planning and designing flexible learning

Planning and Designing Flexible Learning School of Business and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Planning and Designing Flexible Learning School of Business and Managements approach? 1. Some suggested design considerations? Inspiration Translating lectures and reading lists into flexible learning blocks Good practice DL MOOC design

  1. Planning and Designing Flexible Learning School of Business and Management’s approach?

  2. 1. Some suggested design considerations? Inspiration Translating lectures and reading lists into flexible learning blocks Good practice DL MOOC design Theory Conductor or DJ Full Service Issues to consider: Clarity on how and what students will learn – guided learning journey and desired outcome? Maintenance including updating of materials and links? Structure with modules as made up of ‘blocks’? Balance of consistency and flexibility - students know where to go and what to do, but with flexibility for different modules? Academic presence and visibility – not an online course? Interaction types , which parts will work best F2F with students, where can forums work well for students off-campus? Community development of hybrid on-off campus student learning experiences Supporting colleagues: Develop e-learning innovation teams, School-level knowledge exchange, timeframes to help structure, plan and build modules

  3. 2. How could blocks work? Translating lectures and reading lists into flexible learning blocks A L1+2 L3+4 L5+6 L7+8 L9+10 L11+12 L13+14 L15+16 L17+18 L19+20 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 B B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 C Something else… 10 hours 10 hours 10 hours 10 hours 10 hours ------  A1 -- --------- A2 5x theme blocks over 10 weeks for each module (15 credits) A 2 week block provides flexible student learning and reduces academic design workload 2 hour workshop every 2 weeks for more advanced work, building on blended learning Curriculum content blocks and formative assessments build into A1 & A2 Each 2 week block could consist of 10 ‘guided learning hours’ for consistency and to steer student journey - additional wider reading and scholarship activities will still be expected as per module specification

  4. 3. Instructional Design for Flexible Learning: Using the ADDIE Model A Framework for Planning Course Design Analyse: a needs analysis relative to the target learners Design: determining learning objectives and designing learning strategies Develop: constructing and delivering materials required Implement: constructing the learning process, launching the course Evaluate: Did students achieve what we wanted them to achieve?

  5. 4. Block Flexible Learning: template example The ADDIE Model in Practice Consider here a needs analysis relative to the target learners (2UG cohort, 400 students). It should include an assessment of th e content of learners’ knowledge, what they ANALYSE want to learn, and why they need to learn it. In addition, the analysis should include their learning characteristics, motivation, technology affordance, and learning goals. Title Block 1 THE MARKETING ENVIRONMENT Learning Outcome(s) Decide which learning outcomes you wish the student to meet for this Block. e.g. Select and appropriately use a variety of strategic marketing conceptual tools to adequately assess the marketing environment for an DESIGN organisation Introduction Decide how it would be most effective to start each Block. Short video/audio file introducing the block and laying out the flow of the learning journey and instruction on how to progress through the Block. Content Books, Videos, Podcasts, Case Studies and Journal Articles here. E -book available online from RHUL library Link to TALIS reading list for Block 1 Activity Design Learning Materials for the Block. Activity 1 – (warm-up) Activity 2 – (readings/viewing/listening) Activity 3 – (exploration) DEVELOP & Activity 4 – (group interaction) IMPLEMENT e.g. Based on your own research conducted in the previous activity and using your brand of choice, design two questions which you would like to pose to your peers about either the internal or external marketing environment. Enter these in to the OneNote Class Note Book. Answer one other student’s questions. Learning check & Think how you may check that the student learned and achieved the learning outcome(s) for the block. Also, allow the student to reflect on their summary/reinforcement own learning. Activity 5 – (reflection) e.g. Based on what you learned in this Block, consider the following 3 questions and compose a 100-word piece to answer them. Post on the Blog (in Moodle). Comment on at least two other blog entries. Assessment Evaluate whether the teaching and learning was effective. This can be evaluated through the assessment or through participation and engagement EVALUATE metrics. Could also run a short survey (Google Forms). e.g. Conduct Porter’s 5 Forces analysis for your chosen brand. Store this in your e -portfolio (Google sites) (You will need this to feed in to the summative assessment)

  6. 5. What could I add to blocks? Not fixed – a suggested guide for activities, avoid over reliance on some activities How do I get a balanced mix of activities without relying on some too much? School-level framework? Max and min: Brick Activity Type Why Pre-session reading Pre-learning support Welcome video - academic face Face of teaching team to provide academic presence Conclusion video - academic face Face of teaching team to provide academic presence Activities – n=x PPT slide narration - academic narration Bespoke SBM content Duration - e.g.. 0.5-1 hour Forum - student reflection Student engagement MCT quiz - set times to number of questions Student engagement - and attendance metric Avoid overuse of some activities Case study - student exercise, notes and questions Engagement with material e.g. all sources being long Panopto Journal paper - student exercise, notes and questions Engagement with material lectures Videos - student exercise Engagement with non-academic material Websites/news articles - exercises and notes Engagement with non-academic material Time planning for block activities? Other - exercises and notes - padlet etc Engagement with non-academic material Check they add to a consistent level Academic podcast - linked to notes and exercises Additional information of ‘guided learning hours’ Visiting guest speaker - pre-recorded or live Additional information

  7. 6. Will my current assessments still work? New style of teaching, may require new types of assessment Considerations: Detailed essay plan Fitting assessment workload to compressed term times MCTS Speedy A1 turnaround for early feedback to inform A2 Write a journal paper extended abstract Improving employability skills Reflective log Structured journal paper review Reduction in marking time Background notes Supporting BTEC students Press release Case study writing Short answer maths questions Short selfie video Podcast Is there a need for a new School/Dept tariff? Learning vlog Management executive summary Y1 Y2 L6 L7 5mins 10mins 15mins 15mins Newspaper article 500 words 750 words 1000 words 1000 words

  8. Questions?


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