOE • Patient Safety Gains • Meaningful Use • Physician e-Documentation – The Final Frontier Slide Deck: Webex Support 1-866-223-3239 Event # 664 044 697

  6. e-Documentation Benefits • Patient Safety • Efficiency in care giver communications • Capture discrete data • Quality measures • Electronic abstraction for meaningful use • Conversion to ICD-10 • Computer assisted coding • Remove cost by eliminating transcription • ED volume alone eliminated $300 k annually in cost Slide Deck: Webex Support 1-866-223-3239 Event # 664 044 697

  7. Physician Engagement is Key to Adoption • IT’s role is to implement “Invisible Solutions” • Technology cannot be a barrier to adoption of systems • Enhance user experience • Speech Recognition is a key component for success Slide Deck: Webex Support 1-866-223-3239 Event # 664 044 697

  8. Benefits of Speech Recognition • Convert voice to text – duh… • Screen navigation • More natural interaction for providers – a familiar technology • Key component for engaging physicians in the EHR transformation Slide Deck: Webex Support 1-866-223-3239 Event # 664 044 697

  9. Lessons Learned • Bandwidth limitations for WAN connections • The need to train speech on multiple workstations • Integration support with EHR vendor • Easy to create too much subjective text • This is not dictation • The real win is in creating discrete data Slide Deck: Webex Support 1-866-223-3239 Event # 664 044 697

  10. Best Practice Recommendations • Implement network wide • Do not recommend stand alone versions • Virtual desktop environment • Eliminate the need to train multiple physical PCs • Virtual desktop runs more efficiently in areas with less bandwidth • Dual screen workstations • One screen to navigate the EMR • One screen to build documentation Slide Deck: Webex Support 1-866-223-3239 Event # 664 044 697

  11. Simplifying EMR Interactions For Your Clinicians Ryan Brown – Senior Technical Account Manager VoiceFirst by Honeywell Slide Deck: Webex Support 1-866-223-3239 Event # 664 044 697

  12. Some Common EMR Feedback • “The EMR takes too much time” • “My nurses spend too much time at computers” • “I can’t see as many patients because of the complexity of documenting” • My staff is asking for overtime to complete documentation Slide Deck: Webex Support 1-866-223-3239 Event # 664 044 697

  13. Empowering Clinicians Provide a solution to nurses, therapists, physicians, assistants that: • Makes them completely mobile • Doesn’t tie staff to computers • Increases time for patient care • Improves workplace safety • Improves clinician and patient satisfaction • Reduces documentation time by > than 50% Slide Deck: Webex Support 1-866-223-3239 Event # 664 044 697

  14. Introducing VoiceFirst by Honeywell • iOS application + voice recognition technology + wireless headset • Overlays clinical workflows • Integrates with your EMR Slide Deck: Webex Support 1-866-223-3239 Event # 664 044 697

  15. VoiceFirst vs. Dictation Slide Deck: Webex Support 1-866-223-3239 Event # 664 044 697

  16. How VoiceFirst Fits Into Your EMR Workflow VoiceFirst overlays your EMR to deliver simple, intuitive workflows to your care delivery teams using the power of voice and the mobility of smartphone technology. Slide Deck: Webex Support 1-866-223-3239 Event # 664 044 697

  17. Making Voice Communication Work Slide Deck: Webex Support 1-866-223-3239 Event # 664 044 697

  18. Q&A Click on the Q&A panel located in the lower right corner of your screen, type in your questions in the text field and hit send. Please keep the send to default as “All Panelists.” Slide Deck: Webex Support 1-866-223-3239 Event # 664 044 697

  19. Thank You! • You will receive an email when our archive recording is ready. (Separate registration is required) • Thanks to our sponsor: VoiceFirst by Honeywell! • Questions/Comments – Anthony Guerra Go to to view our upcoming schedule and see all archived events. Slide Deck: Webex Support 1-866-223-3239 Event # 664 044 697


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