robo sapiens the forefront of ai

Robo sapiens The Forefront of AI? CPSC 433 Christian Jacob Dept. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Robo sapiens The Forefront of AI? CPSC 433 Christian Jacob Dept. of Computer Science Dept. of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology University of Calgary Christian Jacob, University of Calgary CPSC 433 Arti fi cial Intelligence: An

  1. Robo sapiens The Forefront of AI? CPSC 433 Christian Jacob Dept. of Computer Science Dept. of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology University of Calgary Christian Jacob, University of Calgary CPSC 433 — Arti fi cial Intelligence: An Introduction

  2. Robo sapiens Christian Jacob, University of Calgary CPSC 433 — Arti fi cial Intelligence: An Introduction

  3. Challenges of the Physical W orld The physical world we live in is very demanding — especially for robots. • Inaccessibility • Arti fi cial sensors are still imperfect ( or too perfect ) . • Nondeterminism • A robot needs to deal with uncertainty. Christian Jacob, University of Calgary CPSC 433 — Arti fi cial Intelligence: An Introduction

  4. Challenges of the Physical W orld ( 2 ) • Non - episodicity • E ff ects of an action change over time. • Dynamics • Robots need to decide when to ‘ think ’ and when to act immediately. • Continuity • States and actions are drawn from a continuum of physical con fi gurations and motions. Christian Jacob, University of Calgary CPSC 433 — Arti fi cial Intelligence: An Introduction

  5. What are Robots Good For? Christian Jacob, University of Calgary CPSC 433 — Arti fi cial Intelligence: An Introduction

  6. Motion Planning • Fine - motion ( bounded - error ) planning • Assumes bounds on sensor and actuator uncertainty. - Partial knowledge of the environment is known to the system. - Most of the planning is done o ffl ine. - Used for planning small, precise motions of assembly robots. Christian Jacob, University of Calgary CPSC 433 — Arti fi cial Intelligence: An Introduction

  7. Fine - Motion Planning Assembly Robot Christian Jacob, University of Calgary CPSC 433 — Arti fi cial Intelligence: An Introduction

  8. Manufacturing and Materials Handling Christian Jacob, University of Calgary CPSC 433 — Arti fi cial Intelligence: An Introduction

  9. Navigation • Cell / map decomposition • Break continuous space into a fi nite number of discrete search problems. • Skeletonization • Compute a uni - directional ‘ skeleton ’ ( subset ) of the con fi guration space ( ==> graph search problem ) Christian Jacob, University of Calgary CPSC 433 — Arti fi cial Intelligence: An Introduction

  10. Navigation & Motion Planning • Landmark - based navigation • This method assumes that some regions exist in which the robot location can be pinpointed using landmarks. • Outside those regions there may only be orientation information. Christian Jacob, University of Calgary CPSC 433 — Arti fi cial Intelligence: An Introduction

  11. Landmark Navigation Christian Jacob, University of Calgary CPSC 433 — Arti fi cial Intelligence: An Introduction

  12. Gofer Service Robots Bell & Howell Mail Mobile Christian Jacob, University of Calgary CPSC 433 — Arti fi cial Intelligence: An Introduction

  13. Navigation & Motion Planning • Online Algorithms • The robot makes decisions at run time ( no need for o ffl ine planning ) . • This method assumes that the environment is completely unknown, and has to be ‘ explored ’ . • The robot is usually equipped with a position sensor and knows the location of its goal. Christian Jacob, University of Calgary CPSC 433 — Arti fi cial Intelligence: An Introduction

  14. Exploration Nomad ( Carnegie Mellon University ) Christian Jacob, University of Calgary CPSC 433 — Arti fi cial Intelligence: An Introduction

  15. Exploration Text http://www - ~ lri/nav97.html Nomad ( CMU, 1997 ) Christian Jacob, University of Calgary CPSC 433 — Arti fi cial Intelligence: An Introduction

  16. Online Algorithm Mars Path fi nder Sojourner Rover Mars Path fi nder Mars Mission 2004 Sojourner Christian Jacob, University of Calgary CPSC 433 — Arti fi cial Intelligence: An Introduction

  17. More Robot Examples Useful and curious ... Christian Jacob, University of Calgary CPSC 433 — Arti fi cial Intelligence: An Introduction

  18. Hazardous Environments Lunokhod Moon Robot Christian Jacob, University of Calgary CPSC 433 — Arti fi cial Intelligence: An Introduction

  19. Hazardous Environments Dante II Frame W alking Robot Christian Jacob, University of Calgary CPSC 433 — Arti fi cial Intelligence: An Introduction

  20. Telepresence Wheelbarrow : Bomb Disposal Robot Christian Jacob, University of Calgary CPSC 433 — Arti fi cial Intelligence: An Introduction

  21. Telepresence Advanced Tethered V ehicl � Christian Jacob, University of Calgary CPSC 433 — Arti fi cial Intelligence: An Introduction

  22. Telepresence ARTEMIS : Advanced Robot & Telemanipulator System for Minimal Invasive Surgery Christian Jacob, University of Calgary CPSC 433 — Arti fi cial Intelligence: An Introduction

  23. Augmentation of Human Abilities Sigourney W eaver in the movie Aliens Christian Jacob, University of Calgary CPSC 433 — Arti fi cial Intelligence: An Introduction

  24. Augmentation of Human Abilities Christian Jacob, University of Calgary CPSC 433 — Arti fi cial Intelligence: An Introduction

  25. What Makes Robots W ork? • E ff ectors: tools for action • Locomotion • Manipulation Christian Jacob, University of Calgary CPSC 433 — Arti fi cial Intelligence: An Introduction

  26. What Makes Robots W ork? • Sensors: tools for perception • Proprioception • Force sensing • Tactile sensing • ... Christian Jacob, University of Calgary CPSC 433 — Arti fi cial Intelligence: An Introduction

  27. Locomotion robots/mit_robots.html MIT ’ s 3D Hopper ( 1984 ) Christian Jacob, University of Calgary CPSC 433 — Arti fi cial Intelligence: An Introduction

  28. Proprioception robots/mit_robots.html Spring Flamingo ( MIT ) Christian Jacob, University of Calgary CPSC 433 — Arti fi cial Intelligence: An Introduction

  29. Proprioception robots/mit_robots.html Spring Flamingo ( MIT, 1996 - 2000 ) Christian Jacob, University of Calgary CPSC 433 — Arti fi cial Intelligence: An Introduction

  30. Proprioception robots/mit_robots.html M2, Bipedal W alker ( MIT, 2001 - present ) Christian Jacob, University of Calgary CPSC 433 — Arti fi cial Intelligence: An Introduction

  31. Haptics MIT T ouch Lab Christian Jacob, University of Calgary CPSC 433 — Arti fi cial Intelligence: An Introduction

  32. What Makes Robots W ork? • Sensors: tools for perception • Proprioception • Force sensing • Tactile sensing • Sonar • Camera, visual perception Christian Jacob, University of Calgary CPSC 433 — Arti fi cial Intelligence: An Introduction

  33. Sonar Sensors Peoplebots ( ActivMedia ) Christian Jacob, University of Calgary CPSC 433 — Arti fi cial Intelligence: An Introduction

  34. Camera Sensors Fast Eye Gimbals ( MIT ) Christian Jacob, University of Calgary CPSC 433 — Arti fi cial Intelligence: An Introduction

  35. Kisme � MIT Christian Jacob, University of Calgary CPSC 433 — Arti fi cial Intelligence: An Introduction

  36. Robots in our “ Daily Lives ” Christian Jacob, University of Calgary CPSC 433 — Arti fi cial Intelligence: An Introduction

  37. LOGO Robot Seymour Papert Christian Jacob, University of Calgary CPSC 433 — Arti fi cial Intelligence: An Introduction

  38. Robot Teams AIBO ( Sony ) and RoboCup Christian Jacob, University of Calgary CPSC 433 — Arti fi cial Intelligence: An Introduction

  39. W ABOT - 2 : Organ Player In 1984, Waseda University presented the Wabot-2. This machine was the first attemps of specializing a robot in domestic use. The chosen activity was music, and the Wabot-2 got worldwide famous as the first robot in the world which played piano. Ichiro Kato, W aseda University, Tokyo ( 1980 - 84 ) Christian Jacob, University of Calgary CPSC 433 — Arti fi cial Intelligence: An Introduction

  40. Christian Jacob, University of Calgary CPSC 433 — Arti fi cial Intelligence: An Introduction

  41. V acuum Robot Roomba Robotic Floor V ac Christian Jacob, University of Calgary CPSC 433 — Arti fi cial Intelligence: An Introduction

  42. Lawn Mowing ... Friendly Robotics: Robomow Christian Jacob, University of Calgary CPSC 433 — Arti fi cial Intelligence: An Introduction

  43. References • Menzel, P ., and D ’ Alusio, F. ( 2000 ) . Robo sapiens — Evolution of a New Species . Cambridge, MA, MIT Press. • Kurzweil, R. ( 1990 ) . The Age of Inte � igen � Machines . Cambridge, MA, MIT Press. Christian Jacob, University of Calgary CPSC 433 — Arti fi cial Intelligence: An Introduction


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