sculling catch

Sculling Catch Mark Wilkinson (Windsor Boys School) and James - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

OFFICIAL ANALYTICS PARTNER OF BRITISH ROWING Sculling Catch Mark Wilkinson (Windsor Boys School) and James Loveday (GBRT) 1 Introduction 1. Principles moving the boat 2. Basic technical requirements 3. Drills, training and racing 4. Day

  1. OFFICIAL ANALYTICS PARTNER OF BRITISH ROWING Sculling Catch Mark Wilkinson (Windsor Boys School) and James Loveday (GBRT) 1

  2. Introduction 1. Principles moving the boat 2. Basic technical requirements 3. Drills, training and racing 4. Day to day coaching process 5. Monitoring improvement 6. Case study Windsor 2018 7. Audience questions 2

  3. Principles- quick overview Think direction of forces! All athletes slow the boat down at the catch! Best rowers slow the boat down the least KEEP IT SIMPLE Rowing is A to B as fast as possible Produce forces that promote the speed and travel of the hull Question- When placing the blade what splash do we want to see? (minimal, back splash (bow), V-splash, stern splash)? 3

  4. Think direction of forces! • Equal and opposite Forces • Timing & Connection Keeping • Power at the right time • The skill is simple but takes a it long time to master the timing simple correctly • Need to make it a natural event 4

  5. Think direction of forces! • Body Dumps • Back Splash • Footboard pressure not connected BAD • Vertical FORCES GOOD • Connected Foot Board FORCES Pressure • Drive in Horizontal Direction • Force on stern side of spoon 1 2 3 5

  6. Other actions to think about Think direction of forces! Make it a natural event Cycling • Imagine holding wheel or foot above the ground and trying to go forward Imagine pushing off the swimming pool wall, but 3 m short of it Running/Walking • Swimming start or turns • 6

  7. Do the basics well- Process and Outcomes Conditioned Clear technical model to hold position- core Subtle grip to make Hip hinge “wall of water” Conditioned to “load” OUTCOME “Quiet” catch connection In range 7

  8. Clear technical model Create a reference point for athletes • Athletes, coach’s, S & C staff and support staff • should be unified Provide relevant examples to athletes • 8

  9. Working toward the front turn Core Use the Use the Use the gym Flexibility S&C stability ergo boat 9

  10. The Catch How I coach it Blade into the water • Maximise drive time and force • production under the water Kinetic Chain • Move the boat, not the athlete • Minimize boat slowing down • Make it quiet • Time the system • 10

  11. The system is linked • HULL • Time them together HANDLE • SPOON • ATHLETE • WHEELS • FOOTBOARD • WATER 11

  12. Get Connected MAKE a wall and push off IT – Can you make WALL OF WATER? A solid wall is easy to push off A liquid wall is more difficult to create – takes higher degree of skill! Water is HEAVY though! 12

  13. Side of the spoon to get pressure Like bottom of foot against wall in swimming turn Stern Bow 13

  14. How I coach it Boat past the water or water past the boat? Boat Moving past stationary water STERN BOW STATIONARY WATER (E.G LAKE) Boat stationary FAST FLOWING WATER Want to be really good? Practise going upstream!! 14

  15. How is the blade going into the water? Pressure needed here 3? 1? 5? STERN BOW 2? 4? FAST FLOWING WATER 15


  17. What are the hands doing? Remember the amount the hands move is multiplied at the spoon STERN IN water Finish Catch 12 12 3 3 3 9 9 6 6 Hands move on the circumference of a circle, or ellipse OUT water Rugby ball shaped clockface Avoid the diameter! Wrist watch at the catch Remember – this is about COACHING! Wall clock at the finish 17

  18. Make it easy to get connected TRIANGLE • Head 3 • Seat 2 • Hands 1 Linked & CONSISTENT! 18

  19. Timing the entry – linked system! CATCH CATCH POINT (most effective length or target range) POINT 2 1 . . No matter how quickly, seat will STOP, and then change direction CATCH CATCH STERN POINT POINT BOW When wheels stop, hands MUST keep moving! 19

  20. Coaching it – The Boat Faults & Reasons Body Dump at Lifting shoulders Poor Blade Poor Sky & Chop Catch to connect preparation understanding • Blade on • Poor Hip Hinge • Dump in Lift • Set up on the • Coaching water? • Not extended out boat • Practise • Blade not • Poor • Hands control enough • Lazy? square in time? through ¼ slide connection • Hands on • Hands stop • Body Dump • Poor handle Clockface? with wheels? • Pressure on control • Drive too early • Poor timing Spoon? 20

  21. DRILLS Drills to encourage the development of skill Loads of drills and adaptations – creative but transferability . Be consistent! Understand what you are trying to achieve – where are the forces PROGRESSION! Hand Hooks • Repeat, Repeat, Glute Nudges • Repeat… Pre-set up roll up • Pre-set roll up with push & suspend • NOT A MAGIC Pre-set roll up with 1/2/3/4/5 strokes WAND • In a quad, do this in 1/2/3/4s Not a ‘one hit Use 2x/1x wonder’ 21

  22. Coaching it- The programme Overall training Use different aims include tech Feedback to boat types objective athletes Opportunities for Incremental and consistent athlete delivery practice at varying paces 22

  23. Coaching it- The session ENSURE Reminder of Briefing CLEAR minimum RATIONALE standards Main Ensure they WARM UP Coaching Feedback! are accurate! time! Reminders to ensure drills Let them take MAIN VOLUME/Training taken into control STRUCTURE! rowing FINISH with COACH!! practise of End of Session drills Review – new Video – but Feedback minimum not every standards session 23

  24. Coaching it – The boats Using different boat types 1x 2x/4x Individual adjustments Stable environment Make mistakes Tech work in units Slow boat- timing Increased boat speed as a crew 24

  25. Coaching it – The boats Using different boat types- example tech programming 1x for 1x for skill individual 2x for skill into 4x for skills at 2x for new 4x for skills in 1x for refining under 4x to refine assessment paddling as a speed- e.g 4x racing skill units of 2-3 learning pressure- e.g skills at speed and main unit bursts pieces training Keep monitoring and moving between boat types in order the achieve a well executed technical change 25

  26. Coaching it – Coaches and technology Monitoring improvement Technical training programme • Develop your coaching eye • Use accessible technology- Video, coaching apps • Give athletes the tools to understand and monitor • themselves Execution - Test in racing • Keep going back to slower speeds, smaller boats to • improve Technology or coaches eye? • 26

  27. Overall picture MAIN TARGETED EVENT QUESTION: What is the most important thing about doing a drill? Low end Race Pace rowing/training • TEACH • RATE • TEST • LEARN CHANGES • LEARN • TRANSFER • QUALITY • BURSTS • PRACTISE • REVIEW • DEVELOP • RATIONALE • STEP PIECES • UNDERSTAND • CONTINUITY • PURPOSE • TRAIN ISOLATION Rate Changes Races TIME? 27

  28. It’s a process Case study - Windsor Boys School 2018 4x 28


  30. As J17/18s • HRR Winners 2017 2018 • Championship 4x/2x/1x • British Team Successes • Variations of crew • A TEAM 30 30



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