plastic ban campaign 2019

PLASTIC BAN CAMPAIGN 2019 Curtis Wetselaar Campaign Overview - PDF document

PLASTIC BAN CAMPAIGN 2019 Curtis Wetselaar Campaign Overview Single-use plastics have polluted the oceans, dirtied the streets, and caused a very long lasting scar upon the landscape. Tie goal of this campaign and this movement is to pressure

  1. PLASTIC BAN CAMPAIGN 2019 Curtis Wetselaar

  2. Campaign Overview Single-use plastics have polluted the oceans, dirtied the streets, and caused a very long lasting scar upon the landscape. Tie goal of this campaign and this movement is to pressure the Canadian federal government to create legislation to restrict the manufacturing and sales of single use plastic items. Tie idea is to appeal to those who subscribe to the “Not in my backyard” philosophy. Tiis will be done by taking said phrase and turning it around to have a difgerent meaning. Tie meaning would be reworked to imply that you are willing to make personal sacrifjces in order to keep trash out of your backyard. Tiis campaign will be launched by a new organization made up of activists that have been recruited and will act under the NIMBY banner. Alongside this movement, a website will be launched called that will be advertised strategically to generate interest and draw people to the site. Tie website will feature a live twitter feed, a news page, an events page, and a dona- tion page so that people are able to support the movement. Tiis document will elaborate on the fjrst phase of NIMBY’s plans to limit plastic production in Canada, which is to start laying the foundation of a continuous move- ment, and legitimize the new organization in the public eye.

  3. Nimby Logo Tie NIMBY website’s logo will appear across all media the NIMBY organization puts out. Tie logo is designed to resemble a patch of grass with a trash bag.

  4. Billboards Billboards like the one shown below will appear strategically placed in areas where litter stands out such as alongside highways or near public parks. Tie idea behind this is readers will see these ads and empathize with them. Tie slogans appearing on the ads will be related to trash. Tie one shown below refers to plastic straws, which have been in the public eye for some time due to the ban imposed in California.

  5. Magazine Ads Magazine ads will appear in various consumer magazines to appeal to the people who most need to be appealed to, the indifgerent. Tiese ad will be similar to bill- board ads but will be in a portrait format instead of a landscape format.

  6. The Demonstration Tie end game of phase one of NIMBY’s movement is a mass demonstration. Tiis will take place once NIMBY has amassed a following of 100 000 people on the site and a good foundation with donations. Tie idea is to march to Parliament Hill with bags of trash while carrying signs saying “NIMBY.” Tie idea is to make Parliament Hill look unsightly and rally people to our cause. One thing that is important about this idea is that this protest will not be an isolated case. Tiis protest will be done yearly until Parliament eventually caves to public opinion and changes legislature.


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