project overview topics and presenters

Project Overview Topics and Presenters Quarterly Highlights Terry - PDF document

San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center Rebuild Joint Conference Committee June 23, 2015 Project Overview Topics and Presenters Quarterly Highlights Terry Saltz Local Business Enterprise o Construction Budget Status o

  1. San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center Rebuild Joint Conference Committee June 23, 2015 Project Overview Topics and Presenters � Quarterly Highlights – Terry Saltz Local Business Enterprise o Construction Budget Status o Furniture Fixtures Equipment (FF&E) o � Construction Schedule Summary – Ron Alameida Status and Adjustments o � Transition Milestones – Lillian Chan � Next Steps – Terry Saltz 2 1

  2. Quarterly Highlights Hospital Rebuild • Exterior − Site Reinstatement & Landscaping • Interior − Mechanical, Electrical, & Plumbing Near Complete − Commissioning & Air Balancing Activity In Progress − Fire Protection Inspections Continuing − Artwork installations completed − Radiology Equipment Installation scheduled − Med Gas Booms installation completed OR Nurse Station ICU room 3 Project Overview Local Business Enterprise (LBE) 35.0% Local Hiring % • 1,023 San Franciscans employed to date 30.0% • Represents 23.6% field labor hours 25.0% Local Hiring Minimum • Exceeds 20% threshold 20.0% 15.0% • 151 Local Business Enterprises LBE % • $62.1 million in contracts awarded 10.0% • Represents 9% of trade packages 5.0% LBE Goal • Exceeds 5% threshold 0.0% 4 2

  3. Project Overview Construction Budget Expenditures/ % Expended/ Budget Forecast Encumbrances Encumbered as of 5/31/15 Purchase, Construction & Mobilization $680.5 M $661.7M 98% $680.5 M Project Control $189.7 M $178.6 M 95% $189.7 M Other Program Costs $9.3 M $.165 M 2% $9.3 M Finance Costs $7.9 M $4.1 M 52% $7.9 M Total $887.4 M $844.5 M 96% $ 887.4 M * Finance Cost include Underwriter's discount, cost of issuance, GO oversight committee fee, Controller's audit fee 5 Project Overview Bond Sales 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Bond Sale Bond Sale Bond Sale Bond Sale Total March 2009 March 2010 August 2012 January 2014 % Rate 4.34% 3.34% 2.71% 3.35% Budget $ 131.7 M $ 294.7 M $ 251.1 M $ 209.9 M $ 887.4 M Expended/ Encumbered $ 130.5 M $ 293.7 M $ 241.5 M $178.8 M $ 844.5 M % Expended/ Encumbered 99% 99.7% 97% 86% 96% 6 3

  4. Project Overview Furniture Fixtures and Equipment FF&E : All movable furniture, fixtures, medical and IT equipment that is not permanently affixed to the hospital. Budget Support for the Rebuild FF&E will come from the IT philanthropy community and the City. 26% • $170M Target FF&E Budget Furniture Medical • $105M Commitment from the City 2% Equip 71% Program Status • $91M Spent to date (53%) • X-Ray and CT equipment arriving for installation • Physiological monitoring and Stryker integration equipment being installed. Information Technology • Network installation pending IDF and MDF room readiness • Many systems (RTLS, Wireless, UC, PTP, HUGS, TempTrak) to be installed during Owner Fit-Up. • IT workstation and peripheral equipment deployment scheduled 7 Project Overview Construction Schedule Summary 8 4

  5. Schedule Status and Adjustments Hospital Rebuild Staff and Stock Challenges • OSPHD Acceptance of Fire Alarm System • Door Hardware Functional Verification • Meet Stair Pressurization Requirements • HVAC Air Balance Report verification Pneumatic tube system • OSHPD acceptance of “Exceptions” • IT Room Readiness Hospital Rebuild Certificate of Occupancy Milestones • Completion of “Exceptions” includes 5 rooms IDF Room 2 nd floor mezzanine Fluoroscopy room Hybrid OR 8 9 Project Overview Transition Milestones Impact Analysis Planning Implementation Move ‐ in Optimization 9 months TARGETED SFGH Transition 2015 2016 KEY DATES Timeline Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec OSHPD Certificate of Occupancy Staff and Stock Occupancy First Day of Patient Care Facility Construction Construction Turnover • Staff and Stock Hybrid OR8, Fluoroscopy/XRay construction, equipping, testing Occupancy/ Leave Out Projects Hybrid MRI construction Turnover mid- Follow ‐ On projects (priority 1) Follow ‐ On Projects July 2015 Follow ‐ On projects (priority 2) Equipment Receipt Equipment Testing and New Equipment Procurement New Equipment Optimization • OSHPD and Staging Certification Equipment and Certificate of IT Systems Installation and Technology Testing (priority 1) IT Equipment Procurement Occupancy end IT Systems Installation and Testing (priority 2) IT Systems Optimization Nov. 2015 Post New HR Staffing Recruit Approved New Hires Phase In/ On Board New Hires Schedules • Ribbon Cutting Revalidate Tweak 3P Workflow Design Post Move Workflow Optimization Workflow Redesign/ Workflows Workflows Dec 2015 Operations Planning 5S Matls/ Dept. Ops Planning Supplies • CDPH Licensing Operational Orientation and Training Orientation & Survey Feb. DIL Scenario Day in the Life Training Development Simulations 2016 Owner Fit ‐ Up Owner Fit ‐ Up Owner Fit ‐ Up (installations, moveable • Patient Move Reuse Owner Fit ‐ Up Schedule Planning equipment, and supplies) Eqmt Day/ First Day of Dept Relocation Dept Dept. Relocation Planning Relocn Patient Care Survey CDPH CDPH Survey Spring 2016 Hospital Licensing Update Policies and Procedures Readiness Licensing Remediation Mock Move Patient Patient Move Planning Patient Move & Coordination Move Day Occupancy Post Move Mgmt & Decommissioning 10 5

  6. Project Overview Next Steps • Project Stewardship o Continue regular high level meetings with Webcor's President and DPH/ DPW Directors o Establish firm staff and stock occupancy date o Establish Patient Move date • Financial Stewardship o Determine impact of schedule adjustment: − Rebuild Budget (Bond) − FFE/ IT and Transition Budgets − Operational Budget 11 6


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