on hardy s and caffarelli kohn nirenberg s inequalites

On Hardys and Caffarelli, Kohn, Nirenbergs inequalites. S eminaire - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

On Hardys and Caffarelli, Kohn, Nirenbergs inequalites. S eminaire EDP-Analyse de lInstitut Camille Jordan, Lyon, April 2019 Hoai-Minh Nguyen Ecole Polytechnique F ed erale de Lausanne EPFL, Switzerland joint with Marco

  1. On Hardy’s and Caffarelli, Kohn, Nirenberg’s inequalites. S´ eminaire EDP-Analyse de l’Institut Camille Jordan, Lyon, April 2019 Hoai-Minh Nguyen ´ Ecole Polytechnique F´ ed´ erale de Lausanne EPFL, Switzerland joint with Marco Squassina

  2. Outline 1 Known results related to Hardy’s and Caffarelli, Kohn, Nirenberg’s (CKN’s) inequalities 2 CKN’s inequalities for fractional Sobolev spaces 3 New perspectives of Hardy’s and CKN’s inequalities in Sobolev spaces.

  3. Section 1: Known results related to Hardy’s and CKN’s inequalities

  4. Hardy’s inequalities 1 For 1 � p < d , | u | p ˆ ˆ R d | ∇ u | p dx ∀ u ∈ C 1 c ( R d ) . | x | p dx � C R d 2 For p > d , | u | p ˆ ˆ R d | ∇ u | p dx c ( R d \ { 0 } ) . ∀ u ∈ C 1 | x | p dx � C R d 3 For p = d > 1, .... Standard proof is based on integration by parts.

  5. Hardy’s inequalities 1 For 1 � p < d , | u | p ˆ ˆ R d | ∇ u | p dx ∀ u ∈ C 1 c ( R d ) . | x | p dx � C R d 2 For p > d , | u | p ˆ ˆ R d | ∇ u | p dx c ( R d \ { 0 } ) . ∀ u ∈ C 1 | x | p dx � C R d 3 For p = d > 1, .... Standard proof is based on integration by parts.

  6. Hardy’s inequalities 1 For 1 � p < d , | u | p ˆ ˆ R d | ∇ u | p dx ∀ u ∈ C 1 c ( R d ) . | x | p dx � C R d 2 For p > d , | u | p ˆ ˆ R d | ∇ u | p dx c ( R d \ { 0 } ) . ∀ u ∈ C 1 | x | p dx � C R d 3 For p = d > 1, .... Standard proof is based on integration by parts.

  7. Hardy’s inequalities 1 For 1 � p < d , | u | p ˆ ˆ R d | ∇ u | p dx ∀ u ∈ C 1 c ( R d ) . | x | p dx � C R d 2 For p > d , | u | p ˆ ˆ R d | ∇ u | p dx c ( R d \ { 0 } ) . ∀ u ∈ C 1 | x | p dx � C R d 3 For p = d > 1, .... Standard proof is based on integration by parts.

  8. Caffarelli, Kohn, Nirenberg’s inequalities, CM 84 Let p � 1, q � 1, τ > 0, 0 < a � 1, α , β , γ ∈ R . One has L p ( R d ) � | x | β u � ( 1 − a ) � | x | γ u � L τ ( R d ) � C � | x | α ∇ u � a ∀ u ∈ C 1 c ( R d ) L q ( R d ) under the following conditions 1 � 1 p + α − 1 � 1 τ + γ q + β � � + ( 1 − a ) , d = a d d with γ = aσ + ( 1 − a ) β , τ + γ 1 d = 1 p + α − 1 � � 0 � α − σ and α − σ � 1 if , d and 1 1 1 τ + γ p + α q + β d , d , d > 0.

  9. Comments on the CKN inequality • This inequality is related to Gagliardo-Nirenberg’s inequality when α = β = γ = 0, Gagliardo RM 59, Nirenberg ASNSP 59. • A full story of Gagliardo-Nirenberg’s inequality for fractional Sobolev spaces is due to Brezis and Mironescu AIHP 18. • The proof of CKN’s inequality is based on Integration by parts and symmetrization in the case 0 � α − σ � 1. Interpolation & the application of the previous case when τ + γ α − σ > 1 and 1 d � = 1 p + α − 1 d • CKN’s inequality generalizes Hardy’s inequality when 1 < p < d .

  10. Comments on the CKN inequality • This inequality is related to Gagliardo-Nirenberg’s inequality when α = β = γ = 0, Gagliardo RM 59, Nirenberg ASNSP 59. • A full story of Gagliardo-Nirenberg’s inequality for fractional Sobolev spaces is due to Brezis and Mironescu AIHP 18. • The proof of CKN’s inequality is based on Integration by parts and symmetrization in the case 0 � α − σ � 1. Interpolation & the application of the previous case when τ + γ α − σ > 1 and 1 d � = 1 p + α − 1 d • CKN’s inequality generalizes Hardy’s inequality when 1 < p < d .

  11. Comments on the CKN inequality • This inequality is related to Gagliardo-Nirenberg’s inequality when α = β = γ = 0, Gagliardo RM 59, Nirenberg ASNSP 59. • A full story of Gagliardo-Nirenberg’s inequality for fractional Sobolev spaces is due to Brezis and Mironescu AIHP 18. • The proof of CKN’s inequality is based on Integration by parts and symmetrization in the case 0 � α − σ � 1. Interpolation & the application of the previous case when τ + γ α − σ > 1 and 1 d � = 1 p + α − 1 d • CKN’s inequality generalizes Hardy’s inequality when 1 < p < d .

  12. Comments on the CKN inequality • This inequality is related to Gagliardo-Nirenberg’s inequality when α = β = γ = 0, Gagliardo RM 59, Nirenberg ASNSP 59. • A full story of Gagliardo-Nirenberg’s inequality for fractional Sobolev spaces is due to Brezis and Mironescu AIHP 18. • The proof of CKN’s inequality is based on Integration by parts and symmetrization in the case 0 � α − σ � 1. Interpolation & the application of the previous case when τ + γ α − σ > 1 and 1 d � = 1 p + α − 1 d • CKN’s inequality generalizes Hardy’s inequality when 1 < p < d .

  13. Comments on the CKN inequality • This inequality is related to Gagliardo-Nirenberg’s inequality when α = β = γ = 0, Gagliardo RM 59, Nirenberg ASNSP 59. • A full story of Gagliardo-Nirenberg’s inequality for fractional Sobolev spaces is due to Brezis and Mironescu AIHP 18. • The proof of CKN’s inequality is based on Integration by parts and symmetrization in the case 0 � α − σ � 1. Interpolation & the application of the previous case when τ + γ α − σ > 1 and 1 d � = 1 p + α − 1 d • CKN’s inequality generalizes Hardy’s inequality when 1 < p < d .

  14. Comments on the CKN inequality • This inequality is related to Gagliardo-Nirenberg’s inequality when α = β = γ = 0, Gagliardo RM 59, Nirenberg ASNSP 59. • A full story of Gagliardo-Nirenberg’s inequality for fractional Sobolev spaces is due to Brezis and Mironescu AIHP 18. • The proof of CKN’s inequality is based on Integration by parts and symmetrization in the case 0 � α − σ � 1. Interpolation & the application of the previous case when τ + γ α − σ > 1 and 1 d � = 1 p + α − 1 d • CKN’s inequality generalizes Hardy’s inequality when 1 < p < d .

  15. Section 2: CKN’s inequality for fractional Sobolev spaces

  16. CKN’s inequality for fractional Sobolev spaces • Goals : extending CKN’s inequality for fractional Sobolev spaces and searching for variants of Hardy’s inequality when p > d . Recall | u ( x ) − u ( y ) | p ˆ ˆ | u | p dx dy for u ∈ L p ( R d ) . W s , p := | x − y | d + sp R d R d • Known results: (Hardy’s type-inequalities): Mazya & Shaposhnikova JFA 02 (harmonic analysis, extension technique), Frank & Seiringer JFA 08 (ground state representation formula): a = 1, τ = p , α = 0 and γ = − s . Abdellaoui & Bentifour JFA 17 (Picone’s inequality): a = 1, τ = pd/ ( d − sp ) , −( d − sp ) /p < α = γ < 0, and 1 < p < d/s . Sharp constant and the remainder are considered by Frank & Seiringer and Abdellaoui & Bentifour. • Notation: αp αp 2 | y | 2 | u ( x ) − u ( y ) | p ˆ ˆ | x | | u | p W s , p , α ( R d ) = dx dy . | x − y | d + sp R d R d

  17. CKN’s inequality for fractional Sobolev spaces • Goals : extending CKN’s inequality for fractional Sobolev spaces and searching for variants of Hardy’s inequality when p > d . Recall | u ( x ) − u ( y ) | p ˆ ˆ | u | p dx dy for u ∈ L p ( R d ) . W s , p := | x − y | d + sp R d R d • Known results: (Hardy’s type-inequalities): Mazya & Shaposhnikova JFA 02 (harmonic analysis, extension technique), Frank & Seiringer JFA 08 (ground state representation formula): a = 1, τ = p , α = 0 and γ = − s . Abdellaoui & Bentifour JFA 17 (Picone’s inequality): a = 1, τ = pd/ ( d − sp ) , −( d − sp ) /p < α = γ < 0, and 1 < p < d/s . Sharp constant and the remainder are considered by Frank & Seiringer and Abdellaoui & Bentifour. • Notation: αp αp 2 | y | 2 | u ( x ) − u ( y ) | p ˆ ˆ | x | | u | p W s , p , α ( R d ) = dx dy . | x − y | d + sp R d R d

  18. CKN’s inequality for fractional Sobolev spaces • Goals : extending CKN’s inequality for fractional Sobolev spaces and searching for variants of Hardy’s inequality when p > d . Recall | u ( x ) − u ( y ) | p ˆ ˆ | u | p dx dy for u ∈ L p ( R d ) . W s , p := | x − y | d + sp R d R d • Known results: (Hardy’s type-inequalities): Mazya & Shaposhnikova JFA 02 (harmonic analysis, extension technique), Frank & Seiringer JFA 08 (ground state representation formula): a = 1, τ = p , α = 0 and γ = − s . Abdellaoui & Bentifour JFA 17 (Picone’s inequality): a = 1, τ = pd/ ( d − sp ) , −( d − sp ) /p < α = γ < 0, and 1 < p < d/s . Sharp constant and the remainder are considered by Frank & Seiringer and Abdellaoui & Bentifour. • Notation: αp αp 2 | y | 2 | u ( x ) − u ( y ) | p ˆ ˆ | x | | u | p W s , p , α ( R d ) = dx dy . | x − y | d + sp R d R d


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