nocccd board of trustees

NOCCCD Board of Trustees EFMP Update Tuesday, January 28, 2020 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

NOCCCD Board of Trustees EFMP Update Tuesday, January 28, 2020 Educational & Facilities Master Plan TIMELINE OVERVIEW January February March April May June 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 4 11 18 25

  1. NOCCCD Board of Trustees EFMP Update Tuesday, January 28, 2020

  2. Educational & Facilities Master Plan TIMELINE OVERVIEW January February March April May June 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 ENGAGEMENT VISION & DATA GATHERING Steering Committee Meeting #4 Campus Meetings & Forums CAMPUS MEETINGS & FORUMS DCC Update BOT Update MASTER PLAN DEVELOPMENT EFMP Team Deliverable Development DELIVERABLE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW & APPROVALS Steering Committee Meeting #5 DCC Update Campus Meetings & Forums CAMPUS MEETINGS & FORUMS Steering Committee Meeting #6 REVIEW / INPUT / APPROVALS DCC First Reading DCC Second Reading BOT Update of Project Objectives Steering Committee Meeting #7 BOT First Reading BOT Second Reading Steering Committee Campus Meetings & Forums Period Review / Input / Approval Period DCC BOT N O C C C D E F M P 2

  3. Who We’ve Met CYPRESS COLLEGE NOCE FULLERTON COLLEGE Academic Senate (25) Academic Senate (20) Faculty Senate (25) Expanded President’s Cabinet (12) Provost’s Cabinet (10) President’s Advisory Council (20) Facilities Team Meeting (3) Management Team (12) President’s Staff (10) Associated Students (18) Adjunct Faculty Training (60) Facilities Team Meeting (4) Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (11) CAEP (11) Student Equity Walk Group (3) President’s Advisory Council (14) Equity Committee (9) Guided Pathways (35) Guided Pathways (10) Disability Support Services (4) Curriculum Committee (8) Curriculum Committee (15) Deans Meeting (12) Associated Students (5) DISTRICT WIDE Manager’s Retreat (70) Board of Trustees Presentation (66) District Consultation Council (18) Educational Services & Technology (8) Chancellor’s Staff (12) Measure J Facilities Team Meeting (7) Open Forums (450) Over 987 Total In-Person Participants 3 N O C C C D E F M P

  4. Campus Forums 4 N O C C C D E F M P

  5. Final Survey Participation Alumni/ Community Student Survey Employee Survey Survey Cypress College 1,674 183 Fullerton College 2,236 285 NOCE 835 111 District Services 22 Another College / Other 46 8 Total Participation 4,791 609 368 Overall Participation 5,768 October 24, 2019 Survey Close Date 5 N O C C C D E F M P


  7. Educational & Facilities Master Plan STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS PROGRESS N O C C C D E F M P 7

  8. Educational & Facilities Master Plan SUMMARY OF FIVE STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS 1 Student Experience & Success: NOCCCD will provide comprehensive support, equitable opportunities, and clear pathways to ensure achievement of student education and career goals. 2 Employee Experience: NOCCCD will provide an inclusive, equitable, and welcoming environment to support the well-being and professional growth of all employees. Stewardship of Resources: NOCCCD will promote a shared vision of responsible 3 stewardship of District resources through transparent and inclusive decision making and integrated planning. 4 Collective Impacts & Partnerships: NOCCCD will develop and sustain collaborative projects and partnerships with educational institutions, civic organizations, and businesses to maximize collective impact in support of our educational goals. 5 Physical Environment: NOCCCD will be a leader in creating accessible and sustainable facilities that support student and employee success. N O C C C D E F M P 8

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