pr prop opos osed ed fun function ction sh shift ift over


PR PROP OPOS OSED ED FUN FUNCTION CTION SH SHIFT IFT OVER VERVIEW VIEW Depa De partm tmen ent t of of S Soc ocial ial De Develo elopm pmen ent t an and d Depar Dep artme tment nt of of B Bas asic ic Edu Educa

  1. PR PROP OPOS OSED ED FUN FUNCTION CTION SH SHIFT IFT OVER VERVIEW VIEW Depa De partm tmen ent t of of S Soc ocial ial De Develo elopm pmen ent t an and d Depar Dep artme tment nt of of B Bas asic ic Edu Educa cation tion

  2. PRES PRESENT ENTATI TION ON OVER VERVIEW VIEW 1. Background information 2. Function shift 3. Roles and responsibilities 4. Plans 5. Joint way forward 2


  4. SoN SoNA Febr bruar uary 2019 y 2019 “This year, we will migrate responsibility for ECD centres from Social Development to Basic Education,” and “Proceed with the process towards two years of compulsory ECD for all children before they enter Grade 1. ” 4

  5. PR PROGRA OGRAMME MME DES DESCRIPTION CRIPTION The main purpose of this programme is to: • Expand access and • Improve the quality of ECD programmes. 5

  6. CRITICAL CRITICAL CONT CONTEXT EXT • Centre-based and non centre-based programmes; • Each centre does not have a single age cohort; • Location of Grade R learners – not only in schools; • Majority of Grade RR learners are in centres; • Unfunded critical expectations: – Salaries for all practitioners; – Inclusion of nutrition programmes in all centres/programmes; and – Improved infrastructure for all. 6


  8. ROLES OLES AND AND RESPONS RESPONSIB IBILI ILITI TIES ES GOVERNMENT PARENTS/CAREGIVERS CIVIL SOCIETY DEPARTMENTS • National • Primary caregiver • Planning, co-ordination, • Contracted for relevant setting targets; services. • Provincial • Creating nurturing environment for holistic • Delivery of services; development of children • District: • Enter partnership with government • Effective co-ordination departments. 8

  9. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES…(2) DEPARTMENT RESPONSIBILITY Social Development Ensuring universal availability and adequate quality of, and equitable access to inclusive learning opportunities; Development, delivery, regulation, registration, quality monitoring, improvement and evaluation of ECD programmes. Health Provision of health and nutrition programmes for pregnant women, infants and children, parenting support programmes , opportunities for learning and play through health facilities and home visits for children at risk of poor development outcomes Basic Education Development of early learning curriculum ; Continuity and synergy between early learning and Grade R; Integration of key health messages in school curriculum; Training , implementation and monitoring relating to curriculum implementation for birth to four-year-olds. 9

  10. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES…(3) DEPARTMENT RESPONSIBILITY • Municipalities Every municipality should have a 5-year plan on early childhood development services within its boundaries in support of this Policy; • The Mayor of each District Municipality will establish, in terms of section 24 of the Intergovernmental Relations Framework Act No. 13 of 2005, a district intergovernmental forum to promote and facilitate intergovernmental relations in the governance and implementation of early childhood development services with membership as prescribed in section 25 of the Act. This Forum shall meet at least once per financial year . • Child-minding per-child programme support will be paid through the municipality, where applicable; • Any municipality will retain ownership of all facilities that are constructed with its respective budget, and that ownership cannot be transferred to any civil society organisation. The municipality may appoint a civil society organisation to manage the operations of the facility after an agreement is approved detailing the conditions of operations, management and maintenance of the buildings; 10

  11. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES…(4) DEPARTMENT RESPONSIBILITY • Municipalities District municipalities are responsible for the effective coordination in each district of early childhood development services, within their mandate. • Local and metropolitan municipalities must participate in the planning of early childhood development services. They are responsible for supporting child care facilities to meet minimum infrastructural health and safety standards; registration of child-minding services; development of new early childhood development service provision infrastructure; and audit and identification of available infrastructure that may be used for the expansion of early learning services and programmes in areas of need. Where capacity exists, responsibility for the provision (registration, regulation and delivery) of early childhood development programmes and services may be assigned to municipalities by the provincial Department of Social Development, as provided for by the Children’s Act No. 38 of 2005. As such, it is responsible for the equitable provision of play and recreation facilities for young children. 11


  13. UPDATE ON “FUNCTION SHIFT” • The Presidency is leading the reconfiguration of the Executive and departments to be completed within ten months (June 2019 to March 2020) through the NMOG programme (National Macro Organisation of Government) • The DPSA is responsible for amongst others: – Project managing the implementation of the NMOG process – Facilitating collective agreement and inform labour on progress – Assisting the Presidency with drafting and quality assuring legal documents 13

  14. UPDATE ON “FUNCTION SHIFT” • As part of the process 6 work streams have been identified: a) HRM, Organisational Design, Labour Relations and Change Management (affected staff, placement of staff, costing of structures, labour relations etc.) b) Infrastructure and Assets (office/ department accommodation and assets) c) Finance (shifting of funds between departments) d) Information and Communication Technology (ICT analysis and implementation etc.) e) Legal and Policy (proclamations, legislative and listing of departments) f) Communications (branding and naming of departments, client related change management issues) 14

  15. WHA WHAT T IS IS FUNCT FUNCTIO ION N SHIFT? SHIFT? Function shift means moving functions from DSD to DBE: 1. The overall function of leadership and coordination of the will move from the DSD to the DBE at national and provincial level as from 2019 (post Proclamation); 2. A systematic relocation of the responsibility for ECD from the DSD to the DBE 3. All children eligible for Grade R (5 turning 6 by June in the year of admission) will be provided for at registered ECD centres and public or independent schools by 2030; 4. All children eligible for Grade RR (4 turning 5 by June in the year of admission) will be accommodated at registered ECD centres and public or independent schools within 15 years; and 5. The comprehensive 1 st 1, 000 days will be led by the DoH with support from DSD and DBE; 15


  17. IMMEDIA IMMEDIATE TE SHIFT SHIFT • Overall leadership and coordination; • Systematic relocation of other functions from DSD to DBE by 2030; • Consolidation of compulsory Grade R – By 2024 all Grade R learners will be in schools (Public and Independent) and registered ECD centres; and • Introduction of compulsory Grade RR – By 2035 all Grade RR learners will be in schools (Public and Independent) and registered ECD centres. 17

  18. PR PROPO OPOSED SED BELA BELA BILL BILL INSER INSERT Compulsory attendance • Grade R will be turning six before 30 June. Admission to public schools • Grade R is age four turning five by 30 June in the year of admission • Grade RR is age three turning four by 30 June in the year of admission. 18

  19. 2019 - 2024 2019 2024 01 A 01 April pril 2019 2019 – 31 31 01 April 01 A pril 2021 2021 – 31 31 01 April 01 A pril 2021 2021 – 31 31 March Mar h 2024 2024 Mar March h 202 2024 March Mar h 202 2024 Registration (Schools Registration ( Centres Registration ( Centres and Centres ) and Programmes ) and Programmes ) GRADE R GRADE RR BIRTH TO FOUR Norms and Standards Norms and Standards Norms and Standards Quality Assurance Quality Assurance Quality Assurance Capacity development Capacity development Capacity development Curriculum Curriculum Curriculum implementation implementation implementation Professional Professional Practitioner development development development Nutrition Funding Funding Funding Overall Leadership and Coordination by DBE Integrated services by all relevant departments 19


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